...Hallyu began roughly 12 years ago when the rest of Asia discovered Korean soap operas. One of the breakthrough dramas was a series 'Winter Sonata' starring Choi Ji-woo & Bae Young-Joon. After that, more Korean dramas saw their way to foreign shores and Korean films and music started to follow suit. Korean marketing people started to see a Korea-centric trend. They dubbed this flow "The Korean Wave" or Hallyu....
[News] Sung Yuri transforms into a maid for Romance Town.
[News] Sung Yuri transforms into a maid for Romance Town.
Cr. - javabeans
Sung Yuri’s new drama Maids in my head, but I’ll have to get used to referring to it by its new title, the (sigh) rather lackluster Romance Town. (Some commenters suggested that perhaps the title sounds better by its Korean name, but alas, I can say that it does not, given that the Korean title is just a transliteration of the English: “ro-men-su-tah-woon.” So, if anything, it’s worse.)
The drama began filming on April 6, just a month before its May premiere on KBS. The scenes pictured below were filmed at a house in Yongin, which will be the ritzy home where Sung Yuri’s plucky everywoman character, Noh Soon-geum, works in the drama.
I’m not sure yet how the baby fits in, since she’s going to be working for her chaebol love interest Jung Kyeo-woon, and somehow I’m not seeing hot single dad as part of his character. Not that he couldn’t be one, but this is not that drama. Nor is it Manny.
Above is our first peek at the drama’s potential future promo image, as it comes from the April 6 poster shoot. It’s pretty clear that the two boys are rich and possibly uppity, while Sung is the maid caught between them, literally and figuratively. But why is Min Hyo-rin in a cocktail dress when she’s also a maid? And why are they all drinking wine, at a picnic together, dressed in partywear? Only time will tell.
PD Kim Jin-won (one of two PDs; the other, Hwang Eui-kyung, also directed Partner) described Sung’s role as a lively, natural one that’ll show a hitherto-unseen brightness and energy to the actress. Though I haven’t liked many of her previous roles, I hope that’s true, since she was most winning being upbeat (and, okay, slightly dim) in Hong Gil Dong. She’s due for another cheery drama, right?
Romance Town premieres on May 11.
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