...Hallyu began roughly 12 years ago when the rest of Asia discovered Korean soap operas. One of the breakthrough dramas was a series 'Winter Sonata' starring Choi Ji-woo & Bae Young-Joon. After that, more Korean dramas saw their way to foreign shores and Korean films and music started to follow suit. Korean marketing people started to see a Korea-centric trend. They dubbed this flow "The Korean Wave" or Hallyu....
작곡가 '겨울연가'
뮤지컬 '기발한 자살여행' 작곡가
"뮤지컬이요? 이 작품 맡기 전에야 큰 관심 없었죠."
아무리 '실미도' 등의 영화음악을 작곡했고 '올드보이'로는 주요 영화제에서 음악상까지 받았다지만, 처음 작곡에 도전한 뮤지컬의 개막을 앞둔 사람이 이런 대답이라니. 3월 17일부터 4월 19일까지 두산아트센터 연강홀에서 공연되는 창작 뮤지컬 '기발한 자살여행'의 작곡과 편곡, 음악감독을 맡은 이지수(28)씨는 평소 뮤지컬에 대한 관심을 묻자 "'웨스트 사이드 스토리'나 '캣츠' 같은 유명 라이선스 작품을 몇 편 본 정도"라고 답했다.
그래서 예원중, 서울예고, 서울대 작곡과로 이어지는 엘리트 코스를 밟았고, TV드라마 '겨울연가'에서 배용준의 피아노 연주를 대역한 것을 계기로 방송과 인연을 맺은 후 성공적으로 영화ㆍ드라마 음악 작곡가의 길을 걷게 된 그에게 딴지를 걸고 싶어졌다. 과연 뮤지컬에서도 합격점을 받을 수 있을까?
"당연히 뮤지컬 작곡을 제안 받은 2년 전부터는 열심히 보기 시작했죠, 공부 차원에서. '스위니 토드' '오페라의 유령' '컴퍼니' 등을 재미있게 봤고요. 막연히 생각했던 뮤지컬 음악의 역할에 대해 좀 더 구체적으로 생각하게 되더군요."
그렇게 이 젊은 예술가의 '이른 성공'의 힌트를 찾을 수 있었다. "잘하고 좋아하는 작곡 일이 직업이 됐다"는 그는 영화도, 뮤지컬도 '공부 차원에서' 본다. 그리고 그는 이 과정마저도 "100% 즐긴다"는 일 중독자로, 다른 취미는 없다고 했다. 피아노를 치고 작곡을 하다 여유가 생기면 음악을 듣는다고 했다.
"물론 그간 배경음악만 만들었던 터라 처음 보컬곡을 쓰면서 어떻게 해야 가사가 더 잘 전달될지, 대사 중 음악이 나가고 들어오는 지점을 어떻게 잡을지 고민이 많았어요. 뮤지컬을 통해 이런 새로운 것들을 배우게 돼 요즘 정말 행복해요."
피아노 연주가 취미인 어머니의 영향으로 그는 5살 때부터 피아노를 배웠다. 자연스레 12살 때부터 품은 장래 희망은 '베토벤 같은 클래식 작곡가가 되는 것'. 영화나 드라마 음악, 뮤지컬 작곡은 언젠가 경험하고 싶었던 일이긴 하지만 이렇게 빨리 기회가 오리라고는 예상하지 못했다고 한다.
그는 특히 그간 해온 영화음악뿐 아니라 이번 뮤지컬 작곡이 클래식 음악의 저변 확대에 도움이 되리라 믿고 있다. 이번 뮤지컬에 언뜻 어울리지 않아 보이는 클래식한 선율을 담은 것도 같은 맥락이다.
핀란드 소설가 아르토 파실린나의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 뮤지컬 '기발한 자살여행'은 자살을 원하던 이들이 삶에 대한 욕구를 되찾아가는 과정을 풍자와 냉소로 그린다.
