
[News] Andy lau prepares a script to fulfill his director dream.

[News] Andy lau prepares a script to fulfill his director dream.
Cr. - http://tvbanimeonline.com/

Winning multiple international awards, the film A SIMPLE LIFE (TOH JEH) since its March 8 release has performed ideally at the box office. Its opening box office was 3.1 million. As for noon yesterday it accumulated 6.2 million. Wa Jai and Deanie Ip Tak Han were still busy with the film promotion. Lau Tak Wa even turned the film's production process into a new book titled MY 30 WORK DAYS: A SIMPLE LIFE PRODUCTION DIARY.

Two days ago Wa Jai attended a book signing in Taiwan. When the news of Wa Jai's Taiwan visit went out, Wa Jai fans immediately rushed to buy the new book and the publisher had to print another edition in an emergency. Since last Tuesday's advanced sales to its official release, another edition was needed in ten short days. The book signing was originally slated for 300 fans, but due to the overwhelming advanced sales the number increased in the last minute to 500 fans.

Lau Tak Wa said that he has always had a dream to direct, he has already prepared a script. Wa Jai pointed out that when he joined the television actor training class he originally wanted to study screen writing and directing, but under the instructor's encouragement he stumbled his way into becoming an actor. However his dream to direct remained in his heart.

He pointed out that a year ago he originally wanted to make his film but he ran into Ann Hui On Wa, so he made A SIMPLE LIFE. He also said that Taiwan film development was thriving. After seeing Doze Niu Chen-Zer and Jay Chou (Chow Kit Lun)'s work as directors he thought they were amazing. He too had to work hard on catching up.

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