
[Article] JKS leave message in his official website

Hanyang Festival has wrapped up successfully (I think^^) with very exhausted JKS. Behind every successful should have many sufferings, many efforts and JKS is no exception. He had told some interesting story of this event in his website.

If you’re official member, you can read his writing here


or English version by one of Cri-J, Muse, http://www.jangkeunsuk.co.kr/fanclub/fanclub_content.asp?no=16519&lno=15039&intpage=1&retGubun=&keyword=

or my Thai Translation at http://ladymoon29.blogspot.com/2010/05/message-from-keun-suk-60-05222010.html

What I’d like to said here is he had done a great job. Put his all effort in this event and never give up. I’m glad to see that he grown up to be a responsible man. Someone may think he’s too stubborn and make himself into trouble all the time. But for me, this is JKS who never changed. I can say that today JKS has grown up from a young boy to be a man that I can proud of.

But he still has a long way to go to be a great man. To be a good idol who can lead his fans. Most of his fans are youngsters, so he should leads them to the right track. It’s natural if they go out of track sometimes, so it’s his mission to lead them. Sounds tough and “nothing I can do” mission. But I believe in him. JKS can do anything in this world, don’t you? I put my faith in you now!!! (Not pressure at all ^^ )

Cheer up & fighting, JKS !!! (I hope your foot will better soon. You shouldn’t dance too much…haha)

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