
[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.8

Mary Stayed Out All Night - Last scene Ep-8, Preview Ep-9


[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.8
Posted on December 6, 2010
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/

After Mary reveals the truth, D asks if the marriage was a lie and that they loved each other was a lie too?
JS notices J was there too
S walks out and J follows her
J offers to take her home but she wants to be alone

D asks if J already knew and J said I know you are surprised and that he would explain but JS slaps J

D and JS plan what to do
decide to give her a little time
since Mary is sorry she is going to accept what has to happen
the housekeeper comes and gives a schedule for mary to take lessons to be a good wife
like cooking lessons etc – what most women do to prepare for marriage

MG thinks about certain moments with mary
while cleaning up
one being that scene where his mom calls them newlyweds
and finds the love is a car accident paper
the mittens

J is at the recording studio
manager bang comes in and
rubs in the fact that MG quit and J said he had a good reason
she also mentions a scandal about S
she offers to help but J declines

S is working out – omg that’s my old gym
and J drops by and talks about the S
mary texts MG and says she is sorry and thanks him for helping her
and something else i didnt catch
she starts to text what she is going to do tm
she is picking out her engagement dress
she promised her father she would not contact MG
her friends ask if she is ok
they are talking too fast and I cant catch everything
but they asked about MG
mary says she feels like she is in the middle of a typhoon
J shows up to try on his suit
her friends take pics
her friends think J is mad about the fake marriage
cuz he looks so serious

the next day is mary’s bday and it’s also her engagement
d is excited to be a father in law
D says it would havebeen great if her mom had been alive
to share this
mary says she is going to see her mom
d wants to go with her but
J offers to take her

J has a nightmare
he fell asleep in his clothes
he wakes up and sees the socks mary gave him
and remebers how she said to wear it to sleep
he puts it up to his cheek and smiles and puts them on
then he lies back down fully dressed with those socks on
next morning mary looks at her wedding pics with MG and his concert photo
and smiles then looks sad
she gets a call

J picks her up
they are driving
he says she looks like she didnt sleep well
she asks if he didnt
and he says he had a good dream
he takes her for a walk
and holds her hand
she says sorry and says she didnt want to get married
he says he didnt either
she says she understands why he is angry
he says he isnt mad at her but himself
he gives her a pic

flashback scene
on the day of her mom’s wake
J is on the phone with this mom
complaing abotu how he hates japan and stuff
Mary comes up and doesnt know what is going on and is happy
so J asks how she can be happy when her mom died
tells her she cant ever see her mom and makes her cry
he piggybacks her down and he falls
she gets that cut on her head
he teaches her that phrase about “i’ll be here”
d and JS see them coming while he is piggybacking her
and decide to take that pic
he apologizes for the scar he gave her

j gives her an engaement present which is a library full of books she likes
mary has a flashback to her and MG when he tells her he wants to make music that doesnt lie
she asks if he is a chaebol
- J gets a call that S wont be doing the drama so J has to leave
Mary says she is going to see her mom
he tells her he will be back to take her
she said she will read books till he comes back
before he leaves he kisses her scar and wishes her a happy bday

she gets a text
her firend says this is your last bday as a single woman
MG texts and says Meet me

mg is singing my precious at the park
mary watches him
he gets mobbed by fans
mary laughs
she says its been a while
she said he looks good
he asks how she is

band shows up and puts cuffs on him
and he gets cuffed to the curly hair guy
she asks why he asked to meet her
he wanted to pay her back
that guy takes the cuff off and puts it on mary
they said they would uncuff them later
mary says she has someplace imp to go
she opens her sweater coat to show him her engagement dress
he asks alarmed you’re getting married?

s says she changed her mind
J says he needs her tho
she says she wants to rest
he asks if it is about MG
she snaps at him
she tells him to leave
he doesnt

mg calls the guys but they dont pick up
the engagement is at 7
she mentions she has to go
he says he needs to wash his hair
he thinks it smells so she ends up washing his hair
she complains when she is with him she has to suffer like this
he says the same thing back
he wants conditioner but she says just use shampoo

S is in the bathroom and j knocks and says he is going in
she is crying in the shower -dressed
he takes her out and puts a blanket over her
they talk on the bed
J says something about protecting family

