
[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.15

Mary Stayed Out All Night - Bus. Ep15 / Cr. - dnfxmfk0

[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.15
Posted on December 27, 2010
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/

J looks at the engagement ring
Mary goes chasing after MG
explaining that she waited all day long and just went there to settle things with J
MG says then why was he hugging you
he walks away from Mary
and remembers the hug and cries

mary goes to Mg’s but he isnt there
her friends call her to hurry up and come there
they want her to come there and wait for mg
she says she wants to wait here for MG and then go
she cries
her friends know she was crying

people on the bus recognize MG and take his pics
so he gets off

mary remembers Mg wanted to take down the curtain
and as she cries and is about to leave MG comes home
she asks where he has been
she told him not to misunderstand
she tells him she asked J for a divorce
he says he doesnt want to hear anything
since it is his bday she says let’s celebrate since not much of it is left
he yells at her to stop
he changed so much for her
put up with it for her
changed his music
he asks if she still thinks of J
she says you know it is not so why are you asking?
he tells her to leave that he wants to be alone
she asks if he means it
mary cries and leaves

mg looks at the cake and stuff
and tears down the decorations

mgm is cleaning the floor with her foot
D tells her to clean with her hands
D is worried cuz he has no one to invite to the wedding
mgm laughs and cant believe mary is getting ready
mgm is mad that mary didnt let her son go sooner
she thinks MG is popular cuz mary let him go

mgm comes home and MG looks almost happy thinking it is mary
mgm says something bad about mary
mg says she isnt that kind of girl
mgm shows him the wedding invitation
he yells it has nothing to do with her
he asks where she got it
he tells her he returned the ring
so she should come out of there
she is happy and calls D to tell him
she tells him that MG gave the ring back
she accuses D of selling off his daughter
D gets mad /insulted
Mary comes home
he asks what she is doing here
she lies and says she wanted to see her dad
she tells him to stop calling J son in law
and that she asked for a divorce
he tells her to go back and apologize
D blames MG
she says she isnt doing this cuz of MG
she says she is tired today so she wants to go in and rest
she cried the whole time
J has a meeting telling his staff that they worked hard
so he wants to reward them with a workshop
J tells the woman to invite mary too
she says because of MG everything went well

MG comes to J
he accuses J of planning all this
J tells him his dad arranged all this
MG asks if J loved mary
J says he asked mary to come so dont misunderstand
she didnt come cuz she wanted to come
J talks about MGs schedule but MG doesnt want to do it anymore

mary tells D she wants to go clear her head
she asks do you really want me to marry J
D says of course
he just wants her to be happy
she leaves and goes to a bookstore and J comes
he sits near her and she sees him
J gets a call about MG
MG didnt make it to a show
J says MG probably didnt go far and that he would look for him

MG is with his band playing loud guitar
the bands says when he is like that playing so loud
it means not to bother him
they guess he fought with mary
J comes and turns off the amp
MG looks angry
J accuses MG of being irresponsible
Mg says I told you i quit
J are you gonna quit music
J says you cant do what you want and not keep promises
J says he cant give mary to a guy like MG
who isnt reliable and stable
the band and friends try to think of ways to get mary and MG together

MG is walking and band member lies and says one of them is going to quit
and get a steady job
they tell him to hurry and come

mary sends MG a text asking if anything band happened to him
her friend calls and says the guy one of them was seeing broke up
and they pretend to cry so she says where are you
they all compliment each other for acting so well

MG comes and there are candles in a heart shape
so he leaves and mary comes
she says I tried to reach you alll day
he says it doesnt matter
she says what is it gonna take to get over your anger
the friends and band apologize cuz it didnt go well

MG goes home and he kicks over the trash can and the hair conditioner comes out of the box
he gets a call

D is looking at the korean dress and mary and him fight again

S calls MG
S saved MG by going to the thing he was suppose to go to
S says MG should be nicer to J for helping him debut
MG gets mad saying what do you mean he helped me debut
she tells him to go to the workshop

mary packs for the workshop and D says to act like it is a practice vacation with J
when she comes back she has to get married and go on her honeymoon