"미국의 클래식 거장 레너드 번스타인이 뮤지컬 음악을 작곡했듯 제가 뮤지컬에 뛰어든 것도 범위를 넓히는 일일 뿐, 음악은 다 같은 음악이라고 생각해요. 아마 베토벤도 이 시대를 살았으면 모든 장르를 섭렵했겠죠?" 공연 문의 (02)514-5606
The Lament of the Highborne
The song, Lament of the Highborne,
was sung by Vangie Gunn.
Lament of the Highborne
The Lament of the Highborne is a Thalassian song. The lament was composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower and sung by artist Vangie Gunn. It appears on the Burning Crusade soundtrack. It is also the name of an in-game book which contains the lyrics of the song of the same name. The book serves no game play purpose, other than to offer the player a chance to reread the lyrics as many times as he/she wishes. The composers have revealed that "the quest design team enhanced a new quest line to incorporate the song as a payoff moment".
Originally thought to be a lament to the Fall of Quel'Thalas, or possibly the Troll Wars, Lament of the Highborne is a tribute to both these events and more. The original song may have actually been in Darnassian, but given the similarities between it and Thalassian, this is probably a moot point. The original version is a kaldorei song, lamenting the losses of the War of the Ancients, a tribute to the members of the Kaldorei Resistance who fought against, and died by the claws of, the Burning Legion. Some 2,800 years ago, the words were altered (though the melody remained the same) to reflect the similar losses and courage found in the Troll Wars. The song (possibly modified slightly) rose to popularity in recent years, after the Fall of Quel'Thalas, again to honor the fallen of Quel'Thalas and those who persevered. Hence, the song is a dirge, not for just the high elves, but for all elves; kaldorei, quel'dorei, and sin'dorei alike.
Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore
Shindu fallah na
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore
Loose English Translation
By the light, by the light of the sun
Children of the blood
Our enemies are breaking through
Children of the blood
By the light
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
The sun
I'm Sorry to 사랑하기때문에
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the lord
Dear 사랑하기때문에,
I am sorry for your loss.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies.
Dearest... 사랑하기때문에
...I so sorry with you and your Family so Much.
I believe that Grandmother go to...
**Please Take good care of your self
**I always Pray For you
To you and your Family.**
Love and Concern you so Much my Lovely.
May GOD's Joy Peace
With Love in My Heart.
Theater or Aone_byj
We Sorry to 사랑하기때문에
Dear 사랑하기때문에,
We're so sad to hear of your grandma's passing.
We're sorry that you have to suffer the pain of losing her
and we hope that you will find some comfort
in knowing that she was a much loved person.
You have my deepest condolence during this most difficult time.
BTF [BYJ Thailand Family] & TWSSG TEAM
From : Oversea BYJ ‘Family
Myoce (Indonesia), Concy (China),
Sophie (Korea), sasso (Egypt), xiaoyi (Malaysia),
Fatma (Egypt), Lin Chen (Vietnam),maisarah_j (Malaysia),
beautiful CO (USA),Janet (Singaphore),Bety(Maxico)
Munn [USA.],nabila [LA,USA.] ,Beccah020 [Midwest, USA] ,
moichan [JP] ,Fatma (Egypt)
From : Thailand BYJ’Family
Aone_BYJ , Amorn BYJ, Roytavan, thida, Kelly
Ladymoon ,cuety ,Winterstory, hilovebyj,yimpan ,
Jo,Kornbyj, BoEun, lover twssg, pp, maya_hata ,
WIND ,mam , wi-witty,oldfriend ,Cable, NuAnn
thitirat,kayaa, ,Natee,sujitra ,VaRa,Saranglady,
RainbowMoon ,sweet ,sujitra ,nuch1819
Starpolaris, Sandybeach , Mc.nana , Poo, pom ,..ect.