MG is eating
she tells him to hurry
J calls and asks where she is
J says he wont be able to go with her
J says he is with S
mary tells him she will go alone
he says he is sorry again
she tells him to text his ex to comfort her
MG asks if she is ok that J is with her
MG has to go hm to meet his mom
mary says to come with her cuz she has to go somewhere

Mary makes MG wear headphones while she talks to her mom
mary takes off her sweater coat and tells her mom she wanted to show her mom her dress
she says she is getting engaged today
but says MG is not the one so not to misunderstand
she says even tho she doesnt love J
he is a good person
she says she wanted to marry someone like her mom
she says she wished her mom was alive on a day like today and how good that wouldnt been
MG covers her with her coat
he says he did it cuz she might be cold
he says he cant hear so to keep talking to her mom

on the bus
she mentions how she missed her mom on rainy days
cuz other kids went hm with their moms i think
but mary had to wait for her dad
MG talks about his past with his mom
they hardly lived with each other
and didnt have many memories
she took MG to women saunas
he went till he was 8 and ppl thought he was a girl
he gets a call from his mom

mary listens to music while his mom and MG talk to give him privacy
mom is going to paris
she was dating someone long distance
she thinks it is better to be separate from him cuz his mom keeps depending on him
he yells and mary says she cant hear
his mom tells mary to take care of MG cuz mary has loyalty
mg yells at his mom for saying to mary
MG calls hisband and tells them to uncuff then
she gives MG the lettuc bouquet he gave her the first time they met
she tells him not to be sad

D is getting his hair done and he tells JS we are becoming a family in 2 hrs
he says how he and JS grew up lonely
they want lots of grandchildren
D is a widower and JS is divorced
D asks why JS treats J so harshly

omg J is playing the guitar for S
he stops cuz of the pain
JS made J quit playing cuz it makes a guy weak
J listened but he still missed playing
J praises S for going against her parents and becoming an actress
cuz he coudlnt do that

MG gets yelled at cuz MG’s gf is going on stage with them
they lost the key
so she ends up being a dancer to look more natural
she says she cant dance
and boy is she right – it is hilarious
and makes the guy who hired them laugh

after the performance they look for the key
she calls J and says she is at hondae and willl explain when he comes

J takes S to drop her off at hongdae
he tells her he is going to his engagement
she feels bad for taking his whole day
J doesnt tell her who tho
he says he would introduce after the engagement
MG is trying to get the cuffs undone
mary and MG says they always have stuff like that
mg says the word unfortunate
she says he is fortunate -so going to translate this scene
he asks if she ever liked him
since it is over-he is asking
he admits in the middle he liked her
she says i thought you didnt see me as agirl
he says the time she went on the trip and he ate ice cream alone
next day he got back in control of his emotions

MG asks her if she loves J
she says she doesnt know love
she says he doesntknow too
that it isnt anything to brag about not being able to go past a month
wow this scene is amazing
some more fans come
they see the cuffs and ask who mary is
and they run

D and JS are waiting both J and mary are still missing
d calls J and he said he wont be late
S gets out of the car-this is MGplace
she needs to borrow J;s phone tho
cuz her battery ran out
she calls MG and then sees mary’s number and marys text
about meeting at hongdae
S looks at J like she is pissed
J asks if she is done using his phone

MG and mary laugh cuz they think they escaped from the fans
he hugs her to hide her
but she is crying
she calls him a playboy
cuz he doesnt feel anything
cuz during the kiss she thought her heart was beating
she said that was suppose to happen with someone she loves
he says you said you didnt like me
then he kisses her -holy smokes omg omg omg omg
best ending EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S asks J your fiance was Mary?
Mary and MG go to the beach
mary leans on MG holding onto his arms saying she is happy
J says something to MG and I couldnt hear it

JGS never kissed like this on YAB – omg – I am so starting with the kiss scene first
then all their other great scenes – when he said he liked her
when she got mad at him on the street before the fans came
oh man forget sleeping tonight – too much to do


  1. wow! fast trans... thanks for your time and effort!! Youve got a new follower! Keep it up!

  2. JGS never kissed like this on YAB ..:^-^


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