
Happy Birthday gift from flor (Australia)

Happy Birthday to Roytavan! Concy would like to present this card to you, hope you like it!

Thank you so much, flor. Much appreciated.Dear RoytavanAs I'm not sure if myoce'll be here, due to her computer problem we did not see her around for a few days, I've sought flor's help in making a Birthday Card for you. I'm sorry I do not know how to make one myself but I promise I'll learn soon. hehe!Wishing you, once again, a Very Happy Birthday and have lots of fun and cheers with your family and friends today.Take care, love,Concy ^^

Flor !! ...........wow...........The card is so beautiful...........The orchids in the foreground is just right ......is it yours ?...............And you could tell that Roytavan loves flowers.....Thanks Flor ! Love,


Roytavan, Congratulations , Have a happy day and enjoy your gifts !! Love, myoce

Hi Roytavan, it is a pity that I am not a good card maker!

Hi Myoce, it is Concy who chose this photo and she knows Roytavan likes flowers!

Dear Flor , Concy and Myoce

What a wonderful photo and gift !!!I think that Roytavan must love this photo.It's a great gift ,sisters.The orchids go well with a BYJ's photo.Furthermore BYJ is so beautiful. Happy Birthday again Roytavan.



PS: FlorActually I don't know how to make like this .If you don't mind , can I learn this?Is learning difficult with just explaination through e-mail?I really want to learn.I think this skill will be so useful for me.

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