
Barefooted Youth Episode 1.

Barefooted Youth Episode 1.

by Priscilla@hotelier2002

Beyond the valley, near the mine fields … there is a gang fight, the hunters and their prey. There are 5 to 6 men chasing after a youngster carrying an electric guitar and a backpack. The youngster may be a tough fighter. He seems to be in control as he is outnumbered.

A small track trailer of mine workers is approaching. He ran faster and climbed into the trailer. The gang almost climbed into the trailer. The youngster fended them off by hitting them hard with his backpack. The boy kicked and threw them out of the trailer. His backpack went flying too.
From afar, the gang is running like crazy, cursing and throwing kicks of frustration at each other. And the distance grows...

******High School ******

YoSuk is walking down the empty hallway with his guitar on his back. After shaking off much of the dust from his jacket and pants, he reach for the door, but the door suddenly opens from the inside.
Teacher Park (He looks down towards the guitar) (speaking in country slang) What is this? You came to school carrying only this thing? Where did you sell your Bookbag?
YS: ...

TP: Now I see, it is true that you work every day at the Town's Night Club!!! But that's no reason for you to come to school carrying nothing but this thing! Are you really a student? Or are you rather a street peddler?
YS: (Tries to go inside the classroom with his head down.) ...
TP: (Blocked the entrance.) Where do you think you are going?
YS: ...
TP: People like you don't need to take exams! Go away!
YS: (Looking up) ... This is the last exam I should take.
TP: You know this is the final, and you still come in like this? Just go!
YS: (Looking down again, lightly pushes the teacher and goes in.)
TP: (Holding the pointer up.) I told you to leave!!! Don't you understand? This school doesn't need people like you who fools around all the time!
YS: (Looking at the teacher hard.) I never fooled around. I work at night out of necessity. (He approaches his desk. He reaches for the exam-sheet on his desk and turns around. He passes the annoyed teacher and leaves the room.)

Once on the Hallway, he crawls down on the floor and starts writing on the exam-sheet. At the other end of the hall, Teacher Woo (looks in his 60's) is standing at the door of his office, and is silently observing...

Later, in the Principal's office … Teacher Woo reminds YS of his dead Grandmother, and encouraged him not to give up.
YS: I won't give up... Never.

*******Night Club******

YoSuk plays the electric guitar at a Night Club. After greeting his customers, he tries to play but the same "gang" that had pursued him before caused trouble. Once they see him, they throw insults at him, DogN slaps at him & kicks him... But Yo Suk is not intimidated. Instead, he stares back with a warning. "Try that again, and I'll kill you," he says.

Everyone laughs. But they are all silenced by their boss KangSoo, who asks YoSuk, "Why didn't you come when I asked for you?" While the gang (especially DogN and MaeJu) got so mad and tried to throw heavy instruments at YS, the boss quiets them down once again with a laughter. He told Yo Suk that he likes his boldness, and for that, he wants him.

Kangsoo: This KoKangsoo may look small to you now, but I won't rot in this town forever, I'll play in a much larger territory some day, you'll see. So, next time I call you, come right away.
Without responding nor showing any emotions, YoSuk went back to work.

*****Movie Theatre******

YS goes to the projector's room where his friend Manbo works. Manbo looks around to make sure no one saw him and asked, "Are you alright? Ko KangSoo's band went crazy looking for you..."
YS: Who'd say you're not a small towns' bus-boy? Never mind them and play this. (Hands him a roll of film.)
Mb: (Looking.) AGAIN? Don't you remember getting in trouble because of this? The old man says the projector can get ruined. (YS ignores him.) You and your stupid guts...
YS is watching. The movie seems very old, and shows a woman dying of cancer, asking for her children. YoSuk takes from his pocket a picture of that same woman. And he remembers...

