
[News] Bae Yong Joon : Video VisitKorea Promote for International.

Bae Yong Joon : Video VisitKorea Promote for International.

All international video ... the month, the main model, 'Jung' throughout Japan
Starring Bae Yong Joon 2010 model, said the main countries of overseas promotion.

Bae Yong Joon as the protagonist Promotional Video Japan, Korea spiral flights 'Jung' (情) The 1 month will be available throughout Japan. Japan side 'Tablets' for a woman to travel to the water, Bae Ask someone dressed in Korean woman mulbagajie beodeulip Pull a story is embedded.

Video of the end of Bae was taken with a soft smile, attractive, recently he published "Korea's a beautiful journey" concept reminds me of the writing process all the outstanding CF.

BOF members of Bae Yong-sign the "Damyang in November of last year bamboo forest is taken from a promotional video. Japan and other Asian countries represent Bae Yong-jun to promote the smaller, so I'm glad to be able to help," he said Testimonials.

Korea National Tourism Organization Europe, America, China and Asia, including Japan and the three specific areas to focus on the emotional state produced promotional videos, each 'period' (气) 'pe' (兴) 'Jung' (情) the end of the year CNN plans to aired throughout the world through 'period' according to the lively rhythms samulnori with South Korea showing the four corners of the Monk, 'pe' (兴) played percussion with the evolution of urban life, focusing on the Republic of Korea done.

Korea National Tourism Organization announced a new slogan in the world, South Korea, Korea, non-Pi Instruments Advisors' (Korea, Be Inspired · Korea, vaguely attractive country) adopted.

Sports News : enter@sportshankook.co.kr

The country that is succeeding in giving its heart out to passerbys is Korea.
As water is handed over, a leaf off a wipping willow is taken off and thrown into the water.
This small act is done so that the drinker takes more care in drinking the water, keeping him from choking and drinking it all too quickly.
These small acts of kindness can always be found as they slowly become forgotten.

Thai Translation by Ladymoon
ประเทศที่หยิบยื่นน้ำใจแก่ผู้มาเยือนคือเกาหลี ดังเช่นน้ำที่หยิบยื่นให้กับใบหลิวที่ถูกเด็ดใส่ลงในน้ำ การกระทำเช่นนี้เพื่อให้ผู้ดื่มระมัดระวังในระหว่างดื่มน้ำ เพื่อไม่ให้สำลักเพราะรีบดื่มน้ำเร็วเกินไป น้ำใจเล็กๆ น้อยๆ เช่นนี้คุณสามารถพบได้ แม้ในขณะที่สิ่งเหล่านี้อาจกำลังถูกลืมเลือนไปช้าๆ

배용준 한국홍보 '국가대표'
기사전송 2010-01-25 06:46

올 해외 동영상 메인모델… 이달말 '정' 일본전역에 선봬

배우 배용준이 2010년 국가 해외 홍보의 메인 모델로 나섰다.

배용준이 주인공으로 나선 한국 홍보 동영상 일본 편 '정'(情)이 1월말 일본 전역에서 선보일예정이다. 일본 편 '정'은 배용준이 여행길에 한 여인에게 물을 청하자 한복을 차려 입은 여인이 물바가지에 버들잎을 띄워 주는 이야기가 담겨 있다.

영상의 말미 배용준의 부드러운 미소가 매력적으로 촬영됐고, 최근 그가 발간한 <한국의 아름다운 여행>의 집필 과정을 떠올리게 하는 컨셉트가 돋보이는 CF다.

배용준의 소속사인 BOF는 "지난해 11월 담양의 대나무 숲에서 촬영한 홍보 동영상이다. 일본 등 아시아를 대표하는 배용준이 작게나마 국가 홍보에 도움을 줄 수 있어서 기쁘다"고 소감을 밝혔다.

한국관광공사는 구미, 중국·아시아, 일본 등 3개 특정지역과 국가 정서에 초점을 맞춰 각각 제작한 홍보동영상 '기'(氣) '흥'(興) '정'(情)을 이달 말부터 CNN 등을 통해 세계적으로 방영할 계획이라고 '기'는 경쾌한 사물놀이 리듬에 맞춰 한국의 구석구석을 승무와 함께 보여주고, '흥'(興)은 타악 연주와 함께 발전한 대한민국의 도시의 삶에 집중했다.

한국관광공사는 한국을 세계에 알리는 새로운 슬로건으로 '코리아, 비 인스파이어드'(Korea, Be Inspired·한국, 왠지 끌리는 나라)를 채택했다.

스포츠한국 고규대기자 enter@sportshankook.co.kr

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