
[VOD & Trans] Documentary "A Journey in Search of Korea's Beauty" of MBC Life - Ep. 1 (Mother).

[VOD & Trans] Documentary "A Journey in Search of Korea's Beauty" of MBC Life - Ep. 1 (Mother)
edited by boonseongbae nim in byjintoronto.


Narrator: "Living away from family, BYJ must have been missing a mother's home-cooked meal. Perhaps that is why his first steps were in a grandmother's house of (??)... Married at 17, she has been tending to her home since then still hasn't forgotten him."

Grandmother: "Spring is coming. The onset has passed."
(About BYJ) "He has nice features and nice character. It is sweet that he is coming from so far away... he is like a grandson."
(To BYJ) "I told him to come with a mate but she hasn't come with him yet."


BYJ: "How old are you?
Grandmother: 87. "It's because I've lived this long that I get to have such an important guest that is like my grandson."

She gives him snacks

Grandmother: "Try this. I don't know if it will be any good."
BYJ: "Thank you. I'll eat well."

Narrator: Like she has treated her guests in the past, she takes care of BYJ first.


Grandmother: "So you are the same age as my own grandson?" (She accidently says "school mates" at first_
BYJ: (Jokingly) "We're schoolmates." (Laughs)

BYJ: "My grandmother is still alive and she keeps saying that she wants me to have her grandchildren. My younger sister is already married and has two kids. Her oldest is going to be in 2nd grade of elementary school. But my grandmother still wants a grandson from me. "

Grandmother: "Of course she does!"
Grandmother: "Why, she already has a granddaughter and grandson?"

BYJ: "Yes. So once last year, beacuse my grandmother has keep telling me these things, on TV I told her that I would get married in the next three years in order to help her feel at ease. So that New Years, I went home to my grandmother. When I saw her, she asked "When are you getting married?
So I said, "Yes, I must get married soon."
And she replied, "Well, you said on TV that you would get married in 3 months."
When I said 3 years, she heard three months. (Laughs) So she was telling me to get married in the next three months like I told her that I would on TV."

BYJ: (to the host grandmother) "So I will do well in my life and get married soon."

Grandmother: "Oh, how great to hear."

Writingby BYJ: "My trip allowed me to always new meet new people and appreciate new and unfamiliar things."

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