
When I see your smile

When I see your smile
The sun comes out of the sky
When I see your smile
The clouds just go away
When I see you smile
I wish the moment would last
When you smile at me
I feel like a blooming flower
When you smile at me
I feel like you’ve blown me away
When you smile at me
I feel warmer than the sun
Your smile is brighter than the sun
Your smile is bigger than the moon
Your smile is better than all the stars in the galaxy
Your smile makes me feel happy
Now its turned dark
The night's thrown its cover down
But your smile still keeps the light on
So keep smiling...

prof.Roytavan : Wrote Last year

Dear Friend,
When ur sad ...

I'll get u drunk and help you
plot revenge against the sorry bastard

who made you sad.
When you are blue ...

I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
When you smile ...

I'll know you finally got laid.
When you are scared ...

I will rag you about it every chance I get.
When ur worried ...

I will tell u horrible stories
about how much worse

it could be and to quit whining.
When you are confused ...

I will use little words to explain
it to your dumb ass.

When you are sick ...
stay away from me
until you're well again.

I don't want whatever you have.
When you fall ...

I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
This is my oath ...

I pledge 'till the end.
Why you may ask?

Because you're my friends!

prof.Roytavan wrote for RSU Cheerleading Team Last 3 year


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