
[Story Review] Dream High - Ep.2

[Story Review] Dream High - Ep.2
Posted on January 4th, 2011
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/

starts with BH praying before the audition
then HM begging BJ to let her get into Kirin
she starts to explain why but she stops
she promises to work on what she lacks and that she will do whatever it takes
when it looks like begging wont work she gets up and has a different attitude
HM says she didnt get on her knees in front of BJ just now
she says she will show him that his decision was wrong
but BH speaks up and says she will show him that his decision is right
HM says bitingly ”you’re really funny” to BH before walking out
BH faints
BJ asks to keep HM’s file cuz mr park was about to shred it
HM tears up her number from the audition and spots of the loan shark lookouts and steps out of view. she gets a text from her younger sister that they have been kicked out

BH was about to leave but comes back to BJ and says
something about what her mom dreamt about BH when BH was born i think
(it was something about her being damaged goods or something I think)
BH tells BJ about how her mom thought BH’s dream was too high and didnt believe in her daughter
she wants to be sure so BH asks BJ “you chose me cuz I had talent right”
he tells her to come over closer and let’s her hold the “K” emblem
he tells her to think of it in a good way
she says holding it “so I’m not damaged goods”
she is grateful to BJ cuz he gave her reassurance
JG has to stall for his friend who is in the bathroom cuz his friend is up next
JG tells him to just stop pooping and get out but
the bathroom guy friend says he cant so JG goes out there and makes trouble
to buy his friend some time
when they drag JG up to BJ
BJ guesses since JG is trying to stall
BJ tells JG to dance instead cuz JG likes to dance
JG gets mad at BJ for saying that (probably wondering how BJ knows too)
and JG gets dragged out
outside, JG watches jason practice his dance

HM asks JG to give her a ride out of this school without knowing who he is
but once she sees his face she acts like she didnt ask him for a ride
she is hiding from the debt guy
so JG pulls up and gives her a helmet and tells her to get on
but she hits it away and he warns he wont ask twice
she tries to hold onto his muffler which chokes him so he tells her to hold onto his waist
he is going too fast so she ends up holding onto his waist
the next to audition is the stuffed shrimp sushi costume girl
(the girl in the suit that was nice yesterday)
mr park asks if she plans to audition with it on
the girl quietly says “yes”
mr park asks her if she doesnt have confidence in her looks cuz her pic is fuzzy too
the girl laughs sort of nervously saying “yes- a little”
the short hair woman says either take it off or leave
the girl asks “could I please audition like this?”
mr park starts to say “of course …..” (he was going to say “not”)
but BJ interrupts and says she can and to start singing
BJ tells mr park “let’s hear her”
so she starts to sing
and she is good
while she sings
JG takes HM to a lakeside
HM is crying and walks off
not knowing she is upset, JG tells her to give the helmet back before she leaves
and when he takes it off she has been crying under it
she mutters now it is embarrassing (being seen crying)
he puts the helmet back on her

when the girl is done they ask her to take it off now since she is done singing
the girl says she wants to know first if she passed or failed and the panel
gets angry and order her to remove the head part
she looks a bit nerdy
a guy tells another panel judge :when I see a girl who looks like that sings well it makes me sad”
the woman replies : God doesnt give everything
BJ looks like he is pleased so mr park asks: it looks like you like her
BJ: yes I do but you dont seem to like her
mr park says it is a waste cuz she sings well but her looks lack a lot
BJ: what should we do? I’ll follow your decision
mr park admits her and she goes out and kisses a pic of KHJ and is thrilled to have passed
and starts hopping around and squealing
BJ tells mr park he decided well
mr park says we will have to see cuz it will be hard for her to hang in there with her looks
BJ: that girl will become really pretty
mr park says 3 are missing cuz BJ said he would choose 100 and there is 97
BJ says one is SD – someone he has had his eye on for a long time
SD comes out
he was sewing his rice bags when his mom comes in so he covers the rice bags with his blanket
she asks if he is sick cuz he is under the covers
she came to give him persimmons to eat
she tells him that a singing contest show is coming and wants to know if he wants to go see it
he says he doesnt like singing and wont go
she says she wont go too then
after she leaves, he resumes sewing
(oh man he is speaking with a southern dialect that I dont know well
it’s the same one TAC used in conderella’s sister)

mr park and BJ talk and mr park mentions they are short of teachers
at that point mr kang comes in
mr park says how he was going to fire mr kang
but BJ reminds mr park he needs to get BJ’s vote to fire a teacher
cuz it is late at night -the debt collector figures out HM failed and ran off
the main guy hits the other one for letting her slip by but the guy on watch had memorized the plate of the bike just in case
the main guy praises him first then hits him for not going after them already

when HM goes home some of their stuff is on the front lawn (leftover from when they came to get their furniture and belongings) so her younger sister was gathering what she could in trash bags for her and her sister
HM’s sister asks if HM did well on her audition
the sister guesses HM didnt get in
HM says she rejected it and wont go cuz the school is dirty
then the sister asks if BH made it
Hm yells at her not to mention BH’s name to her

