
Barefooted Youth: Episode 11 - 12

Barefooted Youth: Episode 11

Cops are pushing and putting a confused and handcuffed Ki SungJae into prison. They took his fingerprints.

**********Soongjun's Car
Soonjung is driving, happily shaking his body at the rhythm of the loud music. His cell phone rang and he picked up.
SJ: Hello... What??? I'm sorry, what did you just say? Who? (He parked the car by the side. He tried to calm down.) Tell me once more, what happened? Who did what?

**********Police Precinct
Officer Yoo is waiting outside and SJ came running. Yoo started smoking when he saw SJ.
SJ: (Recovering his breath) What happened?
Yoo: Honestly speaking, I don't know. How can this be? I can't believe it.
SJ: Where's father?
Yoo: He's being examined by doctors. They are taking samples of his blood and hair.
SJ: What for?
Yoo: He's accused of... (Not believing himself) assault and rape!
SJ: Assault and... rape? (He laughed instead of crying) Does it make sense to you? Father is human too, so let's say he lost control and became violent. But what? Rape? Who are they trying to kid? What are they doing to him?
Yoo: They caught him at the crime scene. And the woman is pressing charges against him.

*********Hospital Room
The woman is laying on her bed, bandaged and bruised all over her face. Police officers are interviewing her and she looks scared and traumatized. She waves her hands, and she starts shaking.

*********Police Precinct/ Waiting Lobby
SJ: (To Officer Yoo) I'm not dreaming, am I?

*********Light Music Café
While playing his guitar, the musician recited a poem. YoSuk and HaeJun are listening.
Musician: Now I know.
If I must die for the sin of love, let me be burnt by the fountain of youth and die.
It was destiny that brought us together in this life a life twisted and torn by the silken shackles of restriction.
With you by my side, I will indeed take the boat that will send us beyond.
YS and HJ looked at each other. HJ is holding a coffee mug, looking and listening, and smiling. YS touches HJ's hair. She touches YS's hands.
The deeper one loves, should suffering arise?
What could I do with this unquenchable thirst?
In thorns covered by roses will I put you to sleep.
Your name that is hidden inside the roses all day long have I searched around the rosebush I got lost, drunk by the flower scent the night fell.
The wound at my fingertips
It's just like a tear drop.
Ah, this fatal obsession!
That I hold you, and still I search for you.

***********Streets of Seoul / Inside a Catholic Church
YS and HJ are walking, with YS a little ahead. YS turned around and held HJ's hands. She smiled sweetly and followed him. They're walking side by side now, holding hands. They entered inside an empty Catholic Church. They walkedto the front row, and sat down. There is a small candle, providing some light.
HJ: I was baptized standing right on this spot. Since then, as I grew up, I always said this prayer: "Make me love just one person in this life, that I may give my everything to him, and that he may become my everything." They both kept looking at each other. YS took something out of his pocket and put it on HJ's palms, closing it.
YS: It belonged to my mother. I always carried it with me in my pocket. On the day when I meet the person who could fit this ring to perfection, I shall put it in her hands. (He took the ring and fitted it down HJ's finger) If I think about it, my mother suffered much. She died having the love of her life buried in her heart. That ring, she said she got it from him.
HJ: Him... could he be? (They look...)
YS: (Half smiling) It might be him. She only really loved one man in her life. (The candlelight went off as a strong wind blew and closed the Church Entrance with a big "bang." Dark inside.)

**********Streets of Seoul
SJ: (Holding onto the sidewalk.) No, it's not true! (He cried and hitted the stand) This doesn't make sense...

**********Streets of Seoul // Near Sjae's House
YS and HJ are walking.
HJ: What should we do? It's really late! (Looked at her watch.) Wow, I didn't know the time went this fast. (They are hurrying up. A car horned from behind. They turned to see.)
InSu: (Getting out of his car) Are you HJ?
HJ: Yes, IS.
IS: (Walking towards her) Your hand-phone was off. Where were you? Your brother was looking for you. He asked me if I knew where you were. (He paused solemnly.) I think something bad happened to your Dad. He's held at the Police Precinct.
HJ: What?

