
[Article & Lyrics] 'Sakura' - The Nation Flowers of Japan.

'Sakura' - The Nation Flowers of Japan.

Writer : Roytavan

The cherry blossom is Japan’s national flowers. The cherry flower is glorified throughout Japan as 'The flower of flowers'. When the Japanese use the word "Hana" (flower) they mean 'Sakura'(Cherry blossom), which is generally believed to be a corruption of the word “Sakuya” (blooming) from the name of Princess Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime, who is enshrined on the top of the mountain Fuji.

This long name means “Tree-flowers-blooming princess”, for the cherry was so well known in those early days in Japan that the flower meant nothing but cherry. The princess was so named because, it is said, she fell from heaven upon a cherry tree.

The cherry blossom is the flower of flowers to the Japanese people. It symbolizes their national character. This is because the life of a samurai of feudal times was proverbially compared to the short-lived cherry blossoms that last 'No more than three days', for a samurai was always ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his master. Another saying is that 'What the cherry is among flowers is the samurai among men'.

'Sakura Sakura' Traditional Japanese folk song.
Cr. - http://en.wikipedia.org/

"Sakura Sakura" (桜桜 さくら さくら?), also known as "Sakura", is a traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossom. Contrary to popular belief, the song did not originate from ancient times, not from the Heian period or prior.

It was an urban popular melody of the Edo period which was adopted as a piece for beginning koto students in the Tokyo Academy of Music Collection of Japanese Koto Music issued 1888 (in English) by the Department of Education.

The song has been popular since the Meiji period, and the lyrics in their present form were attached then. It is often sung in international settings as a song representative of Japan.

"Sakura Sakura" (さくら さくら) : Lyrics

さくら さくら
のやま も さと も
みわたす かぎり
かすみ か くも か
あさひ に におう
さくら さくら
はな ざかり
さくら さくら
やよい の そら は
みわたす かぎり
かすみ か くも か
におい ぞ いずる
いざや いざや
みに ゆかん


sakura sakura
noyama mo sato mo
mi-watasu kagiri
kasumi ka kumo ka
asahi ni niou
sakura sakura
sakura sakura
yayoi no sorawa
mi-watasu kagiri
kasumi ka kumo ka
nioi zo izuru
izaya izaya
mini yukan


Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
On Meadow-hills and mountains
As far as you can see.
Is it a mist, or clouds?
Fragrant in the morning sun.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
Flowers in full bloom.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
Across the Spring sky,
As far as you can see.
Is it a mist, or clouds?
Fragrant in the air.
Come now, come,
Let’s look, at last!


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