
〈겨울연가〉로 촉발된 일본 속 한류의 현주소/Winter Sonata Syndrome

인문콘텐츠 제6호, 2005. 12

한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략 연구
- 일본을 중심으로

The localization strategy for the continuation of the Korean wave in Japan
권연수(Kwon Yeon-Su) 저


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ.〈겨울연가〉로 촉발된 일본 속 한류의 현주소
Ⅲ. 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략 - 한‘류’에서 진정한 문화소통으로
Ⅳ. 맺음말 : 현지화 전략을 위한 인문학의 역할

한국어 초록
본 연구는 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략을 일본을 중심으로 탐구하고 있다. 이글은 한류의 가시적 경제효과를 강조하기 보다는 한국을 이해하고 한국을 좋아하는 사람들이 많아지고 진정한 문화소통이 가능한 토대를 견고히 만들어가는 것이 무엇보다 중요하며, 이야말로 한류가 지속되어야 할 이유라는 입장에서 한류 지속을 위한 현지화 전략을 논하고 있다. 〈겨울연가〉를 통해 일본 속 한류의 현주소를 문제점과 함께 짚어보고, 한류의 현지화를 위해 무엇을 담아낼 것인가, 어떻게 담아낼것인가, 어떻게 지속 확장시킬 것인가 라는 세 가지 관점에서 현지화 전략에 대한 구체적인 제안을 제시하고자 했다. 다음으로 〈겨울연가〉 신드롬은 일본의 사회문화적 기반 위에 형성된 문화현상이라는 시각에서 분석하고 있다. 한편 향유 층의 편중현상이라는 일본 속 한류의 문제점과 한류의 한계 및 지속성에 대한 우려를 극복하고 한류를 어떻게 지속 확장해 나갈 것인가 라는 문제를 생각할 때 우리는 한류가 단순한 '유행'에 그치지 않고 한일 간의 진정한 문화소통으로 이어져야 한다는 시각을 가질 필요가 있다. 이러한 관점에서 한류의 현지화를 위한 구체적인 전략을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 현지의 사회 문화에 정통한 문화번역의 필요성과 전문 인력 양성의 문제를 제기하였다.

영어 초록
This research is focusing on the localization strategy for the continuation of the Korean wave in Japan. The aspect taken here is that the true reason why the Korean wave should be maintained, and strategies for doing so are needed, is that people who sincerely understand and like Korea must increase in order to build a firm foundation on which truthful culturalinterchange is possible, instead of merely emphasizing the visible economic effect of the Korean wave.

First, I will diagnose the current status and problems of the Korean wave within Japan through observing the 〈Winter Sonata〉, which has successfully been introduced into Japan, and propose concrete plans to localize the Korean wave in Japan based on three aspects: what the contents should hold in order to localize the Korean wave, how to do so, and how to maintain and extend the trend. In [Ⅱ. The current status of the Korean wave in Japan, catalyzed by the 〈Winter Sonata〉], the 〈Winter Sonata〉 syndrome is viewed as a culturalphenomenon which was built on the socio-cultural foundation of Japan. The social foundation comprises facts such as: the gradual image change of Korea caused by 〈Winter Sonata〉, building a social ground on which the overall Korean culture was able to settle; the characteristics of the fans of 'Yon-sama' and the 〈Winter Sonata〉, who are the mass consumer society's children and familiar with satisfying oneselves through consumption; and the strategy of aiming for the niche market where there is alack of soap operas for middle age and old women. Also, the Japanese aesthetics of sadness and moderation, sensitivity about the seasons, and the traditional Japanese aesthetics which was booming in the 70s (such as the ' Jungai (Pure Love)' and ' Iyashi (Healing)', and the cultural sensitivities and the culturaltrend of modern Japan has formed the cultural foundation for the rise of the 〈Winter Sonata〉 and 'Yon-sama' such factors emphasized the strength of their contents, consequently giving rise to a syndrome.

