หวังว่าจะได้เจอกับเพื่อนๆ พี่ๆ น้องๆ ในวันงานนะคะ
...Hallyu began roughly 12 years ago when the rest of Asia discovered Korean soap operas. One of the breakthrough dramas was a series 'Winter Sonata' starring Choi Ji-woo & Bae Young-Joon. After that, more Korean dramas saw their way to foreign shores and Korean films and music started to follow suit. Korean marketing people started to see a Korea-centric trend. They dubbed this flow "The Korean Wave" or Hallyu....
He was in Singapore for an Asian tour to promote his very first movie and I was lucky enough to catch up with him for a one-on-one. Q: Why did you wait so long to shoot a movie?
But with time, the urge to give it a try grew stronger. I wanted to bring out the innermost feelings inside me. Then, this offer came along. It was very timely, and things just took a pleasant turn from there. It was a character I wanted to do. He's a man who doesn't care about status and prestige. He's a man who pursues his passion - and that's women. A cool guy of his time, in my opinion. A man way ahead of his own society back then, he's one who thinks and behaves like us today. Q: You're best known for looking good in your glasses, but you're playing a playboy here, are you taking a risk here? My managers all said the same thing. It's a risk. But not in my opinion. I wanted to do something different, I wanted to play in a role that my fans would never have imagined. Actor Bae Yong-jun has always been known as a clean, honest and handsome guy. So I wanted to surprise everyone with the unexpected and this character was the answer to that. I loved being the character in the movie. Q: Who do you resemble more? Winter Sonata's Joon-sang or Untold Scandal's playboy, Cho-won? I'm more like Joon-sang. But as I grow older, and the environment or the surroundings around me change, I realise that there are a lot of different sides to me. In fact, I would say some of those sides are similar to that of Cho-won. I started by trying very hard to understand and connect with this character in the movie "Untold Scandal". I worked hard and studied the character a lot. I tried to express in the best way I could. But as I was doing so, I said to myself one day, "Ah! I have some of those traits!" I'm not saying I'm exactly like him, but there are times, or moments when I feel that. Dear family, if you want to see the video of the interview with Yong Joon ssi, please got to this link : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/ptm/korean/bae.htm And click the picture of BYJ to watch the VOD. [ Interview with Suzanne Jung ] Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/ptm/korean/
Choi Ji Woo & Bae Yong Joon in JM GLOBAL : LiZL
Choi Ji Woo & Bae Yong Joon CF : pinky0708
BYJ Korea cm Collection:fuukoks
Ueto Aya & Bae Yong Joon: sonyphonics
Oronamin CF Making video : tomato99byj
BYJ & Ueto Aya Interview Oronamin CF Making video : saraleo
BYJ in the making of Oronomin C CF with Aya Ueto
first CF in JAPAN
Megane Ichiba CF : tomato99byj
Megane Ichiba CF (I wish version) : tomato99byj
Megane Ichiba CF (Design version) : tomato99byj
BYJ Injure on TWSSG Fliming (ヨン様けがシーン): yontaio
Lee Ji Ah in TWSSG (behind the scenes): Muny
Winter Sonata MV - Can't Let Go This Love : chiligoyo
Winter Sonata Paino Solo Instrument. Ost.Download.
1. Tears
2. I Miss You
3. Daydream
4. Beautiful Lady
5. Stepping On The Rainy Street
6. You and Me
7. Love is..I
8. Wedding (Mendelssohn)
byj taster's choice [painting] : liezle11
byj taster's choice [book] : liezle11
byj taster's choice [book 2] : liezle11
byj taster's choice [train] : liezle11
byj taster's choice [swing] : liezle11
byj taster's choice [iced coffee] : liezle11
ntv 24hours charity 2006/8/13 7/26 : tomato99byj
ntv 24hours charity 2006/8/13 8/26 : tomato99byj
ntv 24hours charity 2006/8/13 9/26 : tomato99byj
ntv 24hours charity 2006/8/13 24/26 : tomato99byj
Thank you so much to tomato99byj
Congratulations! BYJ 10/2008) : fwgi0847
배용준-유인촌 장관-앙드레김 `문화인들의 만남`
(서울=스포츠코리아) 배우 배용준, 유인촌 문화체육관광부 장관, 디자이너 앙드레김(왼쪽부터)가 18일 오후 충북 청주 예술의 전당에서 열린 `2008 문화의 날` 기념식에서 참석해 기념 촬영을 하고 있다.
이날 배용준은 배우 최초로 화관문화 훈장을, 앙드레김은 보관문화훈장을 수여받았다. (권현진/news@photoro.com 사진_문화체육관광부)
(The sports Korea), actor Bae Yong-joon, yuinchon Ministry of Tourism and Sports Minister, designers angdeuregim (from left) Cheongju, Chungbuk the afternoon of November 18, 2008 at the Hall of Arts, Culture Day ceremony at the ceremony and photography.
A garland of the Order of Culture for the first time an actor Bae Yong-joon, Andre Kim was awarded the Order of Culture in the archive. (Gwonhyeonjin / news@photoro.com picture _ and Sports Ministry of Tourism)
BYJ-Korean food restaurant -Gosireh-(高矢禮)
From: makishi
영원한 친구 ...Translated to English.
[stock problem to Talents]-Mr.BAE also..
배용준 비..주가폭락 톱스타도 못피했네
Mr.Bae and singer Rain..Stock go down and Top star also couldn't escape..
2008년 10월 22일 (수) 11:07 스타뉴스(starnews)
'주식부자' 연예인도 폭락장세를 비껴갈 수 없었다
('stock rich talents also couldn't pass a stock mart problems..
배용준, 비(본명 정지훈) 등 지난해 한때 100억원어치 이상의 주식을 보유했던 연예인 주식부자들이 주가 폭락으로 주식 평가액이 많게는 10분의 1 수준으로 깎이는 아픔을 겪고 있다.
Bae young joon, Rain, etc. last 100 billions over stocks had, but recently 1/10 percentage go down.
they has hurt now..
'한류스타' 배용준이 최대주주로 있는 키이스트의 주가는 지난해 8월 28일 1만 4400원까지 치솟았으나 22일 오전 10시 50분 현재 1940원까지 떨어졌다. 고점대비 주가가 약 10분의 1 수준으로 내려앉은 셈이다.
'Hanruy star' Bae young joon's keyeast of stocks level was last 28th August went up to 14.400won but 22th morning 10:50 now to1,940 won went down. The stocks went down about 1/10.
Link for see stock price (English Language)
translator's comment: He will grow up (his stock and his works). stock is up and down normal.
His family give the cheer to him that i hope so. see yoo later..
have a great day`~^^ see you , and next time, by more happy news
i want to translate..for you , young joon~~^^ see you then..^^