************Police Precinct / Waiting Lobby
Yoo: (To SJ) You have to be strong and calm down. It's going to be really hard to prove his innocence, looking at the current situation. The best we can do is wait for the preliminary trial and petition for bail.
SJ: This is a set up. Someone is trying to destroy father.
Yoo: Even if it is so, whoever did it, did a perfect job. This has to be the work of a professional.
SJ: Professional?
HaeJun ran inside, followed by YoSuk. SJ saw them both. He stared at YS.
The door opened and 2 policemen dragged Sjae outside. KSJ covered his face with his jacket. Reporters are hurrying to the scene to take pictures.
SJ: Father! (He tried to touch Sjae but the policemen pushed him away)
HJ held her mouth with her hands, containing emotions. SJ passed by, he hesitated, continued walking. He returned to where YS is standing.
SJ: I really hope your family is not behind this. If they are, you guys made a BIG MISTAKE! (He left)

*********Police Jail
Sjae sat on the cold floor of the empty jail, looking dejected.

*********Dark Mansion
YS is standing next to MyungSuk, who's reading the newspaper.
MS: So, what do you want to know?
YS: I want to know if you're not behind this, really.
MS: You're disrespectful. No one else would ever dare ask me such questions.
YS: I just want to know the truth. Really, you're not involved in this, are you?
MS: Listen carefully. That's not my style of working. I like to confront my actions and not hide. Are you satisfied with that?
YS: Can I trust that?
MS: What a H#$%%^ ck! What kind of manners is that? If you don't trust your own father, who would you trust?
YS: (Looking down) I'm sorry.
MS: Give your brother a call. Yesterday, he asked for you as he was leaving for his Honeymoon.

*********Foreign Hotel
SY: (He's smoking and playing with the Cross-Words, talking to himself) How would I know this? (Knock knock!) Come in!
Sado: (Brings the newspaper) This is this morning's paper.
SY: (Continued doing the Cross-Words, without looking at Sado) Forget it. I don't want to be reading that on my Honeymoon. What's a word that starts with U and describes an ideal but imaginary society? U... U...
Sado: It's Utopia.
SY: Yeah, that's right! I couldn't remember that. (He fills up the blanks)
Sado: You must read the papers. K Sja was arrested.
SY: What? Arrested? Why?
Sd: It looks like he got drunk and lost control of himself. He raped and violated a woman.
SY: Really? K Sjae really did that?
Sd: It's true.
SY: (Laughed. He grabbed the papers) Wow, strange things do happen in life. So K Sjae lost control, hee hee. (YeJu entered) Hey, Kang YJ, come hear the News! Wow, this is really shocking (YJ is piercing angry and stared towards Sd) Look at this, YJ!
YJ: Hey you (To Sd), didn't I tell you yesterday to go back? Why are you still here? (She took money from her wallet and gave it to Sd)
SY: Hey, what are you doing?
YJ: (She counted the money) Buy a plane ticket and be off. (She put the money into Sd's pocket)
YJ: Hey Jang SangYup, you're no longer a child. Do you have to bring a baby-sitter to your own Honeymoon?
SY: What?
YJ: If you're going to be a gangster, act like one. Like your father.
SY: (To Sado) Go back.
Sado: Yes Sir.
SY: Act like a gangster? I thought you are allergic to gangsters.
YJ: I happen to be married to one. All I want is that my husband to excel in whatever he does, whether he is a doctor or a gangster.
SY: (Laughing happily) That's great!

*********Sjae's House
HJ is anxiously listening to SJ's conversation with Officer Yoo.
Yoo: We couldn't find any evidence that he's been drugged.
SJ: What do you mean? There's no other explanation.
Yoo: I did hear about a special drug the mafia uses. That could completely knocked a person off guard without leaving any trace of it in the body. If anything was used, it must be this one.
SJ: The mafia? That means that in the end, it's JMS.
Yoo: That's possible since Prosecutor Ki is the biggest obstacle for his sons' future. (HJ looks horrified) He might have done this for them.

*********Police University/ Pay Phone
YS: (HJ is on the other line) No, that's not true. Even though he's a gangster, he wouldn't do that. Not at all.
**HJ: (On her phone) He wouldn't, right? He wouldn't do that?
**YS: I asked him personally. He swore to me he didn't do it.
HJ's voice: (Emotional) Even if he did it, you have to tell me he didn't. That he would never do this. **********Police University/ Gym
YS is walking and meditating.
**YS's Flashback
MS: Listen carefully. That's not my style of working. I like to confront my actions and not hide. Are you satisfied with that?
YS: Can I trust that?
MS: What a H#$%%^ ck! What kind of manners is that? If you don't trust your own father, who would you trust?
YS continued walking, worried.