Meanwhile, considering the problem of disproportionate generational distribution of the fans of the Korean wave, and the issue of maintaining and expanding the Korean wave by overcoming its limit and consistency, we must realize that the Korean wave should lead to the true cultural interchange between Korea and Japan instead of remaining as a mere 'trend.' In this aspect, [Ⅲ. Localization strategy for the continuance of the Korean wave from the Korean 'wave' to a true cultural interchange] suggests concrete strategies for the localization of the Korean wave. By actively reflecting the contents that are already well known and favored in Japan, such as 'Korean (person),' 'Korean (language),' and 'Korean food,' we would be able to plan the expansion of the Korean culture contents and the fan range.

Also, as for 'how' to reflect them, this research points out that analyzing the trend of modern Japan and the cultural senses such as the seasonal sensitivities, reflecting them in the cultural contents, and 'Koreanizing' them would greatly contribute to the continuance and expansion of the Korean wave. The specific methods to do so would be utilizing the positive images built by the soap operas to create the national brand of passion, personality, and deep love, the ' Honkadori' strategy which constructs a new creative world by strategic borrowing, and the development and support of the overall experience and relation type contents such as the Korean language and food. Such strategic efforts will build a foundation on which the Korean culture can be accepted and enjoyed, eventually leading to the expansion of the fan scope, and result in the localization of the Korean wave.

Lastly, this research emphasizes the need for cultural translations that are firmly based on the local society and culture, more interest in developing professional human resource, and language in order to provide a applicable and usable form of cultural contents and distribution through analyzing the cosmic, natural, aesthetic and sensitive aspect of various countries. All these are the roles to be played by the liberal art field in order to localize the Korean wave.

저자 키워드

한류, 〈겨울연가〉신드롬, 욘사마, 현지화 전략, 한류의 지속가능성, Korean wave, Winter Sonata, Yon-sama, the localization strategy, the continuation of the Korean wave

Reference : http://www.dbpia.co.kr/view/ar_view.asp?arid=699174

[PHOTO] When I Dream At Night.

When I Dream At Night
Sung : Marc Anthony

I have been in love and been alone
I have traveled over many miles to find a home
There's that little place inside of me
That I never thought could take control of everything
But now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Even though she's not real it's all right
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Every move she makes holds my eyes
and I fall for her every time

I've so many things I want to say
I'll be ready when the perfect moment comes my way
I had never known what's right for me
Till the night she opened up my heart and set it free
But now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does
Now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does.

Link formusic download :

언제 밤에 꿈[When I Dream At Night]
인성에 의해:Marc Anthony
Korean Meaning by Roytavan

내가 사랑에 빠져본하고 혼자가
난 많은 마일이 넘는 집을 찾아 왔으니
거기에 그 작은 장소 내 안에 있기 때문이야
그건 내가 모든 것을 장악하게 될 줄은 몰랐어요
하지만 지금 난 그냥 내 모든 시간을 보내고
누가 날, 그녀가 누구와 방법에 찔리는데
왜냐하면 난 단지 내가 밤에 꿈을 할 때 느낌이 살아있다
비록 그녀가 진짜가 아니에요, 괜찮 아요
왜냐하면 난 단지 내가 밤에 꿈을 할 때 느낌이 살아있다
그녀가 만드는 모든 행동이 내 눈을 보유
난 그녀를 매 시간 동안 가을

내가 말하고 싶은 나는 너무 많은 것들을
내가 준비가 될 때 완벽한 순간을 내쪽으로오고
내가 무슨 권리로 날위한다고 알려진 적이 없었다
그녀는 내 마음을 열고 그것을 설정하는 그날 밤까진 무료
하지만 지금 난 그냥 내 모든 시간을 보내고
누가 날, 그녀가 누구와 방법에 찔리는데
지금 난 내 모든 시간을 보내고
누가 날, 그녀가 누구와 방법에 찔리는데



The Face Shop CF making - Bamboo Forrest by deka90009

The Face Shop CF making - Bamboo Forrest ; deka90009

The Face Shop CF making - Rose by tomato99byj

The Face Shop CF making - Rose : tomato99byj

A Secret Life of Well-Dressed Man - Arnaldo Bassini

The colour of Seoul : Jangguchum / 배용준 잊지 마세요 장구춤

Amazing Traditional Korean Drum Dance : JenTD

장구춤 : 장구를 어깨에 비스듬히 둘러메고 아름다운 연보로 걸어 다니며 춤추는 이조시대의 무기들의 춤의 하나로 1930년대 조용자, 최승희로 인하여 무대화 시킨 민속춤이다. 이춤에서는 궁채를 사용하지 않고 열채만을 들고 추게 되는데 가락보다는 자유로운 춤사위를 통해 흥 멋 태를 보여준다.