JS likes the suit he is going to wear for his son’s wedding
he asks his housekeeper if wedding preparation is going well
and if she passed out invitations at J’s company

everyone is gathered to leave
Mary shows up
and the staff says now they think they should call her mrs.
they tell her about getting invitation
mary wants to leave
but her friends come cuz J invited them
so mary ends up going

on the bus they make J and mary sit together and take pics
J keeps falling alseep on mary;s shoulder she puts him back but his head rolls back on her shoulder
MG watches his performance on TV at his home
he gets a call
S asks if she really isnt going to the workshop
she makes the band talk to him
she tells him that mary is there too
she says things can happen there
so if he trusts Mary and J to be alone then MG can stay at home
J makes a speech to his staff and toasts how great wonderful day did
S tells mary she heard mary is going to marry j
mary says she isnt marrying J
S yells at mary saying mary is hurting MG
S says for MG’ s sake mary should settle matters
s says she thinks mary doesnt love MG or J

mary goes off alone and J follows her
mary has flashbacks/remembers all the stuff that happened with MG
(the good old days when this show was good)
she cries remembering
J comes up behind her
he is like a few feet behind
MG looks at the cat pendant he got mary

mary climbs to the top and looks around
she calls out MG ‘s name
she says sorry for making things hard for you
all this was my fault
I still wanted to live happily with you
i was being selfish
sorry for making things hard for you
i’m sorry
she crouches and cries
she keeps crying and J watches from a distance and smiles
(he looks like he is ready to give up on her now that he heard all that)
he walks over to her and helps her get up
J tells her to go back down and crap I didnt hear- think he said to go back to the way it was or something

MG gets a call
S is calling cuz mary and J is gone
they went up the mountain and they havent come back
she thinks they got lost
she tells him that she said some hurtful stuff to mary and wonders if that had anything to do with it
MG says why are you just telling me now
he tells the cab driver to go faster
everyone is looking for mary and J
the others have to go in cuz the temperature is dropping so it is dangerous for everyone who is looking for they are going to leave it to rescuers

mary and J are lost
mary apologizes to J cuz it is her fault
he says today will be the last day he hears apologize
she falls and he rolls with her down the incline
and he hits his head on a rock
he is bleeding

MG comes and he goes looking for mary
S and the others tell him not to
he says he will always regret for the rest of his life
and he goes looking for mary
Mary is trying to keep J warm
she begs him to regain conciousness
she is hugging him to keep him warm
MG comes and finds them

at the hosiptal J still hasnt revived
she tells her dad this is all her fault so she is staying by J and taking care of him
D is worried that his daughter wont get married and become a widow i think
(at least they cant get married now – with J in the coma and all)

her friends worry that MG and mary will break up over this
the band worries about MG

her friends worry that MG and mary will break up over this
the band worries about MG

MG comes home and his mom asks about J
she made MG some food but it doesnt taste good
so he thinks about mary’s cooking
he keeps eating it even tho it tastes bad
mgm asks if MG loved mary cuz she thought he was just dating mary
she tells him to meet a pretty girl next time
(and I wanna kill her)

MB and the actor fight again she is still trying to get him back
he says he wants to live the right way
S is fighting with the director
S says even if J is in the hospital
she talks to the director about loyalty
MG hears all this
S complains about all the work
MG apologizes
I think he is quitting-cant read the document-so I guessed
she talks about their past
how MG misunderstood that she had a sponsor
she was mad that he didnt even confirm and just believed the worst
she tells him not to do that to mary
back then with her he was younger
so he shouldnt do that with Mary now
he says sorry

the doctor says J is fine but they cant figure out why he wont wake up
it is like he is sleeping
Mary greets JS who comes to see his son
JS calls J a bad name again and asks why he wont wake up
JS tells her to go home cuz she has been here the whole time
JS and the housekeeper will stay with J

as mary leaves MG calls her name
they sit and talk
she thanks him for saving them
she didnt get a chance to say that
she asks how the drama ost is going
she worries about the office
he asks what she is doing here
she says this is my fault
he got hurt while saving me
he says it’s enough she did enough
he apologizes for being cold
he says it is her turn to listen to him
she begs him to wait till J wakes up
that she will go to MG right after J wakes up
he wants her to choose now
it’s either him or J
she stays silent
he says that is her answer and gets up and leaves
omg now even their ending isnt good
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog,
    The story revolves around moon geun-young’s character named wee mae-ri,who the daughter of a failed businessman and falls into a love triangle with an indie-band singer kang mu-gyul and a perfect chaebol.


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