**********Dark Mansion/ Lights are off
MS: Do you know what I said when YS asked me?
JaeSik: I do. That is truly not your style.
MS: Have I made a mistake? Never before did I hit someone on his back. My pride would not allow me.
JS: Yes Sir. Even now, if it were you, you wouldn't have acted like this.
MS: (Sigh) That's right. I couldn't put SY in charge knowing KSjae would trap him. That's the reason.
JS: Today, he will get out on bail.

*********Police Precinct/ Waiting Lobby
Ki Sjae is getting out, a jacket covering his head. SJ is holding him. Flash lights go on, surrounded by many reporters. Sjae falls down. SJ carries him on his back.

*********Hospital/ Room
Sjae is lying on his bed, eyes closed. HJ is wiping Sjae's face with a wet towel.
SJ: (In pain) Father, can you hear me? If you do, please talk to me! You are the only one who can clear this misunderstanding. (Sjae moved his lips.) Father, yes, talk to us. (SJ moved closer to listen but received no reply. He started to cry.) Father, you shouldn't give up like this!
**SJ came back after a break outside.
SJ: (To HJ) Go home and rest. We shouldn't faint from tiredness.
HJ: I'll stay, you go home.
SJ: No, I have some things to do. So you go home first. And bring me some clothes to change. By the way, (took out a piece of paper) please get me these books.

**********Night Club Bar
Lawyer Suh is leaning against the sofa. Namee came in, followed by SJ who sat down.
LS: I thought you'd come yesterday.
SJ: Why did you think I'd look for you?
LS: I'm an expert at those kinds of dirty cases. (To Namee) What're you doing? You're looking at the man who will put me in jail some day.
Namee: Why wait? Do it right now.
SJ: (Humbly) Can you help me?
LS: Can you say that … knowing who my client is?
SJ: Have you ever cared about that?
LS: What do you want to know?
SJ: You know well what I want. Whose work is it?
LS: Who's in the hospital now? If no one's there, hurry up and go.

***********Hospital/ Room
Sjae woke up. The room is dark. He is alone. He sat on the bed and took the IV tube. He held the bottle with his hands and threw it on the floor. He cut his wrist with one of the broken glass pieces.
SJae's voice: I'm innocent. I'm telling you I'm innocent!!!

*********By the Lake/ Inside a Boat
SJ and HJ are inseminating the cremated remains off into the lake.
Voice of JaeSik: He didn't want to be buried.
HJ is wearing white kimono and SJ black men's wear, white gloves on, sending off "dust to dust." HJ is containing her tears, which fell from her eyes. HJ puts her hand on her mouth, crying in silence.
YS stood at the shore, waiting.

********Ko KangSoo's Office
KS: (Welcoming SuHwa) Wow, you came pretty fast.
SH: Why are you alone?
KS: Director Yoon? He'll be here any time. Sit over there.
SH: He's really coming, isn't he?
KS: Are you calling me a liar or something? I'm getting upset...
SH: No, that's not what I meant. I am just concerned.
KS: Soon, you'll see that no one in Seoul can look down on me. Meanwhile, let's have a drink. (He served a drink)
SH: I cannot drink.
KS: You cannot drink? What kind of actress are you? You won't be able to survive in show biz like that. Don't you know how aggressive you must be? Come on, drink this one shot. Your stomach will be ready to talk with the director then.

*******Health Club
DogN: (Tired, dropping down his weights.) We're the only ones here. Until when should we stay here?
MaeJu: Boss told us not to go back until he calls us.
The door opened. BangKe and his men entered. DN and MJ became anxious.
MJ: Who are they?
DN: They're JMS's men.
BangKe and TalBok come their way.
BK: (To them) Should we switch spots?
MJ: Yes, here, have this.
Both BK and TB put down the much heavier weights. To the amazement of the 2 little gangsters, they started lifting without difficulty.
BK: Hey boys, which gang do you belong to?
DN: We're... college students.
TB: Answer the question!
DN and MJ: (Together) Ko KangSoo, he came from ChungChan.
BK: I've no idea who he is but tell him I'm waiting for him to show his respect to us.

********Ko KS's Office
SuHwa looked upset.
KS: Come on, pour some more and let's drink (SH stood up.) Why did you stand up?
SH: You lied to me, didn't you?
KS: What?
SH: About the movie director. (She tries to leave but KS grabbed her.)
KS: Yes, I lied. Honestly speaking, how do you expect a guy who just came from ChungChan to know a movie director in Seoul? Besides, why would an important movie maker come to see you?
SH: (Trying to hit him) You evil! (KS grabbed her wrist and started twisting it.) Let go off me!
KS: I'm new here so I'm like this, but wait and see how I will not just survive, but I will climb high here also. (Sharply) In the end, I'm the only one who could help you, do you know? (He let her go) Go now. I know you'll come back for help.
SH: No way. (She ran away.)
KS: (Mockingly) Really?

