
Migration at Oksaka on June,1 From moichan.

49823 YJ' Family 's Migration at Oksaka on June,1 moichan 13:9:39 62

Dear Yong Joon and family,

How are you ?
I came home yesterday to stay one more day near Osaka.
Let me share my quick,personal feedback on the big event.

Dear Yong Joon,

Thank you very much for taking us back to the gorgeous TSG world.
We were so happy to see you in good shape after nearly three years.
Now you are greatly relieved at its big success with no accidents,aren't you ?
Despite your hectic days,please take even one day off for yourself
to enjoy Tokyo day.

Dear family,

From the north and the south across the nation ,even across the ocean
YJ's fans flocked at Osaka which has unique culture in the dialect, sense of humor
and foods etc...
It was a perfact day for such a festive,big event.

The three-hour event packed with the re-enact of the battle scene in the drama,
the orchesral music of TSG and Q&A session, a parade in cars was really a marverous TSG show.
It felt like dreaming when the cast showed up on the stage in their costumes.
We gave them a big hand with our whole heart whle many fans were waving a pen light.

Here are some interesting comments and incidents I'd like to share with you all.
When YJ's name was called for the interview,we called him''Pe-ha'',which surprisd him much.
He said,'' After the third serious injuries,I thought of nothing but devoting myself to the work,
which I guess ment coincidentally '' Even I die,I''ll carry out mission to the end.''
He added he had kept his hair long until I could meet you and I came to know how troubesome
it is to take care of long hair like women.
The costume designer present said he made 15 costumes for TD only.The mot heavy armor
weighs nearly 20 KG.
Wasn't it good news he was thinking of starring in the next project based on a comic ?
Probably,'' The Drops of God ''

It was amazing E Ji ha spoke good Japanese,better than YJ.(Sorry,YJ)
She did seem to be quick and good at evrything.No wonder she did a good job as a new face.
Really promising actress !

Moon Sori looked slender,younger with short hair.She said,'' Kiha was a hard role to play.Besides,
I went through the hard time to star in a sports movie at the same time while shooting TWS.''
She was smart enough to promote her coming movie implicitly.

Lee Philip who was rather quiet and shy said,'' Please support me '' in Japanese.
He really looked a well-bred guy.

Pak Sonun was honest,natural,full of vigor and looked happy having a girlfriend,Dalbee now.
He gave us friendly impression.

What surprised and pleased us was Hyongo's solo dance performance to the music,
''Try to remember,the time is September♪♪♪♪...'' Can you imagine him dancing elegantly
on the stage ? what a transformation ! Actually he acted a dance teacher in his work.
When he started to talk, he often uttered ''Ah !'' just as Hyongo,which seemed his habbit.
The climax was a slow parade of all cast riding in two stage cars moving inside the arena to come closer to us
as much as possible.It was a very warm,sincere and thoughtful credits offered by the orgarnizers.
We shouted,''Yon-sama,look to us.Turn to us !!'' If non- fans saw the scene,we totally seemed crazy.

In short,TSG was a product of sweat,blood ? persistance accomplished by the team work.
Kim PD said,'' YJ and I were on the verge of giving up once,standing on the edge of a cliff.''

I was too far from him to see his facial expressions.But he looked so gorgeous with no doubt.
I came home quite satisfied to have shared the time and space with the the cast enjoying
the warm atmosphere to the fullest.

I would be too honest.
I wonder if there was other way to complete TSG without costing YJ too much physically.
I'm sorry his injuries still are casting a shadow in his acting career.

Last but not least,
DearYong Joon,take a good rest for the full recovery.
We will be waiting for your next work patiently as always.
Thank you again for coming to Japan and the wonderful experience for us !!

All the best,

Thanks for your info ...

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