
[News] Show Luo gets tongue-tied in Japan.

[News] Show Luo gets tongue-tied in Japan.
Cr. - asianfanatics

Encouraging fans applauded and shouted "it's all right" to the singer when he stumbled on his Japanese.

Taiwanese singer Show Luo's Japanese fans are a forgiving lot. Even when he stumbled over his Japanese, they continue to show him love.

Last Sunday, Show held an album launch for his Japanese single in Tokyo.

The singer got his fans going wild when he drove right in to the venue and got on to the stage.

Decked in a pair of sunglasses, Show, who speaks fluent Japanese, got tongue-tied with he saw that more than two thousand fans were present at the venue. He quickly apologised in Japanese saying, "This is terrible. I'm so nervous!"

However, Show's fans responded "It's all right", and motivated him with their applause.

In order to catch a good glimpse of their idol, Show's fans had started queuing since early Sunday morning, and when the singer got to know of this, he immediately said in Japanese, "It must have been hard on all of you."

When asked about his feelings about recording his song in Japanese, Show confessed that the while pronouncing Japanese words is difficult, he did try his very best to perfect it.

As he chatted with the host, Show got tongue-tied once more. When his fans applauded him again, this got him smiling shyly.

Show then mesmerized his fans with his Japanese single, Only You.

During an interview, Show admitted that although there were still slips in his Japanese pronunciation, but he had been trying his best.

While he thanked the media, Show jokingly said to his interpreter, "I will work hard to perfect my Japanese and hopefully I won't need an interpreter the next time round."

In response to their idol's language stumble, Show's Japanese fans stood up for him and explained, "We all know that his Japanese is very good. He must have been too nervous so it's all right!"

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