Episode 14, also known as Let It Be, talks about the friends who intended to go travelling. Hee-dong had initially decided not to go travelling with his friends for the sake of Jeong-she, who claimed that she was unable to go. Jeong-she later turned up at the train station in front of everybody (including Hee-dong) just before the group left.
The episode opens with Inyo walking along a street. Yong-min woke up after hearing the door bell. He looked at the alarm clock. It was 3.10 pm. His sister went to open the door, and saw Renyu. Yong-min was rather surprised to meet him. Yong-min's sister offered some coffee.
Fengguan asked why Renyu came over to their house in the dead of the night as they drank some coffee. Renyu confessed that he was afraid of sleeping alone at night after watching a horror film the previous day. He requested if the group would allow him to stay for the night, and offered to pay for his share household fees.
Hee-dong and Fengguan talked about Renyu as Yong-min slept on the sofa in the living room to give his bed for Renyu.
A subsequent scene showed Hee-dong talking to his sister in the CD-shop about Renyu's bad points. At home, Fengguan was cleaning the living room with his vacuum cleaner as Renyu was At home, Fengguan was cleaning the living room with his vacuum cleaner as Renyu was sitting on a couch. Fengguan teased Renyu by facing the vacuum sucker as his leg.
Fengguan went into Yong-min's room to complain about Renyu just as he was dressing up. Renyu came into the room to ask for the phone directory to call his friend. Renyi said that he wanted to return home as Fengguan gave him a nasty look.
The next scene showed Yong-min working as a librarian in the campus' library. At the bistro, Yujin was serving to customers as Hee-dong and Jeong-an came in. Tongnam was practicing fencing (with a wooden stick). Renyu came to greet her as Tongnam was in the changing room.
At the shop, Yong-min was at his sister's shop and informed her that their father had told his sister to meet a boyfriend. His sister asked about Yujin's work place. The next scene lapses Yujin serving beverages to Hee-dong and Jeong-she. Yong-min came in shortly afterwards.
Inyo was practicing fencing with Tongnam in the fencing room. Tongnam suggest further practice on his fencing skills as she left as Renyu sat on the floor to rest.
Jeong-an, Yong-min, Jeong-she and Yujin were discussing about their affairs in the bistro. Back home, Fengguan grumbled about their telephone bills and Renyu's behaviour. Yong-min sank into deep thought as Fengguan asked for his suggestions to expel Inyo from their home.
Yujin and Jeong-she were discussing about their celebrities idols in their rooms and facial beauty in their room. The girls laughed out loud after sharing a joke.
Inyo returned home and asked for dinner. Inyo criticised about their house and the water heater as he got up to proceed to the toilet to bathe.
Tongnam was looking at some books in a storage room for old books. Her parents, who were sitting around a table, asked about Renyu. Tongnam introduced herself as Inyo's mother asked about him. She brought her to Yong-min's house to look for him.
At the CD shop, Hee-dong was listening to rock as Yong-min and Fengguan rushed in to tell Hee-dong about Inyo's news.
Yong-min and Fengguan greeted Renyu by offering a feast for him. The friends talked about becoming an independent adult, such as preparing meals in his vicinity. A subsequent scene showed Hee-dong helping Inyo to wear a scarf (to protect his hair from getting dirty) as he was preparing meals. Yong-min and Fengguan rushed out out of their room, and Fengguan praised his culinary skills as he tasted the soup. Just as he was cooking, Inyo's mother and Tongnam turned up at his house. He took off the hat he was wearing as his mother asked what he was doing in Yong-min's house. Tongnam talked with the boys about Inyo.
The next scene showed Inyo's mum reprimanding on him leaving home in Yong-min room. Inyo defended his position and argued on his mother's ignorance just as Yong-min came in to serve coffee. She remarked that Renyu's character has totally changed for the worse. Inyo stood up, and shouted twice that he is willing not to return home. In response, his mother slapped him, and Inyo left in a fury. Yong-min put down the coffee tray, grabbed his coat and ran up to catch him, but an angry Inyo pushed off Yong-min as he walked on. The trio who were sitting at the table and saw the commotion, lowered their heads in remorse.
Inyo and Yong-min sat along the coast. Yong-min helped Renyu to analyse his actions as he revealed his past; and his high expectations that his parents had on him. Inyo continued by asking if he is a fool.
The duo walked along the coastal passageway as Inyo talked about his actions. At the bistro, Jeong-she visited Yujin who was serving customers. They sat at the table to discuss their project work. They later prepared a dinner for the friends. Fengguan, Hee-dong and Tongnam were wondering if Inyo and Yong-min would turn up. Just then, Yong-min turned up and they asked for Inyo's whereabouts. The next scene showed Renyu walking along the coast against the evening sky.
Back home, the boys and their sister were rather pleased to receive some preserved food left behind by Inyo. Hee-dong commented on the price and praised Inyo.
The next day at the campus, Yong-min called for Renyu but found out he was not there. The group had a party at a restaurant. Just as Yujin was being pestered to sinh, Inyo turned up and asked for some wine. The entire group, with the exception of Yong-min, gave him a cold and disappointed look at Inyo.
Inyo sang at the Karaoke as the group looked on, feeling rather uneasy. Inyo sang on, never opening his eyes...
[Source : wikipedia.org]
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