*******Streets of Seoul
SuHwa is crying with disappointment, recalling …
**KS's Voice: You cannot drink? What kind of actress are you? You won't be able to survive in show biz like that. Don't you know how aggressive you must be?
**Back to reality.
SH: (Crying) YS, what should I do now? YoSukkk!

*******Sjae's House
HJ: (Entering) Oppa, tell me how this could possibly happen to us? How can this be? I still feel I'm dreaming.
SJ: (Without looking at her, thinking) That woman, sometimes, very late at night, when no one is around, she goes to the pay phone and talks to someone.

*******Hospital/ Empty Hall
The woman is on her wheelchair, going to a pay-phone.

*******Sjae's House
The phone rang, so HJ turned off the TV to eavesdrop.
SJ: Yes.
Voice of Yoo: We found it! This is the phone number of Inchon's Liquor Distributors. DoeJaeWok is the owner, and only 3 years ago he was the 2nd leader to ShinShaeKi Band.
SJ: (startled) ShinShaeKi band? That means... JMS?!

********Police University/ Outside Road
YS is walking down the road in his police uniform. He saw SJ and slowed down. He walked toward SJ, who waited. SJ threw his fist at YS. YS fell onto the floor. YS sat down on the floor.
SJ: (Crawling down) Listen carefully. Do you know why I came to see you? Because you're the only one that is at least like a human being among your family members. (He pointed) Tell those dirty mobster of yours: the real fight has just begun. I'm not going to be an easy prey like my father.
YS: (He stood up, surprised) Wait! (SJ turned and waited.) What do you mean?
SJ: You mean you don't know? If you really want to know, ask your Boss JMS. (SJ threw a mini-tape toward YS) Ask him to explain to you what that is. Then you'll know.

*********Police University/ Dorm
YS is seated in front of his desk, remembering.
**Voice of MS: Ok, it's true. If he tried to kill me, I would have died willingly. But I couldn't forgive that he tried to destroy the Gang, so I drew the knife in order not to die. But this was my first and last time I hit someone without warning. I'm ashamed of it.

*********Korean Airport/ Departing Flights
SJ hugged HJ, comforting her, "I know. This is the first time you started liking a man. But this is not right. Don't come back till you forget. And if you cannot forget, don't ever come back."
IS: (Approaching them) It's time to go.
HJ: (Turned around to IS, she took off her ring and gave it to IS.) If you happen to meet him by any chance, can you give him this? I'm sorry I'm always asking these kind of favours from you.
IS: No, I'm thankful that you asked me.

*********Police University/ Dorm
YS is packing his belongings. KS is helping him.
JiHoon: (Entered suddenly) Jang YoSuk!
YS: You were right. Police University is not for me. I realized I couldn't escape from the fact of who my father is.
JH: That's no reason for you to give up!
YS: Didn't you want this all along? I always made you upset. (Smiling) I think this is the first time I'm making you happy.
JH: But not like this! If you give up, I wanted you to have a real reason and purpose.
YS: Purpose? I know what you mean, but I'll never walk that path. Even if I meet you again, it won't be as a police and a criminal. (To KyungSoo) Thanks a lot. (He is leaving)
KS: YS, (giving him his police uniform) take this, it's yours.
YS: I won't need it.
KS: Anyway, you've been a student at this university. So you have the right to keep it.

********Police University/ Gym
DongJun is sadly waiting near the Gates.
YS: Hey, Kim DongJun, don't give me goose dimple kind of farewell please. Don't start talking like a woman.
DJ: I really wanted you to graduate. I thought you could do it.
YS: I know, you're a good friend. (Smiling) I'm sorry. (He hit DJ on the side.) I'm going.
DJ: (Raised his voice) Actually, Kang JiHoon really liked you, did you know that?!
YS waved from his back. He looked around the gym, at a group of students there. He took out his beeper and touched it.
**HJ's Voice: I wanted to say this without crying, so many times I took the phone but gave up. In the end, I can only say this one thing: I will promise you that I will try hard to be happy, even without seeing Jang YoSuk ever again.