***สำหรับรายชื่อ BTF (BYJ Thailand Family) ตกหล่นชื่อใครบ้าง
กรุณาฝากข้อความไว้ที่ Talking Box นะคะ...***
한류 2.0시대 … 그들이 돌아온다
한류 2.0시대 … 그들이 돌아온다
헤럴드경제 기사전송 2009-02-27 12:01
한류영화로 대거 복귀
할리우드 진출작 개봉
일본과 동남아에서 TV 드라마를 발판으로 만들어진 한류가 무대를 미국까지 확장하고 장르도 다양화해 제2기, ‘한류 2.0 시대’로 도약하고 있다.
장동건, 원빈 등 한동안 ‘두문불출’하던 한류스타들은 대거 무대에 복귀하고 이들이 그동안 작업해 온 할리우드 진출 결과물도 올해 쏟아져 나오기 때문이다.
국내 엔터테인먼트산업의 침체 속에 국내 무대 복귀와 해외 진출로 ‘양수겸장’을 노리는 한류스타들이 무너진 스타시스템을 재건하고 미국 진출의 가능성을 확인하게 될지가 관심사다.
‘태극기 휘날리며’의 히어로 장동건과 원빈은 나란히 한국영화로 복귀했다. 장동건은 ‘태풍’ 이후 4년 만에, 원빈은 ‘우리형’ 이후 5년 만이다. 장동건은 장진 감독의 신작 ‘굿모닝 프레지던트’에서 젊고 매력적인 대통령역을 맡아 4월부터 촬영에 들어간다.
원빈은 봉준호 감독의 신작 ‘마더’를 촬영 중이다. 4~5월 중 개봉이 예정됐다. 장동건은 ‘태풍’ 이후 한ㆍ미 합작영화인 ‘런드리 워리어’의 제작 및 촬영에 집중해왔다.
원빈은 군입대와 제대 등으로 인해 팬들을 만나지 못했다.
이병헌은 김태희, 김승우, 정준호 등과 함께 대작 드라마인 ‘아이리스’로 ‘올인’ 이후 6년 만에 TV에 복귀한다.
한류 스타들이 출연한 할리우드 진출작들도 줄줄이 볼 수 있다.
비의 ‘닌자 어새신’, 이병헌의 ‘지 아이 조:라이즈 오브 코브라’가 올여름 세계적으로 개봉된다. 둘 모두 주연이거나 주조연급 비중이다. 국내 스타가 조연으로 출연한 작품으로는 다니엘 헤니의 ‘엑스맨 탄생:울버린’과 박준형의 ‘드래곤볼 에볼루션’이 개봉을 앞두고 있다.
한국, 프랑스, 일본 등이 합작한 전지현의 ‘블러드:더 라스트 뱀파이어’와 장동건의 ‘런드리 워리어’도 올해 전 세계에서 선보인다. 이들 작품은 모두 영어로 제작됐으며 한국 배우들도 모두 영어로 연기를 펼친다.
배용준 주연 ‘겨울연가’의 일본 방영을 계기로 폭발한 한류는 스타 위주의 마케팅과 거품 낀 해외수출, 콘텐츠의 다양성 부족 등 한계에 부딪치면서 불붙었던 속도만큼이나 빠르게 시들었다. 한동안 팬들의 시야에서 사라졌던 스타들의 복귀는 ‘한류의 부활과 업그레이드’를 좌우할 것으로 전망된다.
이형석 기자/suk@heraldm.com
배용준 CEO "불황? CF 나한테 물어봐!"
'CF는 배용준으로 통한다?'
경체 불황과 맞물려 광고 시장도 타격을 맞고 있다. 톱스타조차 연이어 CF 재계약이 불발되는 상황 속에서 배우 배용준이 대표로 있는 BOF 소속 연예인들은 CF계에서 독야청청 빛나고 있다.
배용준은 최근 의류 브랜드 아날도 바시니와 업계 최고 수준의 개런티를 받고 1년 전속 계약을 맺었다. 이에 앞서 절친한 후배 배우 권상우가 모델로 활동하던 화장품 브랜드 더페이스샵의 모델로 발탁됐다. 더페이스샵은 배용준 기용 이후 서울 명동점에 일본인 관광객이 폭발적으로 늘며 높은 광고 효과를 거두고 있다.
