
เนื้อเพลงตอนจบ Version Taiwan...

...เนื้อเพลงตอนจบของเรื่อง "ตำนานจอมกษัตริย์เทพสวรรค์" ตามที่มีเพื่อนสมาชิกเรียกร้องมาว่าอยากได้หนักหนา...เราก็ค้นมาให้และโชคดีที่มีเพื่อนชาวต่างชาติมาช่วยแปลให้อีกนะคะ ต้องขอบคุณ Baesister in Taiwan...ที่อุตส่าห์ทำให้ ส่วนเนื้อหาที่จะแปลเป็นภาษาไทยพรุ่งนี้จะกลับมาแปลให้อีทีนะคะ ...เพราะตอนนี้ก็ 4.00 น. ของวันวิสาขบูชาแล้ว...ขออำลาไปพักผ่อนก่อนแล้วกันค่ะ



yu zhou hong huang na shi hou

When the universe is flooded  


di yi ju ai shi shui shuo chu kou

Who will the be first to say a sentence of love  

當時的他 如何形容

dang shi de ta ru he xing rong

The person at that time will they need to be described  

對方 聽懂不懂

dui fang ting dong bu dong

The person receiving will they understand


kai tian pi di le yi hou

After the sky and earth has opened up  


di yi dui lian ren shen me jie guo

What is the result of the first pair of lovers  

洞穴湖泊 日升月落

dong xue hu po ri sheng yue luo

Caves and rivers the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon  

他們 愛了多久

ta men ai le duo jiu

How long have they loved each other  


ruo guo wo men na shi hou jiu xiang yu

If at that time, we meet  


hui bu hui ai de bi jiao fang xin

Would we have loved in a more relaxed way

合:也許分離 還没被發明 來折磨愛情

ye xu fen li hai mei bei fa ming

Maybe to be separated was still not invented yet


yi qian ci lun hui dou bu cuo guo

A thousand times reincarnation would not go amiss


yi wan li xiang sui dou be fang shou

Ten thousand times would not let go

合:在每個盡頭 再約好碰頭

zai mei ge jin tou zai yue hao peng tou

At every end will arrange to meet   

再睜開眼 就認出你我

zai zheng kai yan jiu ren chu ni wo

Open your eyes again and recognise me and you


yi qian ci lun hui zu bu zu gou

A thousand times of reincarnation is it enough


yi wan li piao bo you suan shen me

What does ten thousand times of drifting mean

合:這人海遼闊 愛總被磋跎

zhe ren mei liao kuo ai zong bei cuo tuo

This person who is so vast love is always being hindered  

總該 留一篇傳說

zong gai liu yi pian chuan shuo

Should always leave a passage of legend

合:我会尽我全力 抵抗时间的侵袭

wo hui jing wo quan li di kang shi jian de qin xiI

will try my very best to resist time’s invasion

不停的爱你 HOHO......

bu ting de ai niI

will not stop loving you


yi qian ci lun hui dou bu cuo guo

A thousand times reincarnation would not go amiss


yi wan li xiang sui dou be fang shou

Ten thousand times would not let go

合:在每個盡頭 再約好碰頭

zai mei ge jin tou zai yue hao peng tou

At every end will arrange to meet   

再睜開眼 就認出你我

zai zheng kai yan jiu ren chu ni wo

Open your eyes again and recognise me and you


yi qian ci lun hui zu bu zu gou

A thousand times of reincarnation is it enough


yi wan li piao bo you suan shen me

What does ten thousand times of drifting mean

合:這人海遼闊 愛總被磋跎

zhe ren mei liao kuo ai zong bei cuo tuo

This person who is so vast love is always being hindered  

總該 留一篇傳說

zong gai liu yi pian chuan shuo

Should always leave a passage of legend

女:OH 还好我有你

Oh hai hao wo you ni

It’s a good thing I still have you


xin hao ni you wo

Thank goodness you still have me


yi qi xie yi pian chuan shuo

Let’s write a legend together


the girl's phrase: when the world just began, how did they express their love, do the other party understands?
the guy's phrase: when the world just began, how did the first couple last? If we met earlier would we worry less about our relationship?
duo phrase: break ups may not have happen then to torture our love.
chorus:no matter where we are, we will not forget one another. our love can withstand even if we are thousand miles away. lets make a legend for our love.

its direct translation...i think thats the meaning... something about everlasting love...

Tomorrow I go back for teranslate to Thai Langauge...BYe..Have a nice day!

Baesister in Taiwan : Translated from Chiness to Eng.

Roytavan : Translated to Thai


  1. ขอบคุณมากๆเลยนะคะ ถูกใจมากๆเลย

  2. ขอบคุณมากๆเลยนะคะ หามานานกว่าจะเจอ


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