[Photo & News] Mike He and Janine Chang Attend a Fan Meeting in Taipei for 'Sunny Happiness'.
Cr. - koalasplayground
'Sunny Happiness', currently no.1 Sunday night TW-drama, isn’t about to take its rating’s crown for granted. Mike He and Janine Chang attended a Sunny Happiness fan meeting yesterday, which coincidentally was the night before the premiere of Drunken to Love You. When asked if he was worried about the upcoming competition, Mike pooh-poohed any such worry, saying that 'Drunken to Love You' was just another bridge 'Sunny Happiness' has to cross.
Good answer, Mike, and you know how much I love 'Sunny Happiness', but excuse for moment while I whisper something off to the side. Anyways, back to my beloved Yong Yong and Yun Jie – don’t they look gorgeous together still? Sigh, 'Sunny Happiness' is perfection from beginning to end, and I’m still pinching myself this drama came along to reinvigorate my faith in Taiwan dramas again.
While Janine is glowing, her zebra-ran-into-a-bumble-bee-crossed-with-a-muu-muu outfit is about the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen on her. The fact she still looks great speaks volumes about her natural beauty. And Mike’s outfit is just a giant FAIL. Ugh, I cannot even critique it, but at least from the neck up it’s all handsome Mike all the way.
While I would love for 'Sunny Happiness' to remain no.1 during its entire run, my gut tells me that it’s about to lose its ratings crown soon, if not already. 'Drunken to Love You' is special. I’m not trying to be coy, if I start talking about episode 1 of 'Drunken to Love You' right now I won’t be able to stop, and this is a 'Sunny Happiness' post devoted to my perfect OTP of Yun Jie and Yong Yong.
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