
[Story Review] Dream High - Ep.1

[Story Review] Dream High - Ep.1
Posted on January 3rd, 2011
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/

The story is not as complicated as I expected, but good lord there are a lot of people in this drama. I watched the whole episode and didnt learn one character name.
I had to cheat and look them up after the episode ended and change their names from “girl in glasses” and “girl in red”-which took forever.
Suzy-Hye Mi:HM
Ham Eun Jung-Baek Hee: BH
Taecyeon-Jin Guk: JG
jung ha myung: BYJ (sorry but I already wrote BYJ so I kept it)

Dream High Episode - 1.

There is a news report about “K” how he is at the grammy awards show
the year on the screen says 2018
there is BTS concert footage througout this voiceover and constant shots of a “K” emblem
BYJ is being interviewed about “K” and he is given a group shot and he says “K” took it 8 yrs ago
reporter: did you know he was going to become a world star-that he would be good enough to win a grammy later
BYJ: I didnt make “K”
reporter: K said in a CNN interview that you gave him his break shot
BYJ asks you know what a break shot is right?
reporter narrates about the break shot- when you play pool, it is the opening shot when the cue hits the other balls.
BYJ: with that shot the game starts. what is unusual about a breaks shot is even if you hit it with the same strength same angle the balls spread in different directions.
you dont guess where those balls will meet and where it will go
HM is performing on stage with the opera singer and BM is snapping shots of it -irritating the people around her
BYJ: the second you hit the break shot the game is out of your hands and it is a war between the balls
[In this metaphor the balls are the kids- not quite sure if he is the cue or the school though]

There is a shot of KHJ walking and on his bag there is the “K” emblem hanging from it
BYJ comes out of baggage claim and
Kim hyun joon is at the airport being interviewed
he says he is doesnt have a script that caught his attention yet but if a good script comes in he’ll sign on/participate?he talks about his new album and when it will come out and he spots BYJ and walks over to him
KHJ: what are you doing here? i heard you were in China
BYJ: we were on the same flight but you didnt know huh?
KHJ: really? you should have told me sooner
ah-were you waiting to see me?
their conversation shot ends up on the news

HM and BH are friends. BH tags along and sort of looks up to her friend cuz she has always been first place for everything. HM even got to perform with that world renown Korean opera singer who has a cameo as her teacher. in the opening scene they walk by the performing art school Kirin ( which i think is the name of a beer isnt it? sorry anyway) and HM makes fun of the school calling it all these unflattering names. HM is suppose to go to Juilliard so she is looking down at Kirin. On the way, a celebrity car passes and a crowd of fans makes her drop her wallet but she doesnt know it. Some guy picks it up and likes the photo of her and the opera singer and keeps the pic. JG comes along and sees his friend with the wallet and the girl who dropped it and offers to return it himself.

Later HM gets cornered by some debt collectors and JG comes along and comes to her rescue. He throws her back her wallet and continues fighting the bad guys for a few more scenes. Once she gets away she notices her pic is missing so she starts to follow JG. As he runs into the subway car, just as the door closes, he ends up running smack into HM so they have a scarlet ohara moment where she is leaning back and he is holding her so that they look like they are doing the dip part of the tango. (this is the part where I mentally checked out of this drama btw-too cheesy)
anyway she follows him to his place and gets her pic back from the guy who took it. she had been without her shoes this whole time cuz she used one to throw at the head of one of the guys chasing after JG and no clue where she lost the other one. JG gives her his own sneakers to wear home but she throws it at his head saying it smells and it ruins her image.

she goes home wearing boxes for shoes and the debt collectors are there and she worries about her younger sister. but her sister is safe and eating bread the men gave her. they told the sister to give HM their business card and to call when the dad returns. HM is well off but her mom has passed away and her father’s business failed so now he is on the run. He calls his daughters and says he is going to Canada for a while – I think he said a month or two. In the meantime he wants his daughters to go stay with someone. When HM hears the name she cant believe it and yells at her dad -that she will never stay with that guy and hangs up on her father.
she does call him in the middle of a meeting he is in (he works for BJY) and meets up with him. (she does a running kick when he gets out of his car and the camera made it look like she was going to kick him, but she kicks his side mirror instead and it comes off) She hates this guy that much. He meets HM and he cant believe she would contact him. she makes him pay for a lot of food and tells him why she called. this guy owes her family big time cuz he messed with her innocent mom, had an affair with her mom, and caused her parents divorce. She tells him how her dad told her to contact him so that she can live with him with her sister till her dad comes back. He acts like he is going to go along with it but when he pulls his car up to pick her up after the meal, he drives off.

the main debt collector guy picks up HM at her school as she is walking out with BH. BH assumes the guy is HM’s new driver so HM plays along with it cuz she doesnt want to tell BH the truth about what is going on in her life. the guy drives her to his office and offers/ forces a deal. he did some background check on her and it turns out she has lots of talents so he wants to capitalize on that. he wants her to enter Kirin and become a celebrity so he can take part of the money she earns once she makes it as a singer. he makes her sign a contract, but she asks what if I dont? and he says then we will have to use your younger sister then. So she ends up auditioning to get into Kirin with her friend BH. At first BH is surprised that HM is not going to Juilliard, but is happy for the chance to go to school with HM.
some of the in between parts was a bit fuzzy

I paid more attention towards the end.
JG and the rest of this cast for this drama is there to audition so they get to see the video footage of each audition.
the two friends audition together singing and afterwards, BYJ says only one can make it. BH says if both of us cant be chosen, then we both dont want to be chosen cuz we promised to do this together. BYJ asks BH what if you are chosen, she remains loyal and says then she doesnt want to pass without her friend and that they promised to go till the end together. HM says no we didnt -that is just what she thought on her own - it’s not what I want. I dont want to go with her. BH reminds her they promised to go together till the end but HM says when did I promise that? I dont want to. BH tries to hold her hand but HM takes her hand away. HM goes on about how she wants to remain.BYJ tells her she is mistaken cuz she wasnt the one chosen- he chose BH.

HM is mad and demands to know if he knows music at all cuz he cant spot talent. she calls him an “ahjussi” and says he isnt doing his job well. BYJ doesnt let her get dragged away cuz he is amused by her so he lets her continue her rant. HM points out all the mistakes BH made while singing and asks if he even noticed that. HM argues that BH just tagged along and isnt as good as HM – that BH is nothing-that HM is first and BH is [not sure if she said last or third]

BYJ decides to give them another final test. They have to guess what he is playing on the piano. he mixed up two songs and he tells what one of them is so they have to guess the second one. HM gets it wrong and BH gets it right. it was tricky cuz he mixed a normal song with a trot twist and HM complains about it.

BYJ narrates about the break shot and applies it to the real world as we see her furniture being taken away. {it sounded good but I dont know all the words to make sense out of it}
he ends his narration saying if I could go back to then, I want to tell them (performing arts kids) this: the game started so dont be afraid and have fun.
in the last scene, HM starts to walk away but goes back and gets on her knees and asks BYJ
” please save me”
preview for tm
JYP cameos next
Kim Soo Hyun comes out finally so I will be paying more attention

-------------end ep.1 -------------------

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