
[News] Ring Ring Bells Releases Final Trailer Prior to its Weekend Premiere.

[News] Ring Ring Bells Releases Final Trailer Prior to its Weekend Premiere.
Cr. - ockoala

This weekend sees the premiere of another Sunday night TW-drama, which will be entering already heated competition. Ring Ring Bell with Peter Ho and Janine Chang airs on CTS, and will be going up against heavy-hitting Office Girls on TTV with tons of momentum and the already critically acclaimed In Time With You on FTV.

CTS has good reason to be genuinely worried about ratings for RRB. Since the drama hasn’t finished filming yet, and with Janine and Peter shortly needing to head to the Mainland for their next separate projects, they have very little time to do promotions. Whereas the OG and ITWY casts are everywhere these days drumming up interest in their dramas.

I have a feeling I will end up liking all three dramas. I already love two of them, and RRB looks really cute with some wickedly awesome chemistry between Janine and Peter based on the trailer and stills alone. If I like RRB, this is will the first in a long time where I am watching more TW-dramas than K-dramas. Well, there is a first for everything. Watch the final trailer below.

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