...Hallyu began roughly 12 years ago when the rest of Asia discovered Korean soap operas. One of the breakthrough dramas was a series 'Winter Sonata' starring Choi Ji-woo & Bae Young-Joon. After that, more Korean dramas saw their way to foreign shores and Korean films and music started to follow suit. Korean marketing people started to see a Korea-centric trend. They dubbed this flow "The Korean Wave" or Hallyu....
[News] Moon Geung-young To Study In New York.
[News] Moon Geung-young To Study In New York.
Cr. - http://english.kbs.co.kr/
Moon Geun-young will taking language studies in the United States.
According to a source currently living in the US, Moon has enrolled in one of the representative language academies in New York. Moon has been in the state since September when she announced that she would take two months off for travel purposes. She has been alone in New York ever since.
However, her choice of state wasn't originally for language purposes, but because she knew friends and family there.
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