[News] Choi Kang-hee back to TV with Last Secretary.
Cr. - javabeans
New drama alert! Choi Kang-hee (Petty Romance) is returning to television in SBS’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama Last Secretary, which airs later this summer.
In it, she plays a heroine despairing at her inability to find employment, when she’s hired as a secretary in a major company and falls for her boss. Of course. (One of these days, Given that 34-year-old Choi Kang-hee is famous for her own baby face, the immediate premise reminds me of Baby-Faced Beauty. The drama is still looking for its hot boss hero, but the name currently being floated around as a top candidate is Royal Family’s Ji Sung.

If that works out, it might be interesting to see Ji Sung in lighter fare for once, since he’s been doing heavier dramas in recent years like Royal Family, Kim Suro, Swallow the Sun, and New Heart. It’s always fun to see formerly serious guys go rom-com; if anything, Cha Seung-won’s ridiculous turn in Best Love (and I mean ridiculous in the best way) is proof of that.
Meanwhile, this’ll be Choi Kang-hee’s first drama in three years, since her quiet 2008 series My Sweet Seoul, which was a drama I consider legitimately well-made and -directed, but could not stand because of her. The production team has me a little wary, with PD Sohn Jung-hyun having done stuff like the makjang First Wives’ Club and Princess Lulu, although I’ve heard better things of his 2007 Crazy For Love, the latter of which he worked on with scriptwriter Kwon Ki-young.
Last Secretary will replace City Hunter and premieres on August 3.
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