
[Photo & News] SMAP Kicks Off its 20th Anniversary Tour in Beijing.

[Photo & News] SMAP Kicks Off its 20th Anniversary Tour in Beijing.
Cr. - ockoala

Didja all know 2011 is the 20th anniversary of SMAP? I sure didn’t. Somehow it seems like the boys-to-men have been around much longer than that. But in boyband age, especially in Asian boyband age, it might as well be a centennial in terms of it’s significance. If they play their cards right, they can very well be the Rolling Stones of Asia.

To kick off their 20th Anniversary pan-Asian concert tour, SMAP purposely picked Beijing to be their kick-off city. The concert was held on Friday to hordes of happy Chinese fans eager to see a great show. KimuTaku and co. apparently made quite a great impression at the press tour, and performed three Chinese songs. LOL, that’ll be interesting to hear.

As their surprise guest, SMAP conjured up top model Lin Chi Ling from a box and she proceeded to shimmy and shake alongside the group. Anything for her Moon Lover, nee?

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