
[News] Han Hyo-joo Seeking More Challenging Roles in Movies.

[News] Han Hyo-joo Seeking More Challenging Roles in Movies.
Cr. - http://english.chosun.com/

Han Hyo-joo (24) starred in the movie "Always", which premiered as the opening film of the Busan International Film Festival this year. It is a tear-jerking melodrama that speaks to people's hidden desires, she said.

"I always wanted to do a movie about true love. I wanted to move audiences through something everyone thinks of as being a cliché", Han said. "Everyone says ever-lasting love is impossible, but they long for it and dream about it".

Han has stuck to similar roles throughout her career, often portraying bright-eyed and innocent women.

"I'd like to continue playing [those kind of] characters on TV", she said. "When I was filming the TV soap 'Brilliant Legacy', an old woman who was passing by shook my hand and said 'Thank you'... that was really a wake-up call for me".

"Until then, acting was something I did just for myself, but I realized that playing positive characters actually gives others a lot of strength", she said.

However she said she wants to explore new kinds of roles and characters in films. "I think it's going to be difficult to embrace totally new roles all of a sudden", she said. "I don't want to play stereotypes but rather find something more unique".

Han has not been involved in any public scandals nor does she have any major detractors. When asked if she was a teacher's pet at school, she said, "I just want to walk a straight path, but I'm not as naive as you may think".

"I know everything an ordinary 25 year old should know... I'm not that innocent, but I strive to live a good, clean life", she added.

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