Barefooted Youth: Episode 12

********Country Roadside/ Near the Lake
Black cars are lined up, running on the small Highway. They stopped and Sado came out from one of the cars. He opened the back door. SY came out, one arm wrapped around and bandaged. Sado followed from behind, walked towards the Lake. There is a man fishing by the Lake, hats on, sleeping under the sun.
SY: What you're doing? You should pull up now. (He didn’t receive an answer. So SY pulled up the net. It's empty.) What a life you have!
YS: (Sat up, touched his hat and examined his fishing rod.) I know a nice Stew House around here. Let's go.

*********Stew House
YS is pouring white liquor to SY, "Haven't you rested enough? It's been year and a half since you came back from the military service."
YS: I'm not playing. I work.
SY: (Smiling) Teaching at an elementary school without even a real license?
YS: How's father?
SY: Are you really concerned? He left all the Gangs to me, and retired. It's been 10 months already.
YS: Even so, don't you think you carry too many men around?
SY: I can't help it. We're at war now.
YS: Then, the arm too...?
SY: This? (He laughed and showed his bandaged arm.) It's just a scratch. One of those who father beat up in the past heard he retired and dared to attack me. The son of a b#$$%ch!
YS: Are you OK?
SY: Unshaken. (Drinking) Why, this liquor taste nasty. Sado, buy me some alcohol! (To YS) Let's get out.

********Countryside/ Near Lake
The 2 brothers are seated on the grass, sharing the liquor from the same bottle.
SY: Tell me. Until when are you going to hide your face in this desolate place?
YS: It's not bad in here. I have no plans to go back to Seoul.
SY: Don't worry. I gave up that hope long ago. The reason I came here is to tell you to be careful. There's some fake rumours going on that you're helping me to form a stronger Gang. So I heard some of them are trying to harm you. Crazy, don't you think?
YS: Is the situation that bad that they'll try to come here?
SY: (Took out a gold cigar holder with a bump in the middle) I would be dead if not for this.
**Night Club Room
SY was sleeping. A man came in carrying a box. SY woke up, "Who are you?"
Man: I came to deliver this, Sir.
SY: What's this? (The man drew a knife at SY's heart and ran out)
**Back at the Countryside
SY: I heard there's 5 to 6 different Bands planning to kill me.
YS: Does father know this?
SY: What would a retired man do if he knew? This is something I have to overcome. I'll kill anyone who comes into my way. You'll see. (He stood up) I'm going. (He turned around YS) I still can't understand you. You could have anything if you want. Money or women.
YS: Will you see grandpa?
SY: What for? He'll just throw insults at me! Ah, Ki SoongJun has finished his duties in the countryside somewhere and he's now back in Seoul.

*********Countryside Road // Elementary School
YS walks down the shore. He walked down the hall of a School Structure. YS sat in an empty classroom. He played with the ring, recalling…
HaeJun's Voice: I wanted to say this without crying, so many times I took the phone but gave up. In the end, I can only say this one thing: I will promise you that I will try hard to be happy, even without seeing Jang YoSuk ever again.
YS stood up and opened the windows to breath the fresh air outside.

********Elementary School/Playground, Night
Children are playing with fireballs. YS pulled out the ring and looked at it in the dark. He is surrounded by flying fireballs that were turning around and around. Suddenly, he saw someone. He opened his eyes bigger. He saw HJ's face. He stood up and searched for her, walked from one place to another. Lydia came in. That was her face.

