
[Trans] “The Legend” - Article from a Romanian Site

This is the article from Romanian Site about “The Legend” (aka The Great King & Four Gods), BYJ’s korean drama. As it’s in Romanian language, so our Romanian sister, Marcela, had translated into English and posted in KOB (BYJ’s Official Website). Thanks for her efforts!

Posted in KOB by Marcela (post no.#61372)
Translated from Romanian into English by Marcela
Source : http://www.asiacinefil.com/the-great-king-partea-1-realitate-istorica-si-fictiune/

The Great King, Part 1: historical reality and fiction

"The Great King", also known under the following series: Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi, The Story of the First King's Four Gods, The Legend, Four Gods or The Great King and the four gods, comes to an end. 24 episodes may seem less consistent compared with the scenario and, especially, in relation to exceptional achievement, which has made virtually every episode to flow on unnoticed, although each had over an hour. It was the most expensive series in the history of Korean television, and it's hard to believe that at least in the next 2 years it will achieve anything as grandiose, given current economic circumstances Korean film industry across a very difficult period .Filming the series, which lasted nearly 2 years, have ended in December 2007, thus explaining the change and decor (as in Kingdom of the Winds, by the way) in the last episodes.

In the first part of the article (which probably will have 4 parts) will insist on a unique parallel between the real and imaginary in this monumental series.

The whole series is inspired by the life of King Dam-Duk (Tamdok), also known Kwanggaeto, 19th monarch of the state founded by Jumong, Goguryeo. He reigned from 391-413 and died just 39 years. He was seen in the history of Korea, a hero king, giving him the name Kwanggaeto The Great for his bravery deeds.

King Kwanggaeto (whose name means in Korean, "Great expanse of territory") was born in 374 and ruled since 391, for just 17 years, becoming the 19th king of Goguryeo Dynasty. The troubled times in which he ruled Korea are known in history as the Three Kingdoms period, when Goguryeo, Silla and Baekje faced each other.

Kwanggaeto expanded Goguryeo's territory deep in the Korean peninsula (as reflected in the series), advancing deep south Baekje territory, and occupying the Manchurian territory at east of Liaohe.

At his death in 413, Goguryeo ruled everything between Sungari and Han River, a huge territory, reported to the current territory of Korea meant two thirds. In 399, the heads of the clan of Silla's Kwanggaeto were subjected to a protection against raids by the Japanese. Baekje continued to resist Goguryeo's power during this period, otherwise, we could talk about the first unification of the Korean peninsula into a single state! During his reign, King Kwanggaeto captured nearly 65 castles and 1400 villages, helping, in addition, Silla, attack by Japanese tribes. In 392, he built 9 Buddhist temples in the current Pyongyang (the capital of North Korea). His achievements are recorded on a monument (which appears and the end of the series) up to a year after his death in 414, in the south Manchuria.

What is fantasy? Of course, the legend. A legend built on ideas borrowed from Buddhism and Christianity in particular, the idea of a savior came to earth with a divine mission. The 4 symbols specific to Korean mythology, ancient religion is a kind of Korean Shamanism combined with specific totemism of the Manchurian nomadic populations. The legend told in the serial is the foundation myth of world creation, as God is considered in the Christian faith that created the world. What does the legend say? At first there was the world, a god appeared (Yul-ryeo) and a goddess (Mago). Yul-ryeo dies and gives birth to 2 Mago goddesses, and they, in turn, give birth each of the two men and two women of Heaven Heaven. With the advent of the Sons of Heaven, Yul-ryeo returns to life and creates the sky, earth and ocean. Mago remained with Yul-ryeo and their bodies united to become World and Sons of Heaven ruled all living in it. There were 4 men of Heaven guarding each cardinal point of a fortress Magoseong, where the sons of Heaven World mastered. The 4 Guardians of Heaven Men married with 4 Women of Heaven and their descendants have been men. The first people were pure milk and ate the Earth.

But in time, people have multiplied, infant Earth was not enough ... and one of them has committed sin and he ate the forbidden fruit: a cluster of grapes. The man began to change, to lose their purity and no longer hear the voice of heaven. People began to blaspheme Jiso, who has committed mortal sin and tasted the forbidden fruit. People wanted to be clean again, so they destroyed the fortress Magoseong guards, searching for Earth Dairy. Hwang-gung (Hwangoong), one of the guards wanted to help: took 3,000 of his followers and went north to a place called Cheonsanju ( "land of the Holy Mountain"), which was cold and dangerous. He did this intentionally, because I wanted to be purified again, making a covenant that will be able to regain purity. A thousand years ruled Hwang-gung and conveyed to his son the knowledge of Yuin Saint legacy, leaving him his kingdom and his followers. Then he left the Holy Land and became a stone, reminding people about following their innocence.

At this point fantasy series starts: the Holy Land is, 2,000 years later, Abullansa, led by the evil wizard of the tiger tribe, which had lost their fire. Nation founder of the settlement of the Holy Land takes its name from Jooshin, and the idea of a savior king Jooshin that will give back to the people their purity with thehelp of the 4 sacred symbols left by Hwang-gung on earth: Snake Turtle, White Tiger, Black Fenix and Blue Dragon. Fantasy are also the tribes who are fighting among themselves for the power of fire, the first episode of the series, as Hwang-gung's intervention and its love story with a mortal woman. The characters, except King Dam-duk, is imaginary, with specific features designed to reflect the Korean people: courage, heroism and spirit of sacrifice (Gen. Go, Dam Duk, General Heuk GAME, Jumuchi), good mood and nature of bending to the side playful life (Ba Son, Dalbe, that villager small stature of the Guh Mool, Jumuchi's right hand), maternal love and respect for the family (Sujini-Kiha, Ho GAME - Mr. and Mrs. Yon, Dam-Duk and his father ), greed and arrogance in the positive meaning of the word (Kiha, Ho GAME, evil sorcerer, to Sa-ryang).

(to be continued)

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