
Unity for Peace to Thailand / Find The Cost Of Freedom : CSNY

...Unity for Peace to Thailand...

When we ran away from the towering inferno
of terrorism, we became one human race!

When the planes hit and the imposing buildings
fell, we ran in one direction - towards safety!

When we prayed together and lit candles
we longed for hope and became one faith!

When millions observed silence, and thousands
protested against war, we spoke one language!

When we volunteered and collected blood,
all religions mingled in our arteries and veins!

When guns were consigned to fire and hands
were joined in unity, poverty ended, tears vanished!

When leaders united with the commoners and
sang together 'World is One', peace returned!

- Dr.Leo Rebollo -

Find The Cost Of Freedom : CSNY

Find the cost of freedom buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you, lay your body down
Find the cost of freedom buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you, lay your body down

เพลง สานแสงทอง : สุรชัย จันทิมาธร



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