Jangguchum [장구춤]

Janggudance : Korean traditional dance
The colour of Seoul : Jangguchum

Jangguchum : dance with a janggu or hourglass-shaped drum, and bukchum (dance with a buk or barrel drum). ...Jangguchum was amazing of Korean Tradition dance from now and forever....

The collective dance performed mostly by women with Janggu (the sandglass look-like percussion). By the Korean traditional performance association (Pohang branch, in the city of Pohang)

Jangguchum [장구춤]


นาฏศิลป์เกาหลีเริ่มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงในราวศตวรรษที่ 3 นาฏศิลป์เกาหลีในสมัยโบราณใช้แสดงในพิธีทางศาสนา เพื่อบวงสรวงเทพยดาอารักษ์ จัดแสดงปีละ 2 ครั้ง คือ ในเดือนพฤษภาคมซึ่งเป็นฤดูหว่าน และในเดือนตุลาคมฤดูเก็บเกี่ยว

วิวัฒนาการของนาฏศิลป์เกาหลีก็ทำนองเดียวกับของชาติอื่น มักจะเริ่มและดัดแปลงให้เป็นระบำปลุกใจในสงคราม เพื่อให้กำลังใจแก่นักรบ หรือไม่ก็เป็นพิธีทางพุทธศาสนา หรือเป็นการร้องรำทำเพลงในหมู่ชนชั้นกรรมาชีพ หรือแสดงเป็นหมู่ นาฏศิลป์ในราชสำนักก็มีมาแต่โบราณกาลเช่นเดียวกัน
นาฏศิลป์เกาหลีสมบูรณ์ตามแบบฉบับทางการละครที่สุดและเป็นพิธีรีตอง ได้แก่ ละครสวมหน้ากาก นาฏศิลป์เกาหลีสมัยใหม่ พัฒนามาจากนาฏศิลป์ที่ใช้ในพิธีเลี้ยงต้อนรับอาคันตุกะชั้นผู้ดีและมั่งคั่ง

นาฏศิลป์เกาหลี มีลีลาอันงดงามอ่อนช้อยอยู่ที่การเคลื่อนไหวไหล่และเอวเป็นส่วนสำคัญ ตามหลักทฤษฎีนาฎศิลป์เกาหลี มี 2 แบบ คือ
1. แบบแสดงออกซึ่งความรื่นเริง ความโอบอ้อมอารี และความอ่อนไหวของอารมณ์
2. แบบพิธีการ ดัดแปลงมาจากวัฒนธรรมและประเพณีทางพุทธศาสนา
จุดเด่นของนาฏศิลป์เกาหลี มีลักษณะคล้ายนาฏศิลป์สเปน คือผู้แสดงเคลื่อนไหวทั้งส่วนบนและส่วนล่างของร่างกาย
เป็นการผสมผสานระหว่างนาฏศิลป์ตะวันตกและนาฏศิลป์ตะวันออกเข้าด้วยกัน ซึ่งนาฏศิลป์ตะวันตกเน้นหนักในการใช้ขาและร่างกายส่วนล่าง แต่นาฏศิลป์ตะวันออกจะใช้ส่วนไหล่ แขน และมือ

