
Mr. Jun Yong Bok and BYJ joint exhibit...from tomato99

IBC News Echo, 21 May 2009 : tomato99byj

Mr. Jun Yong Bok and his works

[Trans] by tomato99 on Quilt

voice: foremost figure in lacquer art who leads creative activities in Morioka, Mr. Jun Yong Bok and popular hallyu star Bae Yong Joon’s joint exhibit will be held in Morioka next month.

a rich artwork of ceramic vase decorated with lacquer,

Beautiful gradation colored lacquer art
which main theme is
“Romance of Sea”

These artworks were created by Bae Yong Joon last winter
when he stayed in Iwate to learn lacquer from Mr. Jun.

JYB: BYJ had special interest in lacquer,
and please teach me lacquer he said.
when I first heard his words, I could not believe if his feelings were for real.

voice: Their relationship is master and apprentice.
They first met in Seoul last December,
then from end of February to beginning of March Bae Yong Joon stayed in Morioka.
BYJ even cut his sleeping time, and was absorbed in studying lacquer.

today, Mr. Jun Yong Bok visited IBC and publicized their joint exhibit.

JYB: BYJ really hesitated about the exhibit this time,
“I cannot show such embarrassing works,” he said.
I told him, I have never been satisfied with my work,
so you will never be satisfied with your work.
But, you can show current Bae Yong Joon.

voice:their joint exhibit will be held for 6 days from June 9.
Artwork created by Bae Yong Joon in Iwate and Mr. Jun’s representative work, large lacquer art “Spirit of Iwate” and other latest works, about 150 pieces will be displayed.

And also on the first day of exhibit, there will be a concert by lacquered instruments and visitors will be presented lacquer pictures drawn by Mr. Jun on hand-made papers.

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