
Happy Birthday to DR.ChatChai MD.

Happy Birthday to you...

My dearest brother
Today is your birthday
Knowing that you will be turning another year old

Time has change over the years
Even though we may not spend much time together
Still you are my brother
Someone who will be there in time of need
I am grateful to have you as a brother

May you enjoy this blissful day
And many happiness that will come your way
Because today is your birthday
Thanks for being the brother that you are

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생일 축하 소원 으로 ...Dr.White...
12 June 2009

소원 여러분 모두의 행복,
건강과 번영을 오늘의 많은 많은 반환.

특별한 날이라고해도 모든 행복이 당신을
위해 작성 올해 간절히 바라 다 가지고있습니다.

생일 축하 해요, 올해는 특별한 날,
기쁨의 기쁨과 함께 당신의
앞길을 밝힐 수 귀하의 모든 시간을 채울 수있습니다.

반갑군, 따뜻하고 밝고 아름다운,
그건 당신 생일이 소원을 기원하는 일종의

당신 생일 축하합니다.

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Happy birthday wishes to Dr.White
12 June 2009

Wish you all happiness,
Health and prosperity,
many, many returns of the day.

Even all the happiness in your special day
I have written for this year look forward to.

Happy birthday, this year a special day,
Your joy with the joy of
To light all the time in the future you can fill.

It's good, warm, bright and beautiful,
It's your birthday wishes to this kind of

Happy birthday to you.

From ...Pe' Aud...

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Bangkok Treatment Center [Ruamrudee Wellness Clinic]

A tour of the Absolute Health Integrative Medical center in Bangkok - a full service medical clinic providing anti-ageing and regenerative treatments to patients of all ages. This is a Regenecell-accredited facility.

The treating physician at this facility is Dr Chatchai Sribundit MD - a fellow of the American College of Anti-ageing Medicine and member of the National Olympics Committee... more at http://www.regenecell.com/

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