배용준과 함께 BOF의 쌍두마차로 꼽히는 배우 소지섭은 소니, 보닌 CF에 이어 톱스타들의 전유물로 여겨지는 커피 CF까지 섭렵했다. 소지섭은 군입대한 배우 공유의 뒤를 이어 커피 음료 칸타타의 모델로 나서 여심을 흔든다.
배우 이나영의 경우 'CF계의 여왕' 대결에서 한 발 앞서가게 됐다. 이나영은 최근 의류브랜드 베스띠벨리와 계약을 맺었다. 베스띠벨리는 배우 전지현이 7년간 장수 모델로 활약한 브랜드다. CF계를 대표하는 두 여배우의 자존심 대결에서 이나영이 우세승을 거둔 셈이다.
배우 박예진은 BOF의 차세대 주자다. SBS 예능프로그램 <일요일이 좋다>의 '패밀리가 떴다'로 스타덤에 오른 박예진은 'CF 대박'을 맞았다. 휴대폰 브랜드 삼성 애니콜의 햅틱 온, 의류 브랜드 EnC, 베스킨라빈스 등에 이어 화장품 브랜드 과일나라의 모델로 발탁되며 함박웃음을 짓고 있다.
BOF측 관계자는 "소속 배우들이 영화 드라마 예능 등 가리지 않고 다양한 활동을 펼치고 있다. CF 계약은 자신의 분야에서 최선을 다한 것에 대한 부산물인 것 같다"고 말했다.
[VOD] 파파 / Pa-pa : 1996
파파 / Pa-pa : Bae Yong Joon & Lee Young Ae
Papa (KBS, 1996)
Papa–Love Forever was an 18-episode Korean drama shown by KBS in 1996.
Bae Yong Joon - Choi Hyun-jun
Father of Heun-heun, formerly married to Se-yung for a few years. Worked as an author and school teacher, but later resigned from his job and became a narrator on one of the KBS stations. Later reconciled with Se-yung.
Lee Young Ae - Han Se-yung
Mother of Heun-heun, formerly married to Hyun-jun for a few years. They married when they had Heun-heun, and first met during their University days. A staff of a film production company, and dated with Yong Gong and her boss Gang Jae-suk. She has a younger brother, Renpiao.
The origin of the story is not shown in the first episode, but is revealed through flashbacks in various parts of the drama series, notably when a character is thinking about his past experiences.
Choi Hyun-jun was a university student who met Han Se-yung and fell in love, during his years in a university. Se-yung became pregnant with Heun-heun prior to their marriage. Their friend, Hee-min, was secretly in love with Choi and frequently met with Choi to assist his writing. Se-yung often saw the couple in intimate conversations sharing laughter etc, right until Hee-min decided to go to America to further her studies, due in part to relation problems which developed between Choi and Han. Han later decided to file a divorce with Choi shortly after.
Episodes 1-8
Hyun-jun, a university professor and a best-selling novelist, who is the father of a six-year-old daughter, lived with his two roommates who are his friend and ex-brother-in-law, Han In-pyo. Han In-pyo is a loafer who frequently hangs out with his girlfriends and squanders away his time at home on music, movies, and calling girlfriends. He came to live in Choi's house immediately after his water supply was cut off while washing his face. In-pyo's water supply and electricity were cut off for he had owed the electrical supply board a large sum of unpaid fees.
A conflict happened when In-pyo met Yong Gong, who also appeared after renting a room from Choi. He tried to punch Gong, as he (mistakenly) was angry at Gong for flirting with Se-yung at the bar, and letting her off altogether by boarding a taxi by herself. Se-yung was surprised to find Gong in Choi's house as well as a son. Yong-min heaved a sigh.