BH takes down everything that has to do with HM in her room
and even cuts her own hair

they both carry grocery bags with their stuff in it
her sister asks where they are going – if they are going
to mr kang’s place
HM says dont even mention his name to me
her sister asks where then since they dont have a place to go or any money
HM takes her sister to JG’s friends basement place
Hm says they must not stay here at night
the younger sister says again let’s go live with mr kang
how can they sleep here?
HM says it is nice and unique
just as she says it HM is afraid of a rat she saw
her sister says you think you can sleep in a place like this?
Hm says she can – she just needs to clean up a little
sister: she doesnt like mr kang that much?

JG tells the guy in the small closet room that he went to the kirin audition
the guy says :did you audition there?
JG says he took (bathroom guy)
the guy says that makes sense cuz you cant even step foot in kirin
JG brags that he could have gotten in if he wanted
so they make a bet - if the guy passes the bar JG says he will wear a miniskirt
the guy says he will wear a miniskirt and makeup if JG goes to kirin
JG raises the bet some more and says he will wear a mini skirt and makeup and dance to a famous girl group’s song if the guy becomes a lawyer
the guy says if you become a singer and come out on TV I’ll wear a miniskirt, makeup,and shave my head and get plastic surgery
the guy in that small room has to leave for the countryside cuz the guy’s dad has a chicken shop and his father was robbed and hurt his back
so now JG is homeless
JG goes to a rooftop and copies the dance jason did
(it is kind of a coyote ugly moment here)
JG goes to the basement place and finds his helmet there and discovers the two sisters sleeping in the car-he spots a empty row of yogurut
flashback to a young JG and HM fighting over some yogurut
they hide from JG’s mom cuz his mom is going to send JG to an orphanage and HM cries
this is the first time they met and he asks her name and she says it
end flashback
JG asks aloud: what kind of kid are you?

the loan shark guy found JG’s bike
Hm comes out and the loan sharks are there waiting
he taunts “no matter how hard you hide we will find you”
HM’s sister comes out and sees HM being taken away
she mutters what I think was “i’m an angel with talents” (it really sounded like that-positive about the “i’m an angel” part for sure -not so sure she said “talents”)
JG is walking back from the store (he bought her yogurut and stuff)
and sees HM in the car and he chases after her

HM struggles to get free and gives up
she said she tried to get in but failed
she says she will work to pay him back
he says of course you do” you have to do whatever to pay it back”
next scene she is in a dark nightclub in front of a mic
HM is wearing sleezy clothes and suppose to be singing but she wont sing
she says she will rather die than sing
one guy comes near her so she hits him with her shoes
JG is on his bike looking everywhere for her
Hm is being chased around the club
she threatens to call the police on them
they say go ahead but know that your dad and your sister will be hurt or something
he says again she should have gotten into kirin and everything would have been fine
mr kang comes in and says to let her go
that he works at kirin
her sister comes in after mr kang choking on the smoke
(kinda cute and funny)
mr kang tells the mobster guy that BJ chose HM himself
the mobster asks mr kang if he thinks Hm has talent and mr kang says yes

mr kang and HM and her sister come out of the club
he wants to take her home to his house
HM says all of this – going to his house and going to the school is all
cuz of the money so he should know (meaning she isnt doing it cuz she forgives him for what he did to her mom and her parents marriage)
JG finally arrives at an address he has on an ad sticker
mr kang gets beat up by a woman when he gets home
the woman wants him to get the girls out
she is his sister
he drags her into another room so they can talk/yell in private
mr kang tells her to think of the girls as her nieces
but his sister keeps beating him up
saying how could i have nieces? you wanna die?
he explains how he was fired from kirin but BJ gave him another chance
that if mr kang brings back HM he wont get fired
HM overhears all this from outside (they were talking inside another room)
there are two more students he has to bring to kirin
HM looks at the files of the two kids
she reads sam dong and makes fun of his name and
wonders where he lives cuz she hasnt heard of dam-bong
they show SD-he has sewn together rice bags for an outfit
Hm reads out another name and JG’s face comes out
JG goes to a sleezy place and is looking around but one of the loan sharks
recognizes JG as the bike guy
JG calls out HM’s name asking where are you
JG tells him to hand over HM before he calls the police
they figure out he came to rescue HM so the main guy calls
HM and says did you go hm ok and she says she did so JG can hear
JG is trapped and gets beaten up

