
[News] Rumors abound for Kim Bum’s return to dramaland.

[News] Rumors abound for Kim Bum’s return to dramaland.
Cr. - javabeans

There was a bit of a dust-up early this morning about everybody’s favorite man-boy cutie pie Kim Bum (The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, Boys Before Flowers) possibly returning to dramaland, not just as a drama hero, but as an outright sword-wielding hero-hero.

There were reports confirming that he’s been in martial arts training to take on the lead in SBS’ upcoming adaptation of the manhwa Honorable Baek Dong-soo [야뇌 백동수]. But then those stories were promptly pulled, and now there’s back-peddling afoot that he’s only “considering the role among many other offers.”

Boo. I originally had a chorus cued and ready to go, but then I had to tell them to pack it up and come back when reports were more conclusive. Such is the world of internet news, y’all. My source article literally disappeared into the wind by the time I’d written my story. Is it a metaphor for my life? Or have I just not had enough coffee?

Well, regardless of casting, the drama will be a fusion-sageuk manhwa remake, so expect something like Sungkyunkwan-meets-Return of Iljimae (in my hopeful version, of course). Who knows what reality will bring. I’m not in charge of those things, but I’m in a hopeful mood today, so I’m going with Forecast: Cheesy…But Awesome.

The titular hero Baek Dong-soo is a character based on a real person who made a martial arts guide during the Joseon era, in the reign of King Jeongjo. The fictional story takes off in the mystery/conspiracy of Crown Prince Sado, as almost all heroic sageuks set in Jeongjo’s reign do, even if tangentially.

Honorable Baek Dong-soo plans to air on SBS in July. Something tells me that Bummie can rock a mane of glory. *tries not to get hopes unreasonably high*

Can I call the chorus back yet?

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