
[News] KOCCA, KBS and CCTV signed MOU.

[News] KOCCA, KBS and CCTV signed MOU.
Cr. - http://korean-content.com/

KBS and CCTV, national broadcast companies in Korea and China, agreed to cooperate producing and broadcasting special documentaries and total talk-shows to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Korea and China. These special programs will be supported by KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency).

This cooperation contract is part of the project called '2010 International broadcast exchange support program' and made for pushing forward 'Korea-China co-producing documentaries project'.

According to the contract, KBS and CCTV agreed to make documentary to celebrate the 20th anniversary day and broadcast it. It also includes 1) Exchanging documentaries 2) co-managing Korea-China documentary forum etc.

They will broadcast 2 documentaries and a total talk-show at the early year 2012 and 4 sets of the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Korea and China documentaries in August. Themes of the documentaries will be 'China in Korea' and 'Korea in China'.

Jae-woong Lee, the president and CEO of KOCCA, mentioned "The relationship between Korea and China should step forward with the 20th anniversary. We will support the project at our best to make it as a new milestone for both countries".

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