
[Photo] Some Capture from You're Beautiful episode 12

Summary/recap of episode 12

In a spectacularly long hand-grabbing scene, Taekyung pulls Minam with him all the way back to the agency. This time, he’s pissed. He yells at Minam for her audacity to actually go through with this, letting his anger get the better of him, and outwardly expresses his frustration that she’s causing him such bother. Minam shouts back that nobody asked him to do as such, and nobody asked him to look after her either. Minam isn’t being ungrateful — because god knows she’s been more than enough — she’s just frustrated that he’s taking his anger out on her, when she’s trying so hard just to suck it up and let things be.

Just leave me in the dark then! Who told you to look at me?!
With that, Taekyung grabs Minam into a kiss — a kiss that surprises even himself.

Taekyung is sulking back in the lobby of the building where him and the film crew are resting. Manager Ma finds him and wonders what’s wrong with him, but Taekyung refuses to say anything, only that he’s very irritated and feeling extremely uncomfortable. Well, okay. Manager Ma sifts through the photos that they had just taken and notices one shot where Minam is holding back her nose, and wonder why she’s doing it — ah, it must be because Shinwoo was nearby. Taekyung sees this and asks Manager Ma what the HELL that gesture means because it’s driving him nuts. Manager Ma explains that he taught it to Minam so that she can do it whenever she’s around the person she likes as to hold back her feelings.

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