
BYJ's School open in Sri Lanka / 스리랑카에 ‘배용준 중학교’ 생겼다 / เบยองจุน สร้างโรงเรียนให้กับผู้ประสบภัย "สึนามิ" ในประเทศศรีลังกา

스리랑카 '배용준 학교' 완공...3억원 기부
2009년 07월 09일 (목) 18:19 OSEN

[OSEN=김국화 기자] 배용준이 지난 2004년 12월 스리랑카 등 인도양 연안 국가에서 발생한 지진해일(쓰나미) 긴급구호 및 복구자금으로 3억원을 월드비전에 기탁했다. 이중 1억원은 스리랑카 남부 마라타 지방 웰리가마지역 데니피티야 공립 중등학교 재건복구사업에 사용됐으며 최근 학교 재건이 완공됐다.

월드비전은 3억 원의 후원금 중 2억 원은 6개월 동안 초기 긴급구호 지원으로 인도네시아, 스리랑카, 인도, 태국 등 피해국가의 이재민들을 위한 긴급식량지원, 구호품 지원, 임시숙소 및 아동쉼터 건축 등으로 사용했다.

나머지 1억 원은 스리랑카 지진해일 피해학교 복구사업으로 지원했다. 특히 데니피티야 공립 중등학교 재건복구사업을 통해 지진해일로 인한 이재민 수용소로 사용돼 파손되었던 화장실과 교실을 신축했다.

데니피티야 공립 중등학교는 6학년부터 13학년까지 13세 이상 20세 이하의 학생들이 다니고 있다. 현장조사 당시 580명의 학생들이 교사 3개 동과 4개의 화장실을 나눠 쓰고 있었으며, 교실은 칸막이가 없어 소음과 비좁은 공간으로 수업이 어려운 상황이었다. 또 화장실은 물이 연결되지 않은 재래식 형태로 여성용 화장실마저 지붕조차 없는 열악한 상태였다.

후원금을 통해 가장 시급한 문제인 화장실 개축이 이뤄져 현재 남자용 1개동, 여자용 2개동의 수세식 화장실이 완공됐으며 총 10개의 교실이 신축됐다. 뿐만 아니라 563명의 학생들에게 책가방과 교복, 학용품 등으로 구성된 학교물품세트가 지원됐다.

배용준은 “아시아에서 큰 사랑을 받았던 만큼 더 많은 이들에게 되돌려 주고 싶은 마음에 기부에 동참했고, 어린 학생들이 기뻐하는 모습을 보니 뿌듯하고 오히려 더 감사하다”고 전했다.

miru@osenco.kr <사진 아래> '데니피티야' 공립학교 / BOF 제공 온라인으로 받아보는 스포츠 신문, 디지털 무가지 OSEN Fun&Fun, 매일 3판 발행 ☞ 신문보기 [Copyright ⓒ 한국 최고의 스포츠 엔터테인먼트 전문 미디어 OSEN(www.osen.co.kr) 제보및 보도자료 osenstar@osen.co.kr 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

Bae Yong Joon donated 100 millions won for the school to reopen in Sri Lanka last week.

A korean star donated a total of 300 millions won for the restoration of earthquake and tsunami damaged cities in Sri Lanka.

According to World Vision, Bae Yong joon’s donations helped resolve the restroom problem of the middle school in Weligama, Sri Lanka, building one boys restroom and two girls restrooms for the students.

The hallyu star donated a total of 300 million KRW, to help fund the restoration of earthquake and tsunami damaged cities in Sri Lanka and other Indian Ocean coastal areas. Of the 300 million KRW, 200 million KRW was dedicated to aid the victims of the earthquake by providing food, relief aid supplies, temporary shelter and temporary playground for the children, for a span of 6 months. The remaining 100 million KRW was used to fund the restoration of the middle school in Sri Lanka, damaged by the tsunami.

According to World Vision, Bae Yong-joon’s donations helped resolve the restroom problem of the middle school in Weligama, Sri Lanka, building one boys restroom and two girls restrooms for the students. In addition, for the shortage of classrooms, an additional 10 classrooms were built, with four out of the ten classrooms being used to teach special subjects such as dance, music, English and home economics. The hallyu star also provided backpacks, school uniforms and school supplies for the entire 563 students enrolled in the school.

When Bae Yong-joon was asked how he felt about having a school built in Sri Lanka, in his name, the actor stated:

"I wanted to return all the love I received from those in Asia by giving back to many more people, which is why I decided make a donation to take part in the World Vision project. I’m proud but even more grateful that the project turned out so well and to see the little children so happy."

The latest news show that ...Bae Yong Joon is highest paid actor in Korea and so...it's good job for him that he spends his money on poor people who really needs support from rich countries.

...BYJ Thanks so much for your kindness...

ทาง World Vision ได้นำเงินบริจาคจำนวน 300 ล้านวอนที่ BYJ ได้บริจาคให้เมื่อปี 2005 ไปใช้ในกิจการต่างๆ ก็คือ 200 ล้านวอนใช้ไปในการช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบภัยตามประเทศต่างๆ อาทิเช่น อินโดนีเซีย ศรีลังกา อินเดีย และประเทศไทย

สำหรับ 100 ล้านวอนที่เหลือนำไปช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบภัยแผ่นดินไหวที่ศรีลังกา ได้มีการสร้างอาคารเรียนในโรงเรียนมัธยมขึ้นมาใหม่

ตอนที่มูลนิธิออกไปสำรวจ มีนักเรียนและคุณครู 580 คนที่ใช้อาคารทั้ง 3 หลัง แต่มีห้องน้ำแค่ 4 ห้อง ห้องเรียนไม่มีฝากั้น การเรียนจึงลำบากเพราะเสียงดังและพื้นที่คับแคบ และห้องน้ำก็อยู่ในสภาพย่ำแย่ ไม่มีแม้กระทั่งหลังคาสำหรับห้องน้ำหญิง และไม่มีน้ำใช้ด้วย

World Vision ได้สร้างห้องน้ำให้ใหม่พร้อมด้วยห้องเรียนอีก 10 ห้อง นอกจากนั้นนักเรียน 563 คนยังได้รับแจกกระเป๋านักเรียน เครื่องแบบ และอุปกรณ์การเรียนอีกด้วย

BYJ กล่าวไว้ว่า เวลาที่ผมเห็นภาพของเด็กนักเรียน ผมรู้สึกมีความสุขที่ได้มีส่วนร่วมในการบริจาค ผมอยากตอบแทนความรักที่คนมากมายมีให้กับผม และหวังว่าจะได้เห็นสิ่งดีๆ อีกมาก เพราะผมได้รับความรักมากมายจากคนทั่วเอเชีย

แล้วทางมูลนิธิยังได้ทำแผ่นป้ายจารึกติดไว้ที่โรงเรียนด้วยว่าอาคารเรียนแห่งนี้สร้างโดย World Vision ด้วยเงินบริจาคของคุณเบยงจุน จากเกาหลี

This building was constructed by World Vision Lanka
with funding provided by
Mr.Bae Yong Joon of Korea
under the Tsunami Relief Programme
and opened on 03-04-2007
by Honorable Chief Minister of Southern Province
Mr. Shan Wijeylal Silvea
on invitation by
Mr. Hemal Gunasekara,
The Honorable Minister of Land, Land Development,
Agriculture, Irrigation & Animal Products

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