
Barefooted Youth: Episode 2

Barefooted Youth: Episode 2

Bae YongJun: Jang YoSuk
Ko SoYoung: Ki HaeJu
Kim MuSaeng: Jang MyungSuk
Park WooNyung: Ki SungJae
Lee JongWon: Jang SangYup
Byun WooMin: Ki Soongjun
Kim WonHee: Kang YeJu
Kim HakJul: Jo JaeSik
Jung SungMo: Ko Kangsoo
Kim JungAh: Su Hwa


A security guard is walking down the stairs holding his flash lights. He goes down to the basement where Yo Suk is studying. The older man feels sorry that he has to leave, "But my body doesn't respond after midnight."

YS: Don't worry about it. I've been doing this all along. (He changed his outfit. He wore the security guard's uniform, and went to the front desk carrying books and notebooks.)
Guard: You have already passed 2 exams. What else do you need to pass?
YS: The Police University is a bit more complicated than others.
Guard: Police University? So you'll be a high rank officer once you graduate? Wow, go for it!

YS smiles as the old man left. He went back to his studies. Phone bell rings from the far. YS took his flashlights and searched for its source. Inside of a classroom, a small hand-phone is ringing. He picked it up.

YS: Hello...
Voice: Hello, who is this?
YS: (in a defensive voice) Why don't you tell me who you are instead?
Voice: I'm the phone's owner... Could you return the phone to me?

YS: I'll leave it at the front desk. (He hang up.) *****At a bar
HaeJu: (On the phone, as YS hang up, startled.) Pardon me... What kind of person is this? (To Insu.) He didn't even give me a chance to thank him.
It looks like it's a student gathering and "sunbaes" (older students) are waiting for HaeJu. It's Initiation Party.
Sunbae 1: Hey you guys, let's begin now. (All Freshmen stood up, and a bowl of rice-wine is in front of each of them.) Go ahead and drink. (All but HaeJu drink. InSu is feeling sorry for her.)
S 1: HaeJu, what's up with you? Why don't you drink?
In Su: She cannot drink... You know those kind... Why don't you let me drink for her instead?
S 1: What is this? Are you two dating?
S 2: They know each other since they were 12...
S 1: OK, I got the picture. Rules are rules, but I do understand the power of love. So HaeJu, tell us: are you dating? Because if you are, I may let InSu take your place. (Enjoying himself)
HaeJu took the bowl, and to everyone's surprise, started drinking.
Next Scene, everyone is gone except InSu. HaeJu is just waking up from the table. Her head is hurting. InSu is upset at HaeJu, "Couldn't you just tell them we were dating?"
HJ: You cannot drink either...
IS: This is not about that, and you know it.

******At the Private Institute*****

Scenes of YS working as a security guard there, sleeping at the basement and studying during his spare time. He also works while studying. Flashs of him wiping the windows, washing the car, and studying is shown back and forth.
HaeJu picks up her cell phone from the front Desk and goes away. YoSuk comes there dressed in police uniform. They miss each other. He greets the old Guard and goes away.

*****At the Police University, interview room********

YS is seated in a chair. A panel of middle aged men are interviewing him.
Professor Park: Why did you choose Police University among all colleges?
YS: To be honest with you, I did it because the tuition is free here.

Prof. Park: I like your honesty, but I'm really disappointed. Just for the tuition!
YS: There could be no greater reason than that. Since this is the only way for me to lead an honest life.
Prof. Park: (Reading his personal profile.) I wish you well. Next!

*****At the Police Lab*****

Doctor Hong (woman) showed Ki SungJae and prosecutor Yoo X-ray pictures of a murdered victim (Chanshik). There is hard evidence that it was done by Jang's Clan. Ki SungJae feels his wounded pride. The game with his arch-enemy is starting again.

*****Hunting Day*****
Jang MyungSuk is shooting birds. He is surrounded by bodyguards. JaeSik is apologizing to his Boss. MS, "How many times did I tell you to be careful not to leave any trace? Where did all your skills go?" (He shot again and birds fell.)

