[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.12
Posted on December 14, 2010
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/
they are running a promo on the new drama President – what is up with all these president dramas? daemul and now this and that JDG movie where he plays a president – that I should have seen but it
looked sooo boring.
wow i just realized MSOAN is ending soon – four more then it is over – wonder how it will all end
S is inside the recording booth and reads Mary’s name on the music sheet [as the lyricist] and comes out and accuses MG of making her sing their love song
MG asks what she is doing
she says you told me this morning to act like myself so I am
Mary picks up all the sheet music
mary unpacks that huge orange bag
he unpacks her blanket
he says the room is too small for another bed
she says he needs to get her a bed
he suggest if she cant trust him to split the bed
so he puts up a cloth partition
[oooh walls of jericho on a kdrama- i love the new writer]
she complains that it is too much to his side as he puts it up
he says since we are living together let’s kiss to start off
Mary asks why Mg broke up with S
he asks are you curious
he wanted S to meet someone cooler than him
mary says what if she cant meet someone cooler than you
S meets with J
he asks havent you resolved everything
he asks why they broke up
she says there was a misunderstanding
S was on the verge of her engagement
her fiance said she should have just enjoyed her relationship with MG and not ruin her life over it
she tries to get out of the car but the fiance wont let go
and rips her sleeve
MG saw all that and assumed her fiance was her “sponsor”
the actor comes to see S and J
actor said manager bang was about to charge S with assault but he stopped her
he insists the manager didnt do that
S tells him again that he is wrong to back up the manager
J tells the actor not to trust the manager
when the actor comes back to the car
manager asks is S going to apologize to me?
she said she will not let the drama go on well
MG’s mom is eating at D’s thuckbokkee place
D recognizes her as Mg’s mom
she talks about the ring and stuff I guess
mary asks MG is his mom will return the ring
he says he will pay mary back if his mom doesnt
D calls mary cuz he just heard about the ring and money
D asks why MG’s mom is talking about a ring Mary gave her
they have to hurry up and clean her stuff cuz her dad is coming to yell at MG
so they jump inside a dumpster -gross
D yells at the door for MG to return the ring
they are still in the dumpster
D is parked outside MG’s place and orders food there while he is waiting
MG is too cold in the dumpster with Mary
so mary calls J to help them and call her dad and make him go away
so J does
and mary takes MG inside and they finally warm up but they stink like trash
he says he will warm some water so they can wash
the pipes are frozen and water wont come out so they cant wash
mg’s mom waits outside D’s place and he takes her home and makes her write out a contract that she will return the money and make sure she helps D in getting mary to break up with MG
D is going to let her work at his place
he is going to let her live there
until she pays back $10,000 and gets mary’s ring back
and she warns him not to see her as a woman and he promises saying she is not his type
oh nooooo
J has some ginger alcohol delivered to D’s house and mg’s mom finds out that
mary has a fiance and questions her loyalty
MG was trying to get water and his hands were cold so he makes funny sounds
MG is out of breath
J thinks MG was in the middle of doing something – J thinks sex
cuz MG says he is busy and cant talk
Mg says you have nothing better to do than pick on how someone is breathing
J was calling about the music MG made
but J calls again to ask what MG is doing that MG cant say
MG is trying to wash mary while she is sleeping
both are dressed and sleeping on the bed
MG looks at her thru the sheet then he moves the sheet to see her face and smile
he finally goes to sleep
MG’s mom makes D keep it a secret from MG that she did that to mary
he threatens to tell all
they eat the breakfast she made
mg feels bad that he made her suffer at his place
they say really sweet stuff to each other as he walks her to J’s
she said she will be back at his place the next day
D sees them
he thinks he saw wrong after he chases them
and cant find them
d hits mary for getting the ring taken
she worries about the mom cuz she was tricked and cant go to paris
the housekeeper shows up while they fight and they act all polite
the housekeeper says mary smells funny
JS wants to eat there so she is here to help mary prepare dinner
manager bang shows up again at J’s
[why is she coming out so much?????]
she lies and says she talked the actor into doing the drama
she wants J to drop S as the lead actress
she has someone else in mind
if he listens to her she will bring back the actor and his investors
she says something about dying and how she is the type not to die alone
MG and J are in the car on their way to check a site for performance
mary texts MG if he took a bath with warm water and if he feels sick to get meds
MG goes overboard and says she sent so many hearts and leans so J can see it too and acts all lovey dovey about the text which causes J to brake hard so MG chokes from the impact
J laughs and says “let’s go”
they look at the place and MG suggests doing a gueriila concert
now it is J’s turn
he pretends to make a big deal over her call acting all sweet and loving
he asks if she is making the dinner
he says he will bring dessert
she asks if he cant hear her well cuz he keeps saying stuff she didnt say
Mary made JS porridgeJ and JS compliment her cooking skills
JS gives another present to some performance
she said it is hard for her to make it
JS asks her to wear the ring this sat
J asks mary to work with the scriptwriter a lot this week
J asks mary how D and JS know each other
she asks why he is asking all of a sudden
[why is he? i am curious too]
mary calls D to tell him she needs the ring
the mom was eating leftovers and D says i asked you to clean not eat
he says how could you eat after taking a ring from his daughter
she gets angry at him and goes and buys a $29 ring
and gives it to mary lying to mary saying ppl should trust one another
mom asks if mary and Mg are all over
mary says it is hard to explain
mom says love doesnt work if it is one person clinging
mary is happy to have the ring back
manager waits to speak to S
she says arent you going to apologize to me?
she threatens S
she says it would be better for S to drop out before she gets dropped
the band doesnt like the music and say they are disppointed in MG
J defends MG
the band drink and say MG changed
they feel like MG threw away rock music
MG says he didnt
that he would do it till he dies
they ask why did he do that kind of music – mellow
he says he cant keep freezing in a room without heat-meaning he has to earn money to live
s sits next to Mg and says she is his fan forever no matter what music he does so she will sing the song
J comes out in his robe with his hair wet and mary comes out looking all sleepy and they have an awkward moment
J and JS and D and Mary are having dinner before they go to the concert
D wonders how the mom got the money for the ring
Js is happy she is wearing it
but as D compliments the ring he notices it is a fake
which arouses JS’s suspicions
J speaks up and says it is an imitation and the real one is at home cuz mary was too nervous to wear it in public comfortably
D is pissed
Mary says sorry to J about the ring
J drops her off at MG’s
mary tells MG about what happened with the ring
D is at the door telling at MG to come out
MG and Mary are in a panic and run around the room and there is no where to hide and D comes in
no preview
just lots of NGs
I love the screen which MG and J are in the car .. so funny 55