********Night Club Room
SY is inside. Gangster bosses from other Bands are invited in. They sat in the front couch.
SY: Have a seat. I'm sorry to call you knowing how busy you all are, but you know me, I don't care too much about conventions. So let me be straight with you. Who drew the knife at me? (They were astonished)
Boss 1: Mr. Jang, we are people who worked with your father all our lives. We all want the best for you. I know what happened to you but this is not right. All of us here have many followers under us. You shouldn't treat us as one of your little ones.
SY: That's why I called you here, that we may have a private conversation. Tell me, you must know it! (He got no answer) What's this?! Among you, there is the owner of the knife. You've been together always. Does it make any sense you don't know who he is?
B1: Even in this dark business, there are rules to follow. There's no one who could speak to us like that except your father.
SY: (Smiling) So you cannot tell me?
B1: (Stood up) Let's go. (The rest stood up too but SY's men surrounded them, forcing them back to their seat.)
B1: Mr. Jang, did your father teach you this? Not even JaeSik would dare treat us like this!
SY: Sado.
Sd: Yes! (He started unbuttoning and he took off his jacket.)
SY: Let's hear the answer within 3 minutes and we'll let them go freely.
Sd: (He puts his arms around Boss1's neck.) Do you know the anatomy of the human body? A person's neck can easily be twisted, and life would be gone. I learnt that when I was 14. I'll give you 5 seconds. One, two, three...
B1: Wait!
SY: Who did it?
The door opened and BangKe came in with TalBok.
BK: Sir... (He bowed to B1)
B1: BangKe...
BK: (To Sado) Sado, son of a Bit@#$$ ! What do you think you're doing? Get off him right now!
SY: (To BK) Get out!
BK: Mr. Jang...
SY: I told you to get out!! (He bowed to B1.) Please, tell me who did it.
B1: (Scared.) SangYup...
SY: (Looking away.) Break his neck.
Sado: Yes, Sir. (He started twisting the neck.)
B1: Stop! (Taking Sado's hand away.) It's the kids from DaeGu. Juman's Band. I heard they were planning something. That's all I know. For real.
SY: (Bowed again.) Thank you for telling me. (To his men.) Take them home safely.
Men: (Bowed) Yes, Sir! (They left)
BK: (SY sat down.) Mr Jang, you shouldn't do this. Not even the Big Boss treated people like that.
SY: If anyone use the knife at me, I don't care who he is, I won't stay quiet.
BK: We are almost at war now, you have to be careful with people. We have to make … even the little ones come to our side, not go against us.
SY: Stop it! Are you scared? If you are, you can leave any time. I don't need this kind of men!!! (He turned the table over, and he left.)
TalBok: (When everyone else left, to BK.) Sir, what should we do now?
BK: What do you mean? We just need to continue what we have started. Do you carry weapon with you?
TB: Big Boss didn't like it so I don't carry it any more.
BK: Carry it. Look for one that fits you well. You never know when you might need it.

********Dark Mansion
MS is getting a back massage. JaeSik signalled to the nurse, and she left.
JS: Boss, it's time to go to bed.
MS: Why I don't see SY anymore?
JS: He's busy taking care of the Gang.
MS: I cannot stop worrying. Once in a while check him out and help him.
JS: Yes, Sir.
MS: And how come Suh YoungDo doesn't show up even after I call him? Even today, I told the boys to page him ten times.

********Night Club Bar
Lawyer Suh was drinking when JaeSik entered, ignoring Namee's words, "We're closed!" He sat down next to LS.
JS: We already credited the lawyer fees into your account. We're not giving you the money because we have too much money to spare. (Lowering his voice) I think you haven't realized how scary it is to receive gangster's money.
LS: I do. (He poured liquor into his glass) I believe I've done enough to deserve all that.
JS: We shall see about that. (He grabbed LS's pager.) I think this doesn't work. (He threw it onto the floor.) From now on, use this. (He gave him a bigger pager.)
LS: (Looking at it.) You came all the way here just to tell me that?
JS: When the Boss calls, you come. Do you understand?

SY: Come seat over here!
YeJu: (Looking around.) How come you're all alone?
SY: You don't like me to hang out surrounded by them.
YJ: Don't be stupid. Look at the circumstances! It's enough that you made me a gangster's wife. Don't make me become a widow.
SY: (Smiling) Don't worry. My boys are standing outside.
YJ: (Smiled back) Why did you call me?
SY filled up the glass with champagne and threw a ring inside when YJ was not looking. YJ drank and saw the ring.
SY: Do you know what day it is?
YJ: Yes, the day you kidnapped me.
SY: And the first time I confessed my love to a woman. It would give me goose bumps to just say the word. Even while I watch a movie, when they start saying "I love you" I want to beat'm up.
YJ: So, do you regret having said this?
SY: (He took YJ's glass and drank the alcohol, spitted out the ring from his mouth.) Here. (He put the ring on YJ's finger) Don't ask me to go to the Opera House this weekend.
YJ: No way.
SY: YJ...
YJ: It's college alumni reunion. It's my first time after I married.
SY: Honestly, I feel awkward there.
YJ: Why?
SY: Don't you know? Your friend's husbands must be all that. Doctors and lawyers. People I detest the most.
YJ: I'm not going to hide the fact that you're a gangster. Even if I do, nothing will change. So I have decided to be bold about it.

********Filming Scene/ Swimming Pool
A pretty girl is helped with her cosmetics and she is led down to the pool by the filming director. He carefully explains to her the splash of water she needs to form with a slow movement of her head and hair. He gave the ready cue and screamed, "Action!"
Everything seems to go well, and the extras behind just need to jump to follow... but one girl jumps too late. The director screamed, "Cut!" and he started yelling at SuHwa.
He apologized to the leading actress, asking her to try one more time. And to SH, (Screaming from far) "You better do it well this time! Next time, you're out!"
*********Elementary School/ Classroom
Elementary school students are playing with the computer.
Voice: Who are you sending the mail to?
Kid: My mommy.
YS: (Holding the kid's hand) Here, do it like this.
YS is going around the classroom, helping each kid with the computer.
Lydia: (Opening the door.) Can you answer the phone?