โรงเรียนนาฏศิลป์เกาหลีสมัยปัจจุบัน จะแบ่งออกได้เป็น 2 ประเภท คือ
1. โรงเรียนนาฏศิลป์แผนโบราณ ซึ่งไม่ยอมรับอิทธิพลอื่นใดนอกจากจะรักษาแบบฉบับเดิมไว้
2. โรงเรียนนาฏศิลป์สมัยใหม่ จะรับเอาแบบอย่างของนาฏศิลป์ตะวันตกเข้ามารวมด้วย ซึ่งได้รับความนิยมมากกว่าแบบโบราณ
เป็นที่ยอมรับว่า ยอดนิยมของนาฏศิลป์เกาหลีนั้น ได้แก่ นาฏศิลป์ของพระแสดงการต่อต้านศาสนา ผู้แสดงจะสวมเสื้อคลุมของพระ ลีลาการร่ายรำนั้นงามน่าดูมาก แสดงออกซึ่งความต้องการของมนุษย์

นาฏศิลป์เกาหลีที่ควรรู้จัก ได้แก่
1. ละครสวมหน้ากาก เนื้อเรื่องมักคล้ายคลึงกัน ลีลาการแสดงนั้นนำเอานาฏศิลป์แบบต่างๆ มาปะติดปะต่อกัน
2. ระบำแม่มดก็เป็นนาฏศิลป์อีกแบบหนึ่ง และการร้องรำทำเพลงประเภทลูกทุ่งนั้นก็มีชีวิตชีวาอย่างยิ่ง
3. ระบำบวงสรวงในพิธีและระบำประกอบดนตรีที่ใช้ในพิธีเลี้ยงต้อนรับในราชสำนัก ซึ่งประกอบด้วยบรรยากาศอันงดงามตระการตาน่าชมมาก

Jangguchum : ระบำกลอง


New Megane Ichiba CF 2009

Megane Ichiba CF- dog : 2009 tomato99byj

Megane Ichiba CF- first date : 2009 tomato99byj

BYJ - Megane Ichiba CF making :2008

BYJ New Photo..April 2009


[New Photo SCAN]배용준 더페이스샵 아르쌩뜨 에코-테라피 새 포스터 스캔

스캔및 보정-스타일(Scanned&Modified by Style): http://cafe.daum.net/byjgallery


배용준 표지-5월호/ I met Mr. BYJ

배용준 표지-5월호

COSMO MEN Special Issue - 또 하나의 표지로 시작되는 COSMO MEN /
한류스타 배용준이 커버 모델이 되다.

COSMO MEN Special Issue - 또 하나의 표지로 시작되는 COSMO MEN / 한류스타 배용준이 커버 모델이 되다.

Cover model - 미란다 커

Fun Fearless Female - 구혜선

Cosmo Fashion - 섹시하게 연출하는 데님
다양해진 워싱과 컬러의 데님 팬츠
올 시즌 최고의 슈퍼 섹시 아이템, 스키니 로커 진

Beauty Interview - 스타 에디터 채림이 인터뷰한 줄리엣 비노쉬

Cosmo Buff - 비장의 홈 트레이닝 노하우

Couple Interview - 박찬욱 감독의 화제작 <박쥐>의 주인공 송강호와 김옥빈

Splash Out - 섹시 아이콘 제시카 고메즈의 수영복 화보

Career - 어려울 때 오히려 성공하는 특별한 커리어 팁

Emotional - 지극히 상식적이고 어렵지 않은 디톡스법

Health Guide / How to Love Your Breasts - 가슴에 관한 올 가이드

COSMO MEN - 배용준과 13명의 스타들이 참여한 환경 캠페인
배우, 모델, DJ, PD 등 연예계 핫 가이 20
남자들이 털어놓는 진짜 남자 마음