His friend, Yong Gong, was a widower who worked as a Chinese physician. His wife died the previous year (1995) after a car accident. Yong Gong also had a naughty and greedy son, Jae-hong. Yong Gong eventually fell in love with Hee-won, who doted on his son. They first met after Hee-won brought Jae-hung into her pharmacy as he ran, fell, and injured himself when he was following Hee-won doing exercises.
On the other hand, In-pyo, fells in love with a kindergarten teacher, who happened to be the teacher of the children of Hyun-jun and Yong Gong. They first met outside a fashion shop. In-pyo first attracted her attention by splashing a puddle of dirty water with his car onto her pants. They later met again while meeting Jee-yeong, and again at the kindergarten where his niece Shin-shin and Jae-hung are students. At the kindergarten, In-pyo tried to attract her attention by criticising her attitude and dress as a teacher from what he saw the previous day, in front of her colleagues. Han In-pyo felt jubilant after that, but the children protested by highlighting their risk of being transferred out to another school. The kids told their fathers of Han In-pyo's conduct at the kindergarten, both of whom demanded him to apologise to the teacher.
In-pyo apologised to the teacher the following day. Hee-ju disguised herself as another individual when In-pyo came in, who presented an apple. Shortly after In-pyo left the Kindergarten, Hee-ju followed suit and proceeded to her car, where her chauffeur, Mr Wang, was waiting for her. Hee-ju requested to drive towards Renpiao short of crashing into him. Hee-ju lowered her spectacles and apologised after doing so. As Wang drove off, a jubilant Hee-ju gave a bite on the apple In-pyo gave. In-pyo himself was smiling as well. He subsequently frequently visited the kindergarten, even during lesson time, and spent time eating and shopping with Hee-ju.
Episode 9-18
As time progressed, the three men's affairs with women also progressed, but complications arose as Yong-min tried to balance his relations between Hee-min and Se-yung. This happened when Hee-min had just returned from America to Korea, and frequented the university Choi was teaching in and his house. In-pyo also had a hard time getting approval from Hee-ju's father and elder brother for their relationship.
However, after deliberations and persuasion by his son, he approved at episode 17, on condition that In-pyo would agree to change his course of study to a new course that could assist his company. Hee-ju's father also warned In-pyo that he would only allow the couple to marry after three years, and they would have to break up if his behaviour changed for the worse.
After sending Hee-min to America with the termination of their relations and Se-yung shaking off her relationship with her boss, Gang, Hyun-jun eventually reconciled with his ex-wife Se-yong after a separation of many years. Se-yong is working in a film production company, under Gang, to create the film Salut D'Amour.
Yong-Gong got to marry the pharmacist who lived with his entire family and Hyun-jun's brother-in-law eventually went abroad to America to study, as a promise to marry Hee-ju if both of them excel academically.
Se-yung and Hyun-jun confessed their feelings towards each other after Hyun-jun broke up with Hee-min, who had already returned to America to further her studies for another three years. At this time, Yong Gong married the pharmacist, Hee-won after dating indirectly for sometime as well as pressure applied by his son. Yong Gong had confessed his love to Hee-won in episode 17 at her pharmacy shortly after she wound up for the day. That was the same time Hee-won was introduced to a new boyfriend through her father.
The duo later met again at the KBS radio station where Choi worked. The duo then hugged each other after confessing their needs to each other.
[Photo]Good-bye Winter and Hello Spring !
Good-bye Winter and Hello Spring !
Good-bye, ice skates.
Good-bye, sled.
Good-bye, winter.
Spring's ahead!
Good-bye, leggings.
Good-bye, snow.
Good-bye, winter.
Spring, hello!
Hello, crocus.
Hello, kite.
Good-bye, winter.
Spring's in sight!
Hello, jump rope.
Hello, swing.
Good-bye, winter!
Hello, spring!
배용준, 박진영 ‘드림하이’ 직접출연가능
배용준, 박진영 ‘드림하이’ 직접출연가능
배용준과 박진영의 합작으로 알려진 드라마 '드림하이'에 배우 배용준이 직접 출연할 가능성이 있다는 소식이 전해져 팬들의 관심이 몰리고 있다.
