
[News] Ariel Lin Announces Retirement from Dramas for the Foreseeable Future.

[News] Ariel Lin Announces Retirement from Dramas for the Foreseeable Future.
Cr. - ockoala

Damn those Taiwan tabloids and their propensity to sensationalize everything. Since news broke of Ariel Lin‘s new romance back in May (though the romance started earlier than that), the TW-media has been keen on conjuring up salacious gossip on the set of In Time With You between Ariel and her second male lead Sunny Yang, simply because they have quite a lot of romantic and steamy scenes.

Ariel has long been dropping hints about retiring from television, and finally this week our previous Golden Bell Best Actress winner took to her blog and wrote down her feelings. Due to the media completely manufacturing gossip about her, plus the tiring 12+ hour daily work schedule that comes with doing a drama and her weaker physical constitution since she had a brain cyst removed two years ago, she’s announced to her fans directly that ITWY will be her last drama for the foreseeable future. *cue Koala sobbing uncontrollably*

Ariel is especially pissed about the media trying to create scandal for her and drag through the mud her new boyfriend, Cheng Jia Hao (picture above as snapped by Apple Daily), who she has described as one of the best people she’s ever met. In her blog update, Ariel opened up about her boyfriend for the first time, explaining that he isn’t secretive, he’s just very low key and dislikes the media attention which is why they’ve kept their relationship away from the media limelights. She clarified that the media speculation that he had been married before and was already a father of a child was not true.

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