배용준을 비롯해 최강희, 박예진, 이보영, 봉태규, 이지아 등 배우들이 ‘환경 지킴이’로 나섰다.
BOF엔터테인먼트 소속가 배우들은 오는 22일 지구의 날을 앞두고 지난 4~7일 ‘킥 더 해빗’(Kick the habit:습관을 바꿔요, 지구를 위해!)이라는 주제의 환경보호 화보촬영을 했다.
이번 프로젝트는 2004년부터 탄소배출 감소를 실천하는 환경운동에 참여하고 있는 루이비통 코리아의 후원으로 진행됐으며 배우들은 취지에 공감해 각자 스케줄에도 불구하고 흔쾌히 촬영에 동참했다고 BOF 측은 전했다.
이번 화보촬영 수익금 전액은 UN 산하 환경기구인 UNEP(UN환경계획) 한국위원회에 기부돼 환경을 위한 기금으로 사용된다.
이번 환경 화보는 월간지 코스모폴리탄 5월호에 22페이지에 걸쳐 소개될 예정이다.
-- 2년 만에 카메라 앞에 선 한류스타 배용준이 화보 촬영 수익금을 전액 기부했다.
배용준은 지난 4일부터 7일까지 진행된 패션잡지 코스모폴리탄의 환경화보촬영에 동참했다.
‘Kick the habit(습관을 바꿔요, 지구를 위해!)’ 이라는 주제로 진행된 이번 화보촬영은 배용준과 그의 소속사 BOF의 후배배우들인 최강희, 박예진, 이보영, 봉태규, 이지아, 김정욱, 김흥수, 홍수현, 유설아, 유주희, 강요환, 이세나, 류상욱 등이 총 출동했다.
이번 프로젝트는 ‘Naturally Creative’라는 캠페인을 통해 2004년부터 탄소배출 감소를 실천해 환경운동에 적극 참여하고 있는 루이비통 코리아의 후원 아래 진행됐으며 수익금 전액은 UN 산하 환경기구인 UNEP(UN환경계획)한국위원회에 기부되어 환경을 위한 기금으로 사용될 예정이다.
배용준은 화보 촬영 후 공식인터뷰를 통해 후배들과 함께 환경 화보에 참여하게 된 계기와 소감을 전하기도 했다. 배용준이 국내 언론과 공식인터뷰를 한 것은 지난 2008년 오사카에서 열린 드라마 ‘태왕사신기’ 팬미팅 후 1년 만이다.

-4월6일 배용준의 화보 촬영 현장에 잠시 다녀온 소감.
배우 배용준은 빛났다. 이 한 마디. 아, 그리고 하나 더! 프로였다.

Ggaeulyeoja posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home.
Korean into English by Joanne / BYJ’s Quilt

[Cosmopolitan] I met Mr. BYJ. (From the editor..)
From the editor

I met Mr. BYJ. Although I had met numerous flutterings including actors, musicians, etc, because I was a former feature reporter, I did not somehow have any association with him. On an occasion of visiting him as the editor-in-chief to deliver congratulation and thought of thanks to him, who became our cover model, I expected his 'signature smile' and 'some courteous words of greetings'.

However, he was very much different.

"Ah, (I heard) you became a new editor-in-chief several months ago, didn't you? Congratulations." (Oh my goodness, How did (he know) that!)

"I am glad to participate in such a good project as this." (He is good mannered too!)

"No matter what they are, there has to be story to get result. Culture, history and campaign like this too. The agony is over how shall we do to be able to show (people) so that they would be convinced with more ease. I think that we actors can do such roles." ((He has) even logic and persuasive power!)

Having interest in people he meets and attitude of having significance and sense of pride in works he had chosen, I thought that (he was) the professional after all, the best professional for that matter. According to an editor who proceeded with (shooting for the pictorial), he hasn't had any single careless expression, appearance in his outfits, and conversation, during 4 hours while shooting and interview proceeded. With such a passionate participation by him, the Cosmopolitan obtained the one of the best male cover in our history. Also the proud campaign pictorial containing messages on environment. For the best, there clearly is reason for it. I surely want to say this, although it sounds superfluous.

Kim Hyeonjoo, Editor-in-Chief
Copyright (c) Cosmopolitan.