*****Town's Bowling Alley*******

SuHwa works as a clerk at the bowling alley. Frequently, KangSoo's band come to check if she has any news of YoSuk. KangSoo will not forget anyone beating him up. Not for 100 years.
SuHwa meets up with Manbo and complains that YS has not called them yet. Mb tries to explain that it's better for their safety...

*******Prosecutor's Office******
Prosecutor Yoo is speaking with Ki SungJae about Changshik's murder. Jang MyungSuk has just published his autobiography.
Yoo: I didn't know he could write (smiling). According to rumours, he cannot read the papers...
*******Squash Court******
HaeJu and Soongjun are playing squash. They're both sweating. HJ missed the last hit, and fell to the ground, panting. Sj accused her of losing to him on purpose, "That was an easy shot you missed."
HJ: Oppa, don't be so stiff and analyze everyone's movement. Just take it easy.
Sj: There you go with your insensitive comments again. I still remember what you told me when I entered college. You said (mimicking her), "Do you know what I fear most? That people like you would become the leaders of our nation."
HJ: Did I say that?
Sj: Yes, you did.
HJ: Alright... I'll buy you lunch.
Sj: I will buy you the lunch. But don't ever let me win on purpose, understood? *****At lunch table, eating
Sj: Do you have to continue going to the Academy?
HJ: Yes, it's what I like besides my major.
Sj: OK. By the way... How is it going with you and InSu?
HJ: What do you mean about that? There is nothing going on!
Sj: You mean that he has liked you all these years all by himself? How long... 8 years?
HJ: Stop it. We're just friends. What about you? Any prospects?
Sj: There are a few girls dying for me...
HJ: So? Why don't you choose among them?
Sj: Among those crazy bunch? No thanks. (Looking at his watch) And now, I have somewhere else to go. Good bye!!!

*****Book Publishing Event*******

SJae and Officer Yoo are hiding inside their Van spying the event from outside of the building. A traffic patrol bids them to go away. During the commotion, they realize they've been caught by the enemy: one of Jang's men is taking pictures of them. The Prosecutor decides to greet Mr. Jang. Inside of the huge Salon, Soongjun is waiting for his father.
SJae: What are you doing here?
Sj: I would like you to introduce them to me. Grandpa and you had to deal with each one of them. Soon, my turn will come.
They both go to the center booth where Jang MyungSuk is standing with his men, handing books to his guests. Both SJae and MS met, face to face, shook their hands.
MS: Mr. Prosecutor, what a pleasant surprise! Let me introduce you my son -although you must already be familiar with him.
SY: (Shaking hands, in lower voice.) I don't know why we are supposed to greet and act friendly towards our enemies...
MS: Don't be insolent! (To SJae.) Please forgive him, this young people now-a-days... who could stop them? (Fake laughter.)
SJae: Well, let me introduce you my son though you must already be familiar with him...

MS: No, no sir, I'm not as smart as you think. (Shaking hands to Soongjun.) I heard you study law. A very promising student indeed.
SY: (Shaking Soongjun's hand.) I thought of taking the Board too but I'm just too busy for that. (Both looks at each other.)
SJae: Since I'm here, I would like to ask for a copy of your book.
MS: (Getting one copy from his men.) Here you go. (Tried to sign in Chinese characters, but gave up. He scrabbled his name and gave it to the prosecutor.)
SJae: You wrote about me, I supposed?

MS: Of course! Aren't you the man who sent me to jail twice already! (Both laughed dryly.)
Sjae: (Was leaving, but turned around.) Well, I forgot. Have you heard that Oh Chansik died?
MS: (In shock. As SJae left.) How does he dare mention that name here!

********At His Hometown*******
YoSuk visits his High School, where the school principal is waiting for him, with his old certificates ready. Handling the documents over to YoSuk he tells him to leave the town as soon as possible: "Everyone in town knows that you gave Ko KangSoo a beating. That means, he is looking for you biting his teeth, so watch out. Don't go anywhere nor visit anyone."
Outside the school, the Principal tells him: "Whenever I saw you, I thought you would be one of 2 things-- you would either be a great Gang leader, or you would become a priest. But... " (smiling) "I can't believe you will be a policeman!!!"
Scenes of YS looking at SuHwa (being reprimanded at work) from the distance and calling Manbo from a pay phone without getting any answer is shown. Later, SuHwa listened to YoSuk’s message, telling her where he is staying. "I'm sorry for not seeing you, but it's best for everyone this way." While SuHwa listened to the message, DogN and MaeJu came and took away the phone.

