Salut D'Amour Episode 3
The episode starts with Hae-yung as a photo model, with Hee-dong helping to throw the leaves. Yong-min, seeing this, blocked the camera and informed her of the meeting that was to be held at 11am.
The group assembled in a room, and discussed some school work. Meanwhile, the student leader came in, and wanted to elect Tongnam as leader of the group. However, Hee-dong suggested that Yong-min be the leader, and all his friends followed suit. The defeated Tongnam then congratulated Yong-min on his part.
Hee-dong was standing on his hands while talking to Yong-min and Fengguan. Fengguan suddenly stepped on his hands and cried in pain and jumped back onto his feet. Later, Tongnam was seen making criticisms in another group meet.
Another scene showed Yong-min and his friends in a hall where they were doing Physical exercises. The studious Fengguan was noted for being dreaming half the time while doing the exercises; being one step slower than the rest. He was reprimanded by the instructor at the end of the lessons, together with his friends (to a lesser extent). The classmates laughed afterwards as the instructor told the class to perfect the dance steps by the next lesson.
After lessons, Hee-dong did a handstand as Fengguan talked about the role of sexes in class. Fengguan stepped on Hee-dong's hand. Hee-dong gave a groan in pain as he hopped onto his feet.
Tongnam met Yong-min and they decided to discuss about their project, However, Yong-min could not withstand Tongnam's ignorant character, and made criticisms on her behaviour. The couple soon began quarrelling briefly before Yong-min left her.
One scene showed Yong-min calling Hae-yung as he was running up the slope. Yong-min tripped as he ran up, and Hae-yung laughed. He got up to his feet and ran up to join Hae-yung. The duo were walking as the talked, and Yong-min stopped for a few words with Tongnam as they met her. Yong-min then ran up to rejoin Hae-yung.
Salut D'Amour Episode 4
Renyu came into the library, and met Tongnam. He sat down beside her, and apologised for his behaviour he exhibited on the previous day. Renyu offered him his notes (saying that he had another copy), but Tongnam left without taking along the notes.
Yong-min came to greet Hae-yung, and they proceeded to the conference hall. At this moment, the student leader came over to introduce his sister. Yong-min then decided to watch a movie at the theatre.
After conducting lessons, she decided to visit the student leader who was playing the piano. She entered the room, but he was grossly absorbed playing the piano. As Hae-yung left the room, she dropped her books which attracted the student's leader's attention.
Yong-min went to visit Hae-yung, but only found Meina at home. A disappointed Yong-min walked home, but found Hae-yung carrying a bouquet of flowers. He tried to hide his disappointment (that she has a boyfriend) by commenting on the subject itself.
Yong-min walked downtown, and past a shop selling winter accessories...
배용준:사랑의 인사 [KBS]1994
부드러운 미소와 매력적인 목소리 그리고 온화하고 절제된 인상으로 여성팬들의 열화와 같은 사랑을 얻었던 배용준은 1994년 KBS 청춘드라마 "사랑의 인사"에서 영화감독 지망생인 대학생 역을 맡으면서 브라운관에 첫 데뷔를 했다. 극중 역할을 떠나 실제로도 충무로에서 조그만 현장 경험을 가지고 있는 그는 영화감독의 꿈을 버리지 못해 2000년 성균관 대학교 영상학과에 입학하기도 했다.
1994년 KBS 청춘드라마인 "사랑의 인사"에 출연하면서 그의 본격적인 연기인생이 시작됐다. 이후 그의 인기를 한층 더 올려준 요인은 인기리에 방영됐었던 KBS 주말 드라마 "젊은이의 양지"에서 석주 역을 맡으면서 이다. 이 드라마에서 역시 그는 영화에 많은 관심을 보이는 부잣집 대학생 역할로 등장을 했다. 이후 "파파"를 비롯한 "첫사랑", "우리가 정말 사랑했을까?", "호텔리어" 등에 출연하면서 끊임없는 인기를 누려왔다. 최지우와 함께 열연해 거대한 신드롬을 일으켰던 "겨울연가"에서 준상 역을 맡았던 그는 2002년 KBS 연기대상 최우수 연기상을 수상하기도 했다.
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