the students meet each other
BH meets bathroom guy (lord help me but I cant figure out his name)
he knows who she is and was moved by her audition
and talk about their next teacher and how she gave the most students theirdebuts
she gives them 5 mins to pick up a 1000 thumbtacks or else when
they dance they will end up stepping on them
after they pick it all up
one was missing but BH finds the last one
she talks about their next class
and it shows a scene where all the students look like zombies and the classroom itslef is a mess
jason comes in late cuz he went to the wrong classroom
the teacher gives deductions for the (bathroom) guy who said jason was late
mr park finds out about one of the teachers BJ is looking to hire
JYP is someone who was an english teacher at an institute
JYP is at a place to sell his keyboard so he can buy his gf a ring
the guy at the store doesnt like what JYP brought cuz it was bought in the US and has the wrong voltage for korea
JYP explains how he never took it outside even once and always used it indoors and there is nothing wrong with it-never been broken even once-doesnt have a scratch
the guy says he will give JYP $200 but JYP asks you look like you arent crazy but how could you offer such a low price
JYP says he bought it in Japan a year ago for – no clue how much but it’s a lot
when the guy says there is a scratch JYP tells him to listen to it and plays a part (of his most famous song)
throughout the deal he had been getting phone calls from his gf and he blows up on her
he yells “stop calling i told you I would call- to buy you a ring do you know what I am selling? to get married to you, not only did I work as an english teacher, now I am selling my instrument -do you hear me! she hangs up on him
JYP tells the guy if she doesnt answer my call I am going to burn this place down
she doesnt answer
the guy asks so are you going to sell or not and JYP says he wont sell it
JYP threatens to break a guitar but the guy tells him what it is and i guess it is valuable do JYP just gives it back and walks out with his keyboard
mr park narrates: age 37
teaching experience was only 2 yrs at an institute
mr park says he cant put up with anymore
mr park is upset cuz BJ wants this guy to teach english at kirin -
people like him who have no experience or right to be teaching at kirin
mr park meets another guy and complains to him about BJ
mr park asks for the guy’s support but the guy wants to be paid for it
HM wakes up and thinks about what mr kang told his sister
mr kang comes out and the little girl had made all the breakfast
she is nice to mr kang
she tells him that HM told him to call her when he wakes up
HM went to go find one of the kids (SD)
she knows mr kang has to find another kid too so she says you go find him
before the due date and I’ll find SD
he worries she cant find SD by herself but she says she already thinks she found him
she saw signs for a popular korean singing show
during backstage practice SD learns his mom came with someone she knows
so SD is upset about it
SD rushes out and runs into HM and knocks her cell phone on the floor so he helps her pick it up
and they meet and he looks smitten
mr kang asks that bathroom guy where JG is
mr kang goes to find JG in the basement place
JG has been beaten badly and is unconscious
BJ goes to JYP’s place
BJ wants JYP to be their english teacher
JYP thinks BJ is tricking him
BJ finds an album that most people dont know
JYP is impressed
JYP sees BJ’s buiness card and believes him
SD goes up to sing
HM realizes this is the kid she came to find
the mc asks SD why he is here instead of at school
SD says to make his mom sleep well
the mc says why cant she sleep
SD says she is worried SD will never get married so she cant sleep
the mc says there are lots of pretty girls so pick one and bring her up to the stage

JYP is still with BJ
BJ says he cant wait long so is “no” your answer?
JYP says not that isnt it – he is worried he might fail BJ
JYP says arent you worried I might not work out and BJ admits he does
but he likes this nervous feeling
as BJ narrates : when you meet people -you dont know if it is destiny …..(SD stares at HM)
so whenever you meet someone doesnt your heart feel like it is fluttering
and at the same time we see SD go up to HM and say”sorry but come with me” and takes her hand and leads her up to the stage



HM doesnt like having to stand on stage with SD while he sings
HM sees JG’s “uhm” when he drops his towel and she screams
(guess mr kang took him in too)
HM calls someone a something pervert and JG spits his food out on HM’s little sister
HM is drunk and says “hello mother” to SD’s mom


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