'드림하이' 관계자는 배용준과 박진영 모두 필요한 역할이 있다면 출연하기로 기획단계부터 이야기가 진행됐다며, '드림하이'의 출연가능성을 밝혔다.
배용준이 최대주주인 키이스트(http://www.keyeast.co.kr/)는 음악제작 및 매니지먼트사 JYP 엔터테인먼트(http://www.jype.com/)와 드라마 제작을 위해 공동 계약을 체결했다.
'드림하이'(가칭)는 연예예술학교 내부에서 일어나는 사건과 갈등 속에 성장해 가는 학생들의 이야기를 다룬 내용으로 노래와 춤, 연기 등의 재미있는 볼거리와 함께 국내 엔터테인먼트 산업의 실제 모습도 엿볼 수 있어 관심을 받아 오던 기획 소재이다.
배용준은 전체적인 드라마 기획과 극본참여, 프로듀싱 작업을 하고, 박진영은 기획 및 드라마 음원의 작사, 작곡, 편곡, 배우의 보컬과 댄스 트레이닝 등 작업에 참여할 예정이며, 드라마 출연 또한 긍정적으로 검토되고 있다.
키이스트의 한 관계자는 “배우(연기)와 가수(가요) 매니지먼트에 강점이 있고 일본과 미국 시장 진출 경험이 있는 두 회사의 노하우 및 네트워크가 합쳐져, 세계적으로 경쟁력 있는 한국형 컨텐츠를 만들어 보자는 데 의기투합하여 이번 계약이 이루어졌다”며, “국내 및 해외 시장에 대한, 배우 및 가수 매니지먼트에 대한 양사의 그 동안의 경험을 바탕으로 철저한 기획 및 전략 하에 전 세계인의 공감을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 신 엔터테인먼트 컨텐츠를 만들겠다”고 밝혔다.
JYP 엔터테인먼트의 한 관계자는 "평소 관심을 가져오던 엔터테인먼트 영상 산업 분야에 진출할 수 있는 기회를 좋은 파트너와 함께 하게 되어 기쁘다"며, "이번에 제작될 드라마 중 음악 및 안무 부분에 있어서는 박진영 씨가 직접 제작 및 총감독을 담당하고 싶다고 이야기 할 정도로 큰 관심을 두고 있어 2009년 JYP의 핵심 사업 중 하나로 총력을 기울일 예정이다"고 말했다.
키이스트와 JYP엔터테인먼트가 공동 제작하는 '드림하이'는 2010년 상반기 방영을 목표로 기획 중이다.
이유정 기자
Bae to Appear in Self-produced Drama 'Dream High'
[ 2009-02-24 ]
Actor Bae Yong-jun (37) has been flying below the radar since the hit 2007 MBC TV drama series "The Legend" (Taewangsashingi). He is expected to appear in the tentatively-named drama "Dream High," which he will produce with music mogal Park Jin-young. Keyeast says Bae will produce and plan the drama but is also mulling a screen appearance.
Dream High is the first collaboration between JYP Entertainment, whose largest shareholder is Park, and Keyeast, whose number one shareholder is Bae. It will be a coming-of-age school drama set in an entertainment and arts school. Set to air during next year's first half, the story will feature a great deal of singing, dancing and acting and will also portray the inner workings of the entertainment industry.
JYP and Keyeast announced the project last month. Park will be in charge of the music production, lyrics, adaptation, vocal and dance training for the cast while Bae will be involved in the overall production and screenplay.
Bae earlier considered his next acting role to be the drama "One Drop" but, due to its delay, he could decide to appear in Dream High instead.
Keyeast says Bae is particularly passionate about the high profile Park-Bae collaboration and if there's fitting role, he is willing to make an appearance.
The playwright will be chosen and serious preparations will kick off this month.
Keyeast says school teen dramas such as Disney's "High School Musical" have been massive hits but that Dream High will be different from such existing dramas.