*********Empty Classroom
YS: (Picked up the phone.) Hello!
SH's Voice: How come you sound as if you starved for days?
YS: SuHwa.
Voice: You actually look nice with white shirts.
YS looked at himself, who is in white shirt. He looked around and saw her through the window. He hanged up the phone, walked towards the window and opened it. He smiled at SH, who was standing there.

*********Countryside/ Coffe Shop
SH: How's life here? Do you enjoy it?
YS: I like it since I can live without ambition.
SH: What kind of ambition?
YS: About money, success and people.
SH: It doesn't go with you.
YS: Why not? Sometimes I think it's OK to live like this.
SH: Do you remember when we were in ChungChan? I feel that's 100 years ago. It feels unreal at times.
YS: (Smiling playfully) You looked really pretty wearing such a short miniskirt at the Street Parade.
SH: Really? You really think so? (YS nodded) You didn't say that back then.
YS: I didn't even have the chance to.
SH: I thought I was like an ugly ducking in your eyes.
YS: What kind of ugly ducking can be this pretty?

*******Countryside/ Near the Bus Stop
YS and SH are walking.
SH: Thank you. I needed that.
YS: You're having hard time, aren't you?
SH: Actually, everything is fine. Soon, I may be doing a movie. I went to an audition and the director liked me a lot.
YS: Yes, you'll do fine. You're stubborn that way.
They stopped at the Bus Terminal. The bus came and YS nodded his head.
SH: Can I visit you from time to time?
YS nodded. She went inside and the bus moved. SH opened the back window, "If you really don't want me to, just tell me and I won't come. For real!"
YS walked back.

********Congested Street of Seoul/ Inside InSu's Jeep
IS: (Looking at his watch.) If this continues, I don't think I could make it in time for the interview. Sunbae Yoon, take care of the car, will you?
He parked the car on the side, gave his car keys to his Sunbae and got on his bike from behind the Jeep. He took off.

********Inside of an Office Building
Flash lights. Pictures are taken. A business looking man is posing on a couch.
IS: I thank you so much for allowing me to interview you even with your busy schedule. (His cell phone rang.) I'm sorry... (He picked up.) Yes... Yes? (His facial expression changed.) Where are you now? All right, I'll be there. (He hanged up.) I'm sorry, I'll show you how it all came up tomorrow. (He run out of the building.)

*********Boutique's Display Window
HJ is fixing the manikins. Someone knocked at the window glass. She turned around and saw IS. They smiled.

*********Inside the Boutique
IS is standing quietly, looking at HJ's face.
HJ: Don't look at me like that. OK, telling you the truth. I came here 10 days ago. And I've been working here 4 days already. (She sipped her coffee) I heard you are working at a Magazine.
IS: Let me just ask you one thing. That man... (HJ nodded her head) Really?
HJ: Yes, hard to believe, right? When I first went to Paris I couldn't do anything for a while. All I did was sleep and cry. I dreamt about him every day and since I couldn't meet him any more I thought I couldn't even breathe. But strangely, one day, I could spend all day without thinking of him. Then that one day became 10 days, and a month... then one day...
**Flash Back/ Room in Paris
HJ was sitting in front of her desk, blankets on, drawing from her sketch book. She was drinking coffee. Then she saw the corner of a picture. She pulled out the picture: YS's picture.
HJ's Voice: I realized then that this photo was the only thing I had left from him. (She burned the corner of the photo with the lighter.) I feel it is now OK for me to return to Korea.

**Back at the Boutique
HJ: And this was 2 years ago. Now, I completely forgot the man.

********Elementary School/ Jang DoSu's House
YS walked by DoSu's room and saw his grandmother ironing his police uniform. He stopped.
Lady: I left it in the closet and moths were growing.
YS: I don't need it anyway.
Lady: I saw you trying this on.
YS: (Smiled) Ah, that...
Lady: You shouldn't be ashamed of that. I told your grandfather and he was sad. I think he feels guilty. You're going to Seoul today?
YS: Yes. A friend found out about me and sent me a letter.