*******At Grandmother's house ***********

(1981, if scene #1 is 1995.) Yo Suk is 4 (5 in Korean age).
Grandma: (Worried and afraid.) Why did you come? Just leave! What are you going to do if those men followed you?
SoonIm: Mother, please. I just want to see him while he sleeps (pleading). It will take only one minute... pleaaase?
YS: (Rubbing his eyes.) Grandma... (He opens the door.)
Grandma: Aygoo, my boy... (Trying to hug him.)
SoonIm: My YoSuk!! (Ran toward him and held him up as grandma tried to stop her.)
SoonIm: (Didn't want to let him go. Instead, she held him more tightly.) Dear YoSuk... I'm sorry, you're mom is really sorry... please forgive me... what could I do, my dear YoSuk... poor child, my poor, poor YoSuk... (Car’s horn sounded outside.)
Grandma: (Caressing YS, to SI.) Is that your car? Just hurry up and go. Are you planning to wake everyone in town?
SoonIm doesn't want to go. She is in tears.
Grandma: (forcefully takes the child away.) Give him back to me, you have to leave now. If you want your child to have a normal life, you have to go.
SoonIm: (Letting him go.) Dear YoSuk, study hard, do you promise? Study really hard. (As Grandma is holding him, he nods his head) And also, don't you forget your mommy. You shouldn't forget her, all right? Promise me you won't forget her... (YoSuk just looks at her, not understanding the words.)
The car’s horn sounded again. With more urgency, grandma led SoonIm outside. SI mournfully left. That was the last time he saw her.
She committed suicide soon after, during the filming in one her movies.

YS is walking home and SuHwa runs after him, riding a bike.
SH: Why do you come home this late? I thought I'd die waiting for you.
YS: Who asked you to wait for me? Stop fooling around and go home.
SH: (Handing him a bundle of meat.) You need the protein to work and study at the same time.
YS: (Giving it back to her.) Stop kidding with me, or I'll give you a beating. Good Night!!!
SH: (Putting it back into his pocket) Don't be so hard on yourself. (Running away.) And don't forget to watch me at this Saturday's Parade!

*****Inside YS's room*******

YS is studying. He stops. YS takes out a photo carefully covered in aluminum foil... it's Han SoonIm's picture with her lover (Ki SungJae), when she was young. YS observed it very closely, paying special attention at the face of the man.
He remembers asking her grandmother who this man was. Her grandmother had no clue, "How would I know when your mom didn't even tell me who your father is?"

****Country Roadway*******

Black limousines are lined up and going at a high speed. Inside of Benz Limousine, Jang SangYup is on the passenger's seat, and JaeSik is next to the driver. JaeSik tries to call the "Big Boss" to inform him of the situation, but SangYup stops him. "We shouldn't bother Father for trivial things like these." "Hurry up!!"

*****Law University Lecture's Hall******

There is a big lecture going on about Korean Mafia history and Law & Order. Ki SungJae showed slides of the Jang's clan, 3 generation of the Biggest Korean Mafia. He first slide showed the picture of Jang DoSu, who formed the Gang, during the Japanese occupation. He showed another picture of the same man in prisoner's clothes, explaining that he has "retired" afterwards. Slides of the son follows, Jang MyungSuk, powerful and with a much larger territory. The grandson's picture is shown last, with only this comment, "he lacks his father's leadership qualities. Once Jang MyungSuk is out of the picture, the entire clan will collapse."
Hands were raised and questions asked. The most challenging questions were asked by "Ki Soongjun". He looked like a prominent student who has confidence that the future is his hands. SungJae looked very pleased at such intelligent questions, and reverted with a satisfied smile. Later, outside the Lecture Hall, SungJae shook hands with the Law Professor who thanked Mr. Prosecutor for taking the time to lecture his students. Joining them is Soongjun, Mr. Prosecutor's son.

****Country Factory Warehouse*****

Chanshik's band is "training" with their knifes and their fists. Suddenly, they are invaded by SangYup's band, who get out of their cars before they stop. The first group is soon overpowered by the second. SangYup have Chanshik's band lined up and on their knees, asking: "Where is your boss?" He gets no answer.
Directing his attention to the one in the middle, SY draws an apple to his forehead and challenges the defeated man to throw a knife towards the apple. "If you do it without touching my face, I'll let you live." The knife is thrown...

