...Hallyu began roughly 12 years ago when the rest of Asia discovered Korean soap operas. One of the breakthrough dramas was a series 'Winter Sonata' starring Choi Ji-woo & Bae Young-Joon. After that, more Korean dramas saw their way to foreign shores and Korean films and music started to follow suit. Korean marketing people started to see a Korea-centric trend. They dubbed this flow "The Korean Wave" or Hallyu....
[News] Kim Joon reveals still cuts of his character on “Homicide Divsion”.
[News] Kim Joon reveals still cuts of his character on “Homicide Divsion”.
Cr. - allkpop
KBS 2TV’s upcoming drama, “Homicide Division”, have revealed still cuts of T-Max’s Kim Joon!
Kim Joon plays the role of the Homicide Division’s maknae investigator, ‘Shin Dong Jin,’ who has a smart head but an odd tendency to run away from crime scenes that involve corpses or blood. Although he seems quite average, his hilarious and unpredictable character is expected to give the drama some comedic relief.
The idol introduced his character by expressing, “‘Shin Dong Jin’ is smart, but he also comes from a wealthy family so he looks as if he’d lack nothing. He actually has a lot of fear and a habit of fainting, so he’s a fun character overall. One of his biggest charms is his ability to make others laugh, even in serious situations.”
The drama will begin airing on March 7th.
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