
[News] Weekly ratings recap and a quick look at the 2010 Golden Bell nominations

[News] Weekly ratings recap and a quick look at the 2010 Golden Bell nominations.
Cr. - cpopaccess
Repost : http://twssg.blogspot.com/

Just a brief ratings recap before highlights from the Golden Bell Nominations: “Zhong Wu Yen” improved to 2.82% (from 2.36% for the previous week) and easily held onto first place. Korean drama “Personal Taste” was second with 1.27%, followed by the new entry “4 Gifts” with a solid debut at 1.14%. “Endless Love” is the only drama that saw a decrease with 0.75% (from 0.81%).

Autumn's Concerto (下一站,幸福)

And now, highlights from the 45th Golden Bell Awards nominations announced earlier today: The big surprise was “Autumn’s Concerto (下一站,幸福)” as the hit drama only garnered one nomination in the marketing category. The PTS network continued its domination with nods in 26 out of 32 categories. Their mini-drama “Seeing Heaven (看見天堂)” led the way with 8 nominations in total. “Year of the Rain (那年,雨不停國)”, also from PTS, was nominated in 6 categories including Best Drama and Best Director. The drama was directed by Autumn’s Concerto’s Chen Hui Ling (陳慧翎) and co-produced by Van Ness Wu.

Hi My Sweetheart (海派甜心)

The big winner amongst idol dramas was “Hi My Sweetheart (海派甜心)” with nominations for Best Drama, Best Director, Best Actor (Show Luo), Best Actress (Rainie Yang) and Best Supporting Actress. SETTV’s “The Year of Happiness and Love (那一年的幸福時光)” received 4 nods including James Wen (溫昇豪) for Best Actor and Amber Kuo (郭采潔) for Best Actress. It is in fact the 6th Golden Bell nomination for Wen but he has never come away with a win. His costar Sonia Sui (隋棠) was submitted for consideration in the Best Supporting category, but she was not nominated. Fellow model-turned-actress Bianca Bai (白歆惠) must have shocked quite a few with her Best Actress nomination for The Shinning Days (閃亮的日子).

Other nomination highlights included Morni Chang (張晨光) and Francesca Gao (高慧君). They were nominated in both the leading and supporting categories. Chang received a Best Actor nomination for Night Market Life (夜市人生) and Best Supporting Actor for Letter 1949 (我在1949,等你). Gao was nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress for her dramas from the Da Ai network. Under-aged fans must be thrilled to hear that Banana Brother (香蕉哥哥) was nominated for Best Host in children’s programming.

There were no surprises in the Variety categories. Zhu Ge Liang (豬哥亮) will be going up against Golden Bell regulars like Chang Fei (張菲), Matilda Tao (陶晶瑩), Harlem Yu (庾澄慶) and Li Jing (利菁). It was more of the same for Best Variety Show as “Big Party (全民最大黨)”, “Million Primary School (百萬小學堂)”, "Million Star (超級星光大道)”, “Super Idol (超級偶像)” and “Diamond Club (鑽石夜總會)” will compete for the award.

The 45th Golden Bell Awards (for television) will take place on October 22nd. For a complete list of the nominees, please visit TTV's official page for the 45th Golden Bell Awards.

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