[News] Jang Nara stills from Baby-Faced Beauty.
Cr. - javabeans
Every time I see recent photos of Jang Nara, I think of how her new drama, Baby-Faced Beauty, couldn’t have cast a more appropriate actress for the role. There are a number of actresses noted for their youthful looks (Choi Kang-hee, Im Soo-jung, Bae Doo-na), but Jang in particular makes it easy to believe that her 34-year-old character could be mistaken for a 25-year-old recent university graduate.
Here are a few more stills from the KBS drama, which is now busily filming in the several weeks it has before its premiere. As you can probably deduce from the props, the drama’s set in the world of clothing and fashion, with Jang playing an aspiring designer.
At the outset, things don’t look so good for our heroine, who’s poor, mired in credit card debt, and lacks the strong educational background to advance in her career. She’s employed at a fabric company (the stills show her checking the material as part of her job), but she gets fired because of her age.
However, she then gets a job at a fashion design company, which is where she meets her love interest, Daniel Choi. Her character has always had a knack for turning ordinary materials and clothing into something special, and it’s at this new job that she’s able to tap into her skills and reinvent herself as a designer. It’s exactly the type of reversal-of-fate scenario we all love to indulge in when we’re down and out, since everyone loves a good underdog story. You know, you’re trying to act classy and above-it-all on the outside, but inside you’re gloating obnoxiously, Suck on that, old boss/job/boyfriend/jackass!
Other cast members include Ryu Jin (My Country Calls), Hyun Young (Actress Butler), Kim Min-seo (Sungkyunkwan Scandal), Yoon Hee-seok (Gumiho: Tale of the Fox’s Child), Oh Yeon-seo (Dong Yi), and Yoo Yeon-ji (Painter of the Wind). It premieres on May 2.

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