Source : http://english.kbs.co.kr/
Thai Translation by ...Ladymoon...
ดารายอดนิยม เบยงจุน อาจร่วมแสดงในละครเรื่อง “Dream High” ซึ่งเขาร่วมสร้างกับนักร้อง/โปรดิวเซอร์ ปาร์คจินยอง
Dream High จะเป็นการร่วมมือกันครั้งแรก ระหว่าง Keyeast กับ JYP Entertainment ละครเรื่องนี้เป็นเรื่องราวชีวิตของนักเรียนในโรงเรียนการแสดง และจะออกอากาศประมาณต้นปี 2010 จะเป็นการผสมผสานระหว่างดนตรีและการแสดง จะมีฉากร้องเพลงและเต้นรำควบคู่ไปกับการตีแผ่ชีวิตที่เกิดขึ้นจริงในธุรกิจบันเทิง
JYP Entertainment และ Keyeast ประกาศเมื่อเดือนก่อนว่า ปาร์คจินยองจะรับผิดชอบเรื่องการทำเพลงและออกแบบท่าเต้น ส่วนเรื่องบทและการถ่ายทำเป็นหน้าที่ของเบยงจุน
“เพราะนี่เป็นโปรเจ็คท์ยักษ์ระหว่างทั้ง 2 ค่าย เบยงจุนจึงรู้สึกผูกพันกับมันเป็นพิเศษ” Keyeast กล่าว “ถ้ามีบทที่เหมาะกับเขา เขายิ่งกว่ายินดีที่จะร่วมแสดงด้วย”
นักแสดงหนุ่มวัย 37 ปี ซึ่งถูกเรียกขานว่า “ยอนซามะ” โดยแฟนๆ ชาวญี่ปุ่นของเขา เขาโด่งดังกลายเป็นดาราแห่งเอเชียเมื่อปี 2002 กับละครเรื่อง “Winter Sonata” และยืนยันความนิยมที่ไม่เสื่อมคลายด้วยบทบาทในละครยอดฮิต “TWSSG” เมื่อปี 2007
``Dream High'' จะคัดเลือกคนเขียนบทในเดือนนี้ และจะเริ่มเตรียมการถ่ายทำอย่างเป็นทางการหลังจากนั้น
Unseen Apirl Snow
พระพุทธองค์ทรงเปล่งพระวาจาอุทาน หลังจากพระ อัณญาโกฑัญญะ บรรลุธรรมว่า " สิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งมีการเกิดขึ้นเป็นธรรมดา สิ่งเหล่านั้นก็หมดไปเป็นธรรมดา"
ความรัก ของ คิม อินซู และ คัง ซูจิน ที่ได้เกิดขึ้น เป็นธรรมดา
ความรักนั้นหมดไป เป็นธรรมดา
ชีวิตคู๋ ของ ยุน คยองโซ และ ฮัน โซยอง ที่ผู้ใหญ่จัดการให้ เกิดขึ้น เป็นธรรมดา
ชีวิตคู่ที่สลายไป หมดไปเป็นธรรมดา
รวมทั้งชีวิต ของ ยุน คยองโซ ที่เกิดขึ้นแล้วเมื่อดับไป เป็นธรรมดา
ความรักที่เกิดขึ้นใหม่ ของ คิม อินซู และ ฮัน โซยอง เกิดขึ้น เป็นธรรมดา
และหากจะหมดไปในวันใดวันหนึ่ง หรือต้องตายจากกัน เป็นธรรมดา
นี่คือ อนิจจัง คือความไม่เที่ยง
ขอพวกเราทั้งหลาย มีชีวิต ที่ไม่ประมาทเถิด
ชีวิตเป็นสิ่งไม่แน่นอน ความตายเป็นสิ่งแน่นอน
ดูละคร แล้วมาย้อนดูความเป็นจริง อันเป็นธรรมชาติ กันนะคะ อย่าหลงเพลิดเพลิน สนุกสนานกับความสุขอย่างเดียวนะคะ