****Dark Mansion*****

Slap, slap & slap. Jang MyungSuk is mad at SangYup, rebuking him for playing stupid and dangerous games. He tells his son that he is the heir to the clan, so he should never get himself involved in petty disputes. He should always stay behind the scenes and just give orders. If others get caught, that's too bad. But if he gets caught, that's the end of 40 years of building this maffia. "How many times have I told you to be more prudent, and to play it smart?"

****Police Station*****

Mr. Prosecutor is respectfully greeted by the policemen inside. One of them, looking at a crowd of teenagers arrested for illegally playing at a Night Club, mentioned, "Shame on them. Don't they have better things to do then that? I wonder who their parents are." Mr. Prosecutor looks at him and lamely says, "You are looking at one. There is my daughter" (pointing at HaeJu). The police officer is startled and blushed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
Inside the car is Ki SungJae with HaeJu and her friend InSu, both looking down, ashamed.
HaeJu whispered, "I'm sorry Dad..."
His father, while driving, said calmly, "Why do you do things that you'll regret later?"
InSu defended by saying it was all his fault. Silence. Prosecutor, still driving, mentioned that she has passed the exam and she is accepted by the Program. At once, HaeJu's face brightens up, and she cries for joy, kissing and hugging her father. Prosecutor smiles at her in congratulation, and continues driving. To InSu, "If you're going to take her to the Club again, don't get caught!"

****Dark Mansion: Jang MyungSuk's Room*******

JaeSik is standing next to Mr. Jang, who asked him about the traitor "ChanSik". MS ordered, "You know what to do with him."
MS looked tired. He has to deal with a careless son who likes adventure and fun over serious matters. And taking good care of this son...He signed and whispered, "If I had another son, I wouldn't be so concerned. I could give him up more readily. But I happen to have only one. If only I had another son..."

******Yo Suk's Room (night)********

It's the anniversary of his mother's death. YS kneeled down in front of a table filled with food and incense. SuHwa tried to come in but YS pushed her away. She peeped inside again, and corrected YS regarding the proper ways of doing the memorial. YS pushed her outside and closed the door. She opened it and exclaimed, "Didn't you tell me your mom always rode on humongous cars? How on earth will she find you if you keep this door all locked up?"
YS paused for a second... and opened the door from then on...

******Rail Road tracks (day)*********

YS: Last night, I dreamt of my father. But once I got closer to him, it became someone else... Some times, I think my father has abandoned my mother and I. Or maybe, he doesn’t even know I existed.
He is walking with SuHwa who asked, "What are you going to do once you graduate?"
YS: I'll leave this town never to come back again.
SH: (looking afraid) Come on... This is your hometown.
YS: (Looking far ahead) I have no hometown.

*****Towns Street Parade*******

YS is watching the Parade from the windows of a classroom. Suddenly, he is surrounded by Ko KangSoo's band. KangSoo tells him that he needs him to deliver a message to the police station. He couldn't send his other guys because their identities are all known. "Besides," he continues, "with your clean record, you won't get more than a year if you get caught. And I'll take care of you afterwards. You can count on that."
YS is unmoved. He simply said he wouldn't do it. This brings rage and the boss signals for the boy to be taught a lesson. DogN and MaeJu hold him hold him... but YS suddenly pushes and kicks them both out of the classroom, locking the door. So now, he is inside all alone with the "boss." KS seems to be in shock, unable to react, while YS looked at him, threw his fist at him, and told him to leave him alone (his eyes speaking of danger). The door broke open, and YS ran and jumped out of the window. SuHwa is marching at the Parade, so he told her in a hurry to take care of his mother's pictures and belongings (this being his farewell to her).
So now, everyone is running, YS in front, and the gangsters behind him. Far below, the train is moving, and YS catches up to it. The rest come too late, even Su Hwa, who sadly sees Yo Suk disappearing from the far distance. And she called him, "Yo Suk!!!"

To be continue ....

Thanks to ...Priscilla...

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