
BYJ, Reflections of Your Childhood and Youth

51520 BYJ, Reflections of Your Childhood and Youth myoce 13:24:52 27

Dear BYJ and BYJ family,

Participating in the countdown of Yong Joon's birthday, here are some short reflections on BYJ's
words. Utered or written by Yong Joon, they often reflect his personality and inner thoughts. I have taken a collection of BYJ's words from Dailysports Newspaper (1997. 8. 20 ~ 9. 20) articles , posted in BYJ's Quilt , in the ' BYJ's Story ' section and translated by Hyeon. A great big thank you to BYJ's Quilt and to dear sister Hyeon. I will try to present the reflections as chronological as I can :

Reflections of your Childhood and Youth

BYJ's Words :

I had much curiosity and experiment mind when I was six-year-old, especially then I made unexpected troubles. One day, beans were put on the floor. My younger sister was playing in the courtyard. Beans and my younger sister. Suddenly, I was curious how many the beans could be put in her nose. I tempted her. I put a bean nut in her nose. She complained of suffocation. I was worried about her pain more than my curiosity. Though I tried to extract it, but it went into inside her nose more and more. Then I heard my parent's voice.
"I will let it go out of your nose tomorrow, please never tell papa or mom about it."
I asked her not to say earnestly and there was no anything until I fell asleep. The big trouble occurred in the next morning. when I was wakened by my sister's crying and my parent's confused voice, her nose was swollen plumply. Finally, the bean was out of her nose in the hospital. Every time she slanders against me, she has never omitted this story till now

Reflections :

Yong Joon, you had a lot of curiosity and liked to experiment then [ at the expense of your sister's nose! ]. I'm sure you have never lost your curiosity and your love to carry out experiments, I count acting in April Snow as one, because you've never experience being directed by Director Hyeo Jin-Ho, who had a unique style in directing a film. And I count performing in Untold Scandal as another, taking on a role that is far removed from your previous ones.

BYJ's words :

I did watch TV hard at that time. By the way, in some dramas, people usually spoke a word "It is a credit" after buying the goods and they went out without any trouble. As I watched it constantly, I thought the words "It is a credit" meant like a treasure chest. There was a small store in front of my house. After picking up my favorite cookies, I exultingly shouted to the master of the store "It is a credit" and came home. Nothing happened until my mom came back from a market. It may be sure that he told my mom about the whole story because of shocking too much. I should understand the lesson with tears if we follow the TV entirely, we could fire on our palm

Reflections :

Yong Joon, is this why you think carefully before you speak in front of an audience, and agonized on how you portrayed The Great King, Tae Wang ? You understood that what is spoken in front of the public will have great impact on them, as you experienced in the past.

BYJ's words :

I have a shameful criminal memory even if I think now. That time also I was six years old. I said before, I would be absorbed in fabricated toys at that time. There was a toy catching my eyes in a stationery [shop]. But, my parents did not buy it for me. One day I passed the shop, the very toy was exhibited out of the shop. For a moment, I was in discord myself. I came home simply after picking up it. Suddeny some idea was occurred to me in front of my house's gate. 'If I come in like this way, I'll burn my mom's fingers surely'. Therefore, I should made some scenario. A good idea occurred to me. First, I left the toy in front of the gate and entered my house. After confirming to mom that I came in with empty hands, as if a visitor came the gate, I went out with saying " Who is it?", then I entered in with picking up it. If she asked me about it, I was trying to explain that I went out and I found a toy someone left. However, she just glared at me with a terrible expression without any words. Her strict voice to shrinking me. "How did you get that?" My first scenario I made difficultly was useless like bubble. After telling the truth , I was whipped.

Reflections :

Dear Yong Joon, you have told the truth since then.....just by disclosing this you have been very truthful.

BYJ's words :

My mom made honeyed water frequently. It was very tasty. I thought it was sugared water. When my mom wasn't at home, I got into kitchen quietly. I put much and stirred the thing which was similar with sugar into a cup of water. After swallowing spittle, I drank it with a high spirit. But it tasted awful... I vommited losing control of myself.That is the reason I don't like a synthetic flavoring matter. After that, whenever I took sugar with any drink, I'm looking at sugar particles or not. Since I grew up, that experience became my lesson 'Be careful with everything'

Reflections :

Oh ! I suppose now it's clear about the Healthy Kitchen at The Gorilla in The Kitchen. The handsome gorilla doesn't like artificial flavoring and is really health conscious.........I need not say more.

BYJ's words :

I wrestled with the exam books in the spirit as I did paint a bond in the attic without knowing sunset. I stayed all night several times solving the problem which didn't get solved. That time I was recognized nicely about study as my teacher put his clothes over sleeping me during a class. When I was in the 3rd-grade in my middle school, I lost the interests in study since I fell in one-side love for the first time. She has long hair. I didn't know her full name as lyrics of a song. The first time I saw her, she wore deep blue sportswear in my memory. We went to same reading room (a sort of library) in the neighborhood. Because of my introspective & bashful personality, I only looked at her in the distance. Her image kept flitting around my mind instead of words of a text book in school and my eyes always followed her radius in the reading room. Although I always planed to do "Tomorrow I will..." on my way, but I should regret I still hung around her even though tomorrow came. While I wrote a love letter alone, the monster 'Fancy' which has been familiar with me from my childhood, appeared bit by bit and made her the actress of movie. One-side love for some months. She disappeared. She did not come to the reading room any more which was the only root I could meet her. Then I was troubled enough with my own feeling of incompetence, I came to realize 'Study is not the whole of my life. I should be strong and manliness'.

Reflections :

My reflections of you have been positive so far, Yong Joon, until now that is. I will be brave and tell you the truth : You have not done your best in this matter, you are now A Man Of The World, not a shy school boy !!! Please.......put Serious Effort in to It !!!! [ Oh, I sound like your grandma !, Yong Joon, I respect her very much and I think she is right for beating you about it !!!! ].

BYJ's words :

While my first love passed like a fever, I already went into Han-young high school. I tried to make my introspective nature to extrovert like 'Hypocrisy' consciously. I enjoyed soccer with friends than read books and began to exercise in my friend's house which run a hap-ki-do(合氣道) training center just in time. It differed from the Tae-kwon-do I learned.
It was my schooldays that they could assume me as a trouble maker in older's sight. Although some people fixed their eyes on me with anxiety, but I thought that I acted on the basic and direction of my own way during 3 years in high school. I thought it was not only way that we walked 'Good way' which older people showed according to their experience and there is no change in such thinking till now. It began to live with the ideas 'I decide and take the responsibility by myself' since the short stray of my adolescence. Nowadays, I would be often surprised at myself because I confirmed that my sense of values came to resemble those of older generation which taught me a mode of life. Because of such experiences, I want to talk very much with teenagers. That was why I planed most members would not be co-actors, but teenagers when I thought about making an amateur baseball club since I was fascinated by Chan-Ho Park, the star in USA Major Leagues. Although it has been delayed due to bandage the plaster cast in my foot, but as soon as I get well, I'll go on with an amateur baseball club again

Reflections :

Dear Yong Joon, your sense of values that resemble those of older generation who taught you a mode
of life is one of the things your family loves about you. Besides....about your introspective nature....it is one of your charms !

Dear BYJ and BYj family, Thank you for reading !
Love from me,

ps. please don't run after me a with a broom after speaking my mind in that second from last reflection !

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