[Message] BYJ - To the victims of Tohoku Taiheiyo Coast earthquake.
original in korean: BYJ 2011.03.14 @10:56am
translated into japanese: JOB
translated into english: cloudnine
To the victims of Tohoku Taiheiyo Coast earthquake
(BYJ’s message translated into Japanese)
Today I hesitate to start with the regular greetings such as ‘Hello, this is Bae Yong Joon’. Watching the news about the earthquake on 11th, I can’t take my eyes off the television screen. Because I’m very much worried about not only you, my family, but also all the victims of the earthquake.
More and more damages are being reported and I am deeply troubled by the news of continuous aftershocks, too. All I can do is to watch the news and I feel helpless.
Whatever I do, I don’t think I can heal wounds and pains, but I would like to offer my heartfelt condolences to the earthquake and tsunami victims. I really wish that the secondary disasters and accidents will not occur anymore.
Having been in such troubles even in the past, I understand that you have overcome quickly and calmly. With the great interest and support from all over the world, I truly wish that you will live through this difficult situation to restore peaceful days as soon as possible.
At the same time, I am currently considering the best course I can do.
Offering fervent prayers, my Korean family and hope to see you again in good spirits.
Bae Yong Joon

タイトル 东北太平洋沿岸地震の被灾者の方々へ(ペ・ヨンジュン)
From JOB by administrator
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