
After a long absence, BYJ finally made an appearance...

source : http://chinese.chosun.com/
date : 2009.08.22
Chinese to English : cam / www.baeyongjune.com

After a long absence, BYJ finally made an appearance and he has shed 10 kg.

BYJ has made an appearance in public after a long absence. There were over 500 Japanese fans present. On the 21st of August, BYJ turned up at Seoul Lotte Hotel in Sogong-Dong to attend BOF board director Yang Geun Hwan’s wedding ceremony. Mr Yang has been BYJ’s manager for the past 10 years.

BYJ was in a black suit, dark sunglasses with his hair tied back. When he saw the Japanese female fans that rushed to the hotel a few hours beforehand just for a glimpse of him, he waved warmly to greet them as he was walking to the venue.

BYJ appears to be a lot slimmer. He jokingly said to the camera: “I’ve shed 10kg and my clothes no longer fit. Do I look older? Do I look fine, not too bad?”

From last year BYJ has been busy working on his book to promote Korea to oversea fans. He has been on a journey around the country. He stated: “There was a lot to consider during the preparation process and I lost weight without really noticing. The work was hard ". The publication for “The Beauty of Korea (provisional)” will be next month in Korea and Japan.

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