인문콘텐츠 제6호, 2005. 12
한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략 연구
- 일본을 중심으로
The localization strategy for the continuation of the Korean wave in Japan
권연수(Kwon Yeon-Su) 저
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ.〈겨울연가〉로 촉발된 일본 속 한류의 현주소
Ⅲ. 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략 - 한‘류’에서 진정한 문화소통으로
Ⅳ. 맺음말 : 현지화 전략을 위한 인문학의 역할
한국어 초록
본 연구는 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략을 일본을 중심으로 탐구하고 있다. 이글은 한류의 가시적 경제효과를 강조하기 보다는 한국을 이해하고 한국을 좋아하는 사람들이 많아지고 진정한 문화소통이 가능한 토대를 견고히 만들어가는 것이 무엇보다 중요하며, 이야말로 한류가 지속되어야 할 이유라는 입장에서 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략을 논하고 있다. 〈겨울연가〉를 통해 일본 속 한류의 현주소를 문제점과 함께 짚어보고, 한류의 현지화를 위해 무엇을 담아낼 것인가, 어떻게 담아낼것인가, 어떻게 지속 확장시킬 것인가 라는 세 가지 관점에서 현지화 전략에 대한 구체적인 제안을 제시하고자 했다. 다음으로 〈겨울연가〉 신드롬은 일본의 사회문화적 기반 위에 형성된 문화현상이라는 시각에서 분석하고 있다. 한편 향유 층의 편중현상이라는 일본 속 한류의 문제점과 한류의 한계 및 지속성에 대한 우려를 극복하고 한류를 어떻게 지속 확장해 나갈 것인가 라는 문제를 생각할 때 우리는 한류가 단순한 '유행'에 그치지 않고 한일 간의 진정한 문화소통으로 이어져야 한다는 시각을 가질 필요가 있다. 이러한 관점에서 한류의 현지화를 위한 구체적인 전략을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 현지의 사회 문화에 정통한 문화번역의 필요성과 전문 인력 양성의 문제를 제기하였다.
영어 초록
This research is focusing on the localization strategy for the continuation of the Korean wave in Japan. The aspect taken here is that the true reason why the Korean wave should be maintained, and strategies for doing so are needed, is that people who sincerely understand and like Korea must increase in order to build a firm foundation on which truthful culturalinterchange is possible, instead of merely emphasizing the visible economic effect of the Korean wave.
First, I will diagnose the current status and problems of the Korean wave within Japan through observing the 〈Winter Sonata〉, which has successfully been introduced into Japan, and propose concrete plans to localize the Korean wave in Japan based on three aspects: what the contents should hold in order to localize the Korean wave, how to do so, and how to maintain and extend the trend. In [Ⅱ. The current status of the Korean wave in Japan, catalyzed by the 〈Winter Sonata〉], the 〈Winter Sonata〉 syndrome is viewed as a culturalphenomenon which was built on the socio-cultural foundation of Japan. The social foundation comprises facts such as: the gradual image change of Korea caused by 〈Winter Sonata〉, building a social ground on which the overall Korean culture was able to settle; the characteristics of the fans of 'Yon-sama' and the 〈Winter Sonata〉, who are the mass consumer society's children and familiar with satisfying oneselves through consumption; and the strategy of aiming for the niche market where there is alack of soap operas for middle age and old women. Also, the Japanese aesthetics of sadness and moderation, sensitivity about the seasons, and the traditional Japanese aesthetics which was booming in the 70s (such as the ' Jungai (Pure Love)' and ' Iyashi (Healing)', and the cultural sensitivities and the culturaltrend of modern Japan has formed the cultural foundation for the rise of the 〈Winter Sonata〉 and 'Yon-sama' such factors emphasized the strength of their contents, consequently giving rise to a syndrome.
Meanwhile, considering the problem of disproportionate generational distribution of the fans of the Korean wave, and the issue of maintaining and expanding the Korean wave by overcoming its limit and consistency, we must realize that the Korean wave should lead to the true cultural interchange between Korea and Japan instead of remaining as a mere 'trend.' In this aspect, [Ⅲ. Localization strategy for the continuance of the Korean wave from the Korean 'wave' to a true cultural interchange] suggests concrete strategies for the localization of the Korean wave. By actively reflecting the contents that are already well known and favored in Japan, such as 'Korean (person),' 'Korean (language),' and 'Korean food,' we would be able to plan the expansion of the Korean culture contents and the fan range.
Also, as for 'how' to reflect them, this research points out that analyzing the trend of modern Japan and the cultural senses such as the seasonal sensitivities, reflecting them in the cultural contents, and 'Koreanizing' them would greatly contribute to the continuance and expansion of the Korean wave. The specific methods to do so would be utilizing the positive images built by the soap operas to create the national brand of passion, personality, and deep love, the ' Honkadori' strategy which constructs a new creative world by strategic borrowing, and the development and support of the overall experience and relation type contents such as the Korean language and food. Such strategic efforts will build a foundation on which the Korean culture can be accepted and enjoyed, eventually leading to the expansion of the fan scope, and result in the localization of the Korean wave.
Lastly, this research emphasizes the need for cultural translations that are firmly based on the local society and culture, more interest in developing professional human resource, and language in order to provide a applicable and usable form of cultural contents and distribution through analyzing the cosmic, natural, aesthetic and sensitive aspect of various countries. All these are the roles to be played by the liberal art field in order to localize the Korean wave.저자 키워드한류, 〈겨울연가〉신드롬, 욘사마, 현지화 전략, 한류의 지속가능성, Korean wave, Winter Sonata, Yon-sama, the localization strategy, the continuation of the Korean waveReference :