*******Countryside/ Near the Bus Stop
DoSu: (Walked next to YS.) At times, you will wish you haven't found your family. But what can you do? Whether you like it or not, they are your father and your brother.
YS: Yes.
DS: If we analyse it well, it all started with me. It's all my fault. So you could blame it all to me.

********Streets of Seoul/ Outside the Police Station
KyungSoo sent his subordinate home. He was going back to the Police Station when he saw YS.

*********Soup House
YS: Now you really look like a police officer.
KS: I heard your father retired. You are very special to our classmates. So we were very anxious when we heard about your father, afraid you would take over. But it wasn't so and I thank you for that.
YS: Stop saying nonsense and have a drink.
KS: I'm working now.
YS: It's past 6:00 o'clock. I know you're still wearing your uniform, but you can drink at least one shot.
KS: OK. (He let YS pour white liquor into his cup) Ah, have you heard about Kang JiHoon?
KS: He graduated at the top of our class and he went to America to be trained with the FBI. And he recently came back. I also heard he'll be working for the Criminal Office.

********Police Department/ Shooting Room
JH is practicing shooting, and when he stops, someone starts clapping.
SJ: I heard about you before but I thought it was just exaggeration. But now I see that it's not. I'm Ki SoongJun, working at the Criminal Justice Department. We'll be working together.
JH: I should have come to you. I'm sorry. (He bowed) I'm Kang JiHoon. (They shook hands)
SJ: I consider first impressions very important and I have a feeling we'll work pretty well together.
JH: Please, guide me well.
SJ: Are you aware of your job description?
JH: Of course. That's why I requested to be here.

*******Streets of Seoul
YS was walking, recalling …
KyungSoo's Voice: He'll work with Ki SungJae at the Criminal and Justice Department. Whatever he learnt at the FBI will be used there.
YS continued walking. He passed by the Boutique. HJ was working with the display window. They didn’t see each other.

********Inside the Boutique
HJ turned on the stereo, listened to "Love Affair," and drank coffee. She opened her schedule book and took out the half-burnt picture of Jang YoSuk. Continued listening to music.

*******Elementary School
YS was all by himself, sat in front of a piano, playing "Love Affair."

********Korean Traditional Restaurant
DogN and MaeJu are admiring the traditional instruments and everything else, waiting for their boss.
KangSoo: (Entered) They're coming now. Make sure you behave and don't make me ashamed.
The doors opened and Bangke entered with TalBok. They walked to the center and sat down. DN, MJ and KS bowed the big traditional ways.
BK: (To KS.) I heard you are gathering some followers at YoungDungPo. Do you know why I called you? Because you have guts.
KS: If you take me under you, I'll put my life on the line for you.
BK: This are hard times now. What I hate most are people who will betray you at the first chance. So I'm looking for loyal and faithful people. (To TB.) Did you hear me?
TB: Yes, Sir.

********SangYup's House
SY is preparing to leave.
Sd: Do you really have to go?
SY: Stop it. I promised her.
Sd: Then take the boys with you. There're rumours that the same people are after you.
SY: Hey, do you want me to advertise to every one that I'm a gangster? You too, stay here.

*********Opera House
Songs, music and dance are performed on the platform. SY is getting bored, "When will this end?"
YJ: (Whispering back.) It just started.
SY: I'm going nuts. People actually pay to watch this? (He started to fall asleep)
YJ: (Shoke him.) Go to the men's room and wash your face.
**Men's Room
SY is washing his face, whispering: "What a F u@## k! People pay 10,000 won to watch this? Are they crazy or what?
**Outside Men's Room
SY didn't enter the Theatre. He lighted a cigar. There's someone standing there. SY suspected something. His eyes scanned the area without moving. He saw several people standing at different corners.
Footsteps. Someone's walking towards him. He threw away his cigar. He looked at the person before him and ... "Bang!" He hit the man twice and the man fell. SY kicked and the other men started running to him and they surrounded him.
SY: Look at you Mother Fu@##$. Who sent you?
Man1: Why do you want to know that? You've been messing up pretty much lately. Stay quiet and we won't harm your wife. (He took out a knife wrapped in some newspaper and walked closer to SY. SY kicked him. The others attacked him. They door opened. JaeSik, Sado and others run towards the scene. JS stood behind SY, "Sado." While others were fighting, Sado tried to help SY escape, but they both continued fighting.
YJ walked outside, saw the fight and hid. SY saw YJ and run to her. They both hid.

********Dark Mansion
MS: (He's on the phone.) What did you say? (He hang up.) What a Fuc #$%!!!

To be Continue...

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