*****Basement of the Academy building********
YS is looking at an old movie poster of Han SoonIm. He speaks while looking at her, "I went to my hometown today. But I couldn't visit your tombstone. I'm sorry, mom."

*****At the Fashion Designer's classroom*******
The woman in charge of a Fashion Show is pleading with HaeJu to wear one of her outfits. HaeJu tells her she would never stand in a podium. She is a designer, not a model. The woman gave her a bag with a little doggie inside. She says that it would be hers if she participates in the Fashion Show. HaeJu is so happy to have the doggie that she accepted.

*****At the Academy's classroom********
The students are learning English. Once the class is over, HaeJu left the classroom, holding the bag with Picko inside. As she is leaving, she finds Picko has shed inside the bag. She took the doggie out of the bag complaining... but Picko starts running away. HaeJu ran after the pet, calling, "Picko, Picko, come back here!"

*****At the Academy's basement********
Picko has gone all the way down to the basement. HaeJu followed down when she heard YoSuk's voice. He's playing with the doggie. "Let's see, are you male or female? Wow..." Then he noticed HaeJu, looking.
YS: You must be the dog's owner. Its name is Picko, I guess?
HaeJu bowed and placed the pet inside her bag. As she was leaving, she turned and asked, "That voice... I heard it before. You are the one who found my hand phone, aren't you?" (YS just smiled.) "Sorry I didn't thank you before this..."
While she is talking, the Security Guard ran to YS, screaming, "YoSuk, YoSuk... what have you done! There is a band of gangsters looking for you! They went to the roof and they will soon be here. Run, hurry!!!"
YS took out his mom's picture and started running, with HaeJu behind him. The gang spotted YS on his way and as they try to push him, he hit and kicked, and continued running. Once outside, HaeJu is waiting for him, holding a cab. The gang followed them on their Jeep.

*****At HaeJu's House*******
HaeJu takes YoSuk inside her house and calls the police.
YS: (Looking around) Where are we?
HJ: At my house. (YS seems worried.) Don't worry, we're safe here.
YS sat down and HJ offered him a drink. HaeJu is looking at YoSuk. Curiosity was written all over her face. "I wonder what it is...?"
YS: You want to know why they're looking for me? (Smiles as HJ nods.)
The bell rang. HaeJu said, "It's my father!" And ran outside.
They both went out, HJ held SJae's arms and YS bowed to SJae.
SJae: Who are you?
HJ: He is a friend from the Academy.
SJae nodded and entered the house. YS turned around in surprise, looking at SJae's face.

******At the Dark Mansion*******
Jang MyungSik is watching an old movie by Han SoonIm. The same scene is shown, the one YoSuk watched previously: the woman dying of cancer.
Sang Yup came in and showed his father his new business proposal: opening up Editorials. MS rejected as Editorials and Gangsters don't match, and that people would laugh at them. SY disagreed as times have changed and even mafia needs to "upgrade" themselves.
MS: If you want to open a business, open either bars or weapon factory. Gangsters should act as such. Only then you would be respected.
SY: (Looking at the movie, mockingly.) Did you get respect from that woman too?

*****At the Prosecutor's Office*******
SungJae saw an envelope on top of his desk. His secretary explained that someone has left it there. SJ opened the envelope and is surprised to find a photo of himself with Han SoonIm.

*****At a Coffee Shop*****
SungJae was looking around. YoSuk saw him from far and stood up. SJ approached YS, and showed him the picture.
SJae: Are you the one who put this picture on my desk? (YS nodded.) Can I know who you are?
YS: She is my mother. (SJae just stares.) Are you... my father?
SJae: ... !

To be continue ....

Thanks to ...Priscilla...

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