
OST Mary Stayed Out All Night Part 3

Original Soundtrack for "Mary Stayed Out All Night" Part 3 released today. Here're some songs, please enjoy ^^

인호진(Sweet Sorrow) - 저의 그녀 (She's Mine)

정환(M To M) - 그녀라서 (Because of her)


  1. Hi..JKS My star on the sky..

    After I listen of your new songs.. I don't know do you sing them?? on She's Mine ..I feel so sad after I hear it ..I wanna cry.. and for Because of her ..I think it sound happy love...I don't know the meaning all of two songs.. So I just can say that what I have feeling after listen it.. I said in Cri-j on my message ..you can see in free board..I used "puchcy" this is mine.. That I think you should be a singer too ..you did well ..when you sing you put all of your feeling on it so that make me can feel your feeling of song..that's so good..you know..
    and I will wait your Music.. if you want to do it ..I will cheer for you ..and I wish you have a nice time today ..please forget the bad feeling.. and keep smile to us.. I'm your eels.. and tonight I will see you Mu-kyul..online on KBS TV2..
    I Love and Miss you so much.. puchcy ..

  2. To..JKS..

    oh ..I just found that - -" you don't sing them .. sorry about my poor ... -_-" ..인호진(Sweet Sorrow)and 정환(M To M) ..sing them right?? this is my stupid... ha ha ha ...

    but I love My precious ... and I think your english so good..I love when you speak English.. when I saw your clips.. you speak so good..

    and sorry again ..about my poor thing... and I'd like to hear your music.. Fighting Fighting..

    please don't mock at me ok?? >///< ...


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