
Salut D’Amour - Episode 5

The next scene leaps onto a 360 degree turn which ends with a book on a tree. Hee-dong was practicing his dance steps, while Fengguan and Yong-min looked on.

Hee-dong pointed at Hae-yung, who was walking with the student leader. The friends commented on his looks, and an upset Yong-min told the friends to leave the place.

Hae-yung sat down on the bench with the student leader, and invited her to watch a movie. Meanwhile, Meina came over to talk about her feelings with the student leader, and borrowing the water heater from another friend (as theirs were spoilt).

Yong-min visited the professor in his office, and the student leader (Jingguan) was seen talking with him. He told Yong-min to buy some coffee. The professor suggested Jingguan and Yong-min to find a job. (In this scene, Jingguan patted Yong-min on his shoulder).

Hae-yung talked to Yong-min near the library and invited Yong-min for dinner. Yong-min claimed that he was not free, and talked about the report that they have to hand in.

Yong-min visited Hae-yung while conducting lessons. He made a joke that there was an insect on her nose while they talked.

Meanwhile, Renyu met Tongnam carrying stacks of newsletters along the stairs. He offered to help her, and commented that he did not like girls with muscular arms. Yong-min came over at this moment and dumped all the newsletter on his arms. Renyu carried it to the office while Yong-min chatted with Tongnam.

Hae-yung was dancing as she swept the room in her class, but was overseen by Jingguan. He treated her to dinner, but she said that she had a date with Yong-min and would call him on the phone.

Yong-min decided to meet Hae-yung at the campus pond. At length, Yong-min decided to pass up his book project to the professor, but was held back for a long time. Hae-yung waited, but Yong-min did not turn up. As he handed up the project, he found something wrong and told that he had to call the publisher later. Meanwhile, he said that he would go out and "buy something".

Hae-yung waited for Yong-min while she met Renyu coming out. Renyu claimed that he might have seen Yong-min with Tongnam in the library, but he was not sure. Renyu suggested Hae-yung to wait a little while longer.

Yong-min waited, and found out that the professor would leave for an hour or so. He excused himself through the professor's clerk, and rushed off to catch the bus. Yong-min could not wait any longer and was forced to run to his destination. Meanwhile, Hae-yung left on seeing the darkening sky.

Yong-min arrived at the pond, but Hae-yung had just left. An upset Yong-min decided to call Hae-yung, but there was nobody to pick up the phone. Meanwhile, Hae-yung had just returned home and heard the phone ringing, but stopped as she was about to pick it up. She went to wash her hands in the basin.

Yong-min decided to visit his sister's shop, and asked for directions of Hee-dong and Hae-yung. Meanwhile, Yong-min's sister prompted him to look out of the window to see the falling snow.

Meanwhile, Jingguan called Hae-yung while she was boiling some hot water. Hae-yung realised that the water was getting overcooked and went to fetch the basin, and took a cloth to carry it away from the stove. She slipped, fell and scalded herself in the process. An anxious Jingguan repeatedly called Hae-yung on the phone, but there was no reply.

Meanwhile, Yong-min had just returned home and he greeted his friends. Hee-dong then went to teach Fengguan the flamenco dance in the house. As he looked out of the window, he thought of the day's events...

Jingguan helped Hae-yung into the car and rushed her to the hospital. Her leg was bandaged, but she was permitted to leave the hospital the next day. Jingguan sat on her bedside and talked about the importance of life. He confessed about his feelings towards Hae-yung. At this time, Meina came rushing in to visit Hae-yung.

Yong-min was washing the dishes as he talked to Fengguan, who was meditating. Meina called Fengguan, and informed that Hae-yung was injured.

In no time, Fengguan and Yong-min rushed to the hospital. A remorse Yong-min looked at Hae-yung, who was limping away. The group walked out of the hospital as Yong-min apologised for missing the date on that day.

As Yong-min took off his coat to cover Hae-yung, Jingguan came driving to fetch Hae-yung back home. Jingguan offered Fengguan and Yong-min a lift home, but refused as their homes were not far off the hospital. They bowed as Jingguan walked towards his driver's seat.

Yong-min, looking upset, told Fengguan to return home first as he walked onto the streets. Jingguan drove Hae-yung home as they chatted happily... (The theme song plays here).

Yong-min, having learnt that his childhood friend is clearly in love with another man, was seen playing in a basketball court under the snow to vent his anger. Yong-min aimed again and his basketball hit on the ring, so hard that it vibrated and rang loudly. The basketball bounced off, far away from Yong-min...

[Source : wikipedia.org]

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