Mary Stayed Out All Night - Last scene Ep7, Preview Ep8
[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.7
Posted on November 30, 2010
Cr. -
***Episode 7. Start
MG leads Mary out after his declaration
J just stands there in shock and so does S
she asks if he knew
and guesses she was the only one who didnt know and storms out
J keeps closing his eyes
Mary yells at MG
and J comes up and hits MG and MG punches J back !!!!!!
Mary tries to separate them but they dont let go and Mary gets hurt in the process
mary puts ointment on MG’s cuts
Mg apologizes
MG looks at her head injury and says it might bruise
Mary says why did you say we were married
she gets mad that he was trying to win against J so MG used her
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Mu Gyul vs Jung-in Ep-7
Mg remembers a lot of moments with Mary including the kiss as he stares at a note she wrote him I think and he thinks of his warning about her better not liking him and holds the mitten and thinks about what he said about how he doesnt meet girls past a month
and mary’s words about how he does what he wants
mary goes in to work next day and J looks away for a sec
she asks how he is and then asks what will happen to MG and J says
he wont do anything and let MG do music
MG comes in and calls her “sweetie” and she asks why he is so early and MG says he has to wrk hard
J tells mary to prepare for the meeting
JS comes in and sees MG
Mary hides MG quickly
mary was worried her dad would find out the three of them work there
but D shows up and he notices the hair first
JS yells at J and tells him to fix it that three of them are not working together
J tries to talk to JS about the marriage but JS says J better…
D yells at MG for wearing a wig and tricking him
D sees her bruise and thinks MG did it
JS wants J to take care of things so that it doesnt look bad in front of the office workers
Mary explains to JS and D about how MG got hired there on his own talent
mary quits so MG can go on working there
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Making Kimchi Ep-7
mary packs her stuff and MG says he will quit so she can continue working
MG asks J to let mary work since she likes dramas
J says MG won the first round
and that the game isnt over yet
[J has hair covering his eyes cuz of the bruise from MG's punch]
MG’s mom comes and says she needs to stay there
she takes mary to buy ice cream and groceries
and the mom buys all instant food
mary says its bad for the skin so the mom buys all fresh stuff
and asks if mary knows how to make kimchi
mg and J are in the studio listening to the music and J approves of the music
S comes in and she seems mad
she said she turned off the phone cuz her head hurt when Mg says he tried to call
S asks J to leave the room so they can talk and S slaps MG
you said you wouldnt marry – you said she was a fan
he says sorry and she says tell me why you lied and says they are no longer friends
J tells her he will give her time and S wants to quit the drama
J asks if she is that upset
she keeps mumbling about how Mg said he would never marry
she keeps sayingmary is not MG’s style
Mary keeps leaving messages to MG and says how hard it is for her now cuz she is making kimchi while the mom watches tv and eats ice cream
mary finds out something about Mg from his mom
MG comes home and sees how much mary is suffering and MG ends up helping her make kimchi
he gives mary some kimchi to taste
mom says they seem like newlyweds
mom steps out for a while
MG tells her she might be late so he tells her to go home but she wants to finish up
and MG acts all sweet
Mary calls D and he says let’s go home together
she tells him to go home alone cuz she is busy
D comes over and yells at MG for giving Mary so much work to do
MG’s mom and D meet
D looks at her and says he isnt an aunt? then he yells at her for giving his daughter so much to do and says she is like her son lazy and brazen
MG tells D to apologize to his mom and D grabs MG so his mom bites D
it is raining hard outside
Mg and Mary both apologize to each other about their moms
since mary is uncomfortable to be alone she calls her friends over
they keep complimenting J
they talk about rings and J points out Mary doesnt have a ring
they lie and says the marriage was so sudden
one lies that mary and MG have couple rings that are 14carat gold
they act like they have to go home and leave mary and J alone together
J says so you never got a ring
mary says it is a silver couple ring so J knows she is lying
mary says why are you asking so many questions like you are trying to find out something
J asks if it is true if they really fell in love and got married and mary leaves
it is raining hard and she runs home but S stops her
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Wound Healing Ep-7
S is waiting and asks mary who wanted the marriage first
S says she thought so cuz MG would never do that first
mary said she had a reason and S asks what mary did to make MG do this
J sees S talk to mary while he is in the car
S goes to MG’s house
she aplogizes for the harsh words she used at the studio
she said she wasnt in her right mind but that she still didnt forgive him for lying to her
he tells her to go if she is done and she says she is just starting
S sees the mitten and MGmoves them
S says he is like Mary and not talking
MG says when did you meet her?
S says i waited a year and you turned me down and marry Mary
she says her pride is hurt
and I think i missed something
mary is at the bookstore and J comes over
she says stuff about writing or something
they sit near each other cuz someone needed J to scoot down and they sit like that reading books
MG got wet earlier from the rain so now he is sick and S takes care of him
she says he looks like he will be sick all night and offers to get him meds
she asks about mary and he says mary is like family
she said didnt you not like families
and mg said when he sees mary – she makes him realize what a real warm family is like
Mary says when she feels down she likes going to markets and he has never been and she says he is like a young master and she buys some – crap dont know what they are called in english
small red fruit that kinda tastes like dried mini apples
she loves those and he doesnt like them but she makes him try one
S meets with the band and they explain how MG and mary met and explain it all
S asks where , when , why they got married and they dont give straight answers
and tells her to ask MG directly
Mary and J sit at an outdoor food vendor and drink
J was kidnapped at 8 yrs old and JS rescued him – wait does that mean JS is not his real blood father? she said his life is like a drama .she asks is that why you cant remember anything before 8?
MG is sweating and really sick and calls him mom but she doesnt answer
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Let us stop Ep-7
Mary gets a call from MG and she yells at him for walking around in the rain and getting sick
she says she will buy med and be there soon
MG waits outside for her
then J pulls up with Mary
she almost gets wet trying to get something out of her bag so he pulls her close to be under the umbrella-she bought him socks so he can sleep well
she thanks him for sharing his story and says sweet stuff to him
he pulls her close and kisses her and she didnt pull away
MG sees and hits him again
MG pulls Mary in the house and yells why she came here with him
he is really sick so she puts him in bed
he starts crying
he says lets stop
he says he is confused and cant do anymore
i dont know if I like you
if this marriage is fake or real I dont know
I’m tired
let’s stop
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ended contract Ep-7
J is outside their door
not sure if he can hear
mary crying says you suffered alot and it was hard for me too
she says sorry and thank you
she goes back and says she just wants to take care of him and go
he yells at her to go
she says she will make him bean sprout soup and gets him to eat so he can go back to sleep
she feeds him
he stares at her
omg I am crying
Mary Stayed Out All Night - sense of betrayal Ep-7
-S is still questioning the band and they beg her to stop and she said she is disappointed in them and tells them not to contact her and they tell her everything
JS starts yelling at D
J is still outside MG’s house
S comes and tries to go inside but J stops her from going in
[I really hate S tonight]
MG wakes up and mary is curled up asleep on the ground next to him so he covers her with his blanket
D and JS pull up and D keeps shaking MG and yells at him and hits/pushes MG
D goes on about how hard it was to raise her alone and asks how could MG do this to her
Mary says MG never did anything wrong
she starts to cry and apologizes and says it is her fault
she tells the truth and says they never married
S and J walk in and hears Mary say it was a lie
Mary gets ready to marry J
MG asks if she loves J
MG and Mary run away from some girls
and hide in a dark alley and they are close face to face and mary says:
you told me to not like you