[Thai Translation by Ladymoon]
จากใจบรรณาธิการ Cosmopolitan

ฉันได้พบกับคุณเบยงจุน ถึงแม้จะเคยพบกับบุคคลที่ทำให้ใจหวั่นไหวมามากมาย ทั้งนักแสดงและนักดนตรี เพราะเดิมทีฉันเคยเป็นผู้สื่อข่าว แต่ฉันก็ยังไม่เคยได้พบเจอพูดคุยกับเขามาก่อน

ในฐานะหัวหน้ากองบรรณาธิการ ฉันจึงต้องไปแสดงความยินดีและขอบคุณเขาที่ยอมมาเป็นแบบปกให้กับเรา ฉันหวังว่าจะพบกับ “รอยยิ้มพิมพ์ใจ” และ “ถ้อยคำทักทายตามมารยาท” เท่านั้นเอง แต่เขาช่างแตกต่างจากคนอื่นจริงๆ

“ผมได้ยินว่าคุณเพิ่งมาเป็นหัวหน้ากอง บ.ก. ได้ไม่กี่เดือนใช่มั้ยครับ ยินดีด้วยนะครับ” (เขารู้ได้ยังไงน่ะ)

“ผมดีใจที่ได้มีส่วนร่วมในโครงการดีๆ แบบนี้” (แถมยังมารยาทงามซะด้วย)

“ไม่ว่าจะเป็นอะไร เรื่องราวย่อมมีบทสรุป ทั้งวัฒนธรรม ประวัติศาสตร์ และแคมเปญแบบนี้ก็เช่นกัน เราจะทำอย่างไรเพื่อให้ผู้คนหันมาใส่ใจเรื่องนี้ แบบที่เข้าใจได้ง่ายๆ ผมว่านักแสดงอย่างพวกเรารับหน้าที่เหล่านั้นได้” (เขาพูดได้อย่างมีเหตุผลและเต็มไปด้วยพลังในการโน้มน้าว)

การให้ความสนใจต่อผู้คนที่เขาพบปะด้วย และทัศนคติที่ให้ความสำคัญและมีความภาคภูมิใจในงานที่เขาเลือกทำ ฉันคิดว่าเขาเป็นมืออาชีพจริงๆ เป็นที่สุดของมืออาชีพก็ว่าได้ ตามคำบอกเล่าของ บ.ก. ที่ควบคุมการถ่ายทำ เขาไม่เคยแสดงท่าทีเอือมระอาเลยสักครั้ง ทั้งในยามปรากฏตัวต่อหน้ากล้องและเวลาสนทนาตลอด 4 ชั่วโมงของการถ่ายทำและให้สัมภาษณ์

ด้วยความร่วมมือเป็นอันดียิ่งจากเขา คอสโมจึงมีปกเป็นนายแบบ (ตามปกติคอสโมเป็นนิตยสารผู้หญิง จะมีแต่นางแบบขึ้นปกซะเป็นส่วนใหญ่) ซึ่งถือว่าเป็นปกที่ดีที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ของเราเลย ทั้งยังเป็นแคมเปญที่น่าภาคภูมิใจกับเรื่องราวของสิ่งแวดล้อม สำหรับสิ่งที่ดีที่สุดแบบนี้ ย่อมเป็นเหตุผลที่เห็นได้เด่นชัด ฉันจึงขอกล่าวเช่นนี้ แม้มันอาจจะฟังดูมากปหน่อยก็ตาม



BYJ Photo on Cosmo Magazine...

'역시 배용준', 괌에서 자유 만끽한 여름화보 공개

'역시 배용준', 괌에서 자유 만끽한 여름화보 공개
2009년 04월 25일 (토) 14:15 마이데일리

[마이데일리 = 봉준영 기자] '부드러운 욘사마' 배용준이 괌에서 촬영한 여름화보가 공개됐다.

남성 캐주얼 '아날도바시니' 모델로 활동중인 배용중은 최근 괌에서 여름화보를 촬영하고 돌아왔다.
괌 현지에서 시원한 해변을 배경으로 촬영된 이번 화보는 배용준의 자유로운 이미지를 부각시겼다.
배용준은 해변에서 뛰노는 듯한 개구쟁이 이미지와 도시를 떠나 자유를 만끽하는 우수에 찬 눈빛으로 매력을 뽐냈다.
[괌에서 여름화보를 촬영한 배용준. 사진 = 형지어패럴]

(봉준영 기자 bbongjy@mydaily.co.kr)


봄 브리즈의 노래 : Roytavan

봄 브리즈의 노래 : Roytavan

스노와 쓰라린 어두운 밤의 찬 바람,
차가운 무자 비한 손의 무게를 허용;
봄 바람이 당신을 추격하고 꽃 향기를 가지고,
질식사 언덕에 새로운 활력을 호흡.

비록 대부분의 겨울 바람 불어의 무자 비한
당신도 한 순간에 운명 인듯 침착해야한다;
봄 바람이 당신을 추격하고 꽃 향기를 가지고,
질식사 언덕에 새로운 활력을 호흡.

접영 깨어과 스프링의 초원 종달새,
우리 땅을 너무 오랫동안 고통이 악몽이있다;
봄 바람이 당신을 추격하고 꽃 향기를 가지고,
질식사 언덕에 새로운 활력을 호흡.




Song of the Spring Breeze

Snow and cold wind of the bitter dark night,
Lift off the weight of your cold ruthless hand;
Spring breeze will chase you and bring flowery fragrances,
Breathing new life to the suffocated hills.

Though you most ruthless of winter winds blow,
Doomed in a moment you too shall be calmed;
Spring breeze will chase you and bring flowery fragrances,
Breathing new life to the suffocated hills.

Butterfly awake and you meadow lark of spring,
Our land has suffered this nightmare too long;
Spring breeze will chase you and bring flowery fragrances,
Breathing new life to the suffocated hills.

Link for music download :
Serenade to Spring - The Secret Garden

[TRANS] BYJ Mgr’s Blog (45) first time...

Cute Drawing by koshuka

[TRANS] BYJ Mgr’s Blog (45) first time...

source: BYJ Mobile Official Site
BYJ Manager’s Blog

first time…
20 April 2009
by: Manager Yang Geun Hwan
Japanese to English: tomato99/quilt

Greetings, dear family.
This is Yang Geun Hwan.

Some time ago, Bae Yong Joon visited Morioka in Japan and studied about lacquer from Mr. Jun Yong Bok.

It was his first experience, so he had made many mistakes but he worked hard from morning to night and made various works, decorated staff’s mobile phone and had some good time.

And during this visit, he got on Shinkansen for the first time.

He would always travel by plane or cars, he was really satisfied to see
different view of Japan from Shinkansen window.

In Korea, we have high-speed railway called KTX which is similar to Shinkansen.
Bae Yong Joon rode on it other day when he was visiting Pusan to attend an acquaintance’s wedding.

How about riding on KTX and visit various spots when you are visiting Korea?

[Thai Translation by Ladymoon]
สวัสดีครับ ครอบครัวที่รัก

ไม่นานมานี้เบยงจุนไปเยือนโมริโอกะที่ญี่ปุ่น และศึกษาเรื่องภาพแล็คเกอร์จากคุณจุนยงบ๊ก

นี่เป็นประสบการณ์ครั้งแรกของเขา เขาคงทำผิดพลาดมากมาย แต่เขาก็ทุ่มเทเต็มที่จากเช้ายันดึก และผลิตผลงานหลายชิ้น และได้มีช่วงเวลาที่ดีๆ

ระหว่างการไปเยือนครั้งนี้ เขายังได้ขึ้นชินคังเซ็นเป็นครั้งแรก

เขามักเดินทางโดยเครื่องบินหรือรถยนต์ เขาจึงพอใจอย่างยิ่งที่ได้เห็นวิวของญี่ปุ่นในมุมที่แตกต่างจากหน้าต่างรถชินคังเซ็น

ที่เกาหลีเราก็มีรถไฟความเร็วสูง ชื่อว่า KTX ซึ่งคล้ายๆ กับชินคังเซ็น วันก่อนเบยงจุนก็ได้ขึ้นรถไฟนี้ไปปูซานเพื่อร่วมงานแต่งงานของคนรู้จัก
ลองมานั่ง KTX ดูสิครับ เวลาที่คุณมาเที่ยวเกาหลี
