
Barefooted Youth: Episode 9 - 10

Barefooted Youth: Episode 9

*****Outside the Building of SungJae's Office
It's dark and raining heavily. A black car parked outside the building and a middle-aged man got out of the car and ran into the building. There is another car further down with some suspicious-looking men watching and informing about the new turn of events through a walkie-talkie.

*****Sjae's Office
The middle aged man is greeted by 4 men inside the office: Sjae, Officer Yoo, SJ and Prosecutor Kang.
Sjae: Welcome, I'm sorry I asked you to come this late. Please have a seat. Let me introduce you. (To everyone else.) This is Mr. Song JuSa, from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service, for taxes). He's an expert at hunting all kind of unlawful financial activities. And these are... (He introduces his companions to Mr. Song.)

*****Dark Mansion
JMS is laying down on a sofa, eyes closed. Phone rang.
JS: (Picking up the phone) Hello... OK, how many are they? (He hang up the phone. To MS) Four people are with him. His son is there, Officer Yoo, Prosecutor Park, and a fourth man with glasses who looks in his fifties. We don't know who he is.
MS: Find that out.

******Sjae's Office
Sjae: It will be a long process. I don't want to rush and make the same mistake as before.
Mr. Song: What should I do here?
Sjae: All their wealth had been accumulated unlawfully. Find out where the money came from, and if possible, where it is hidden.
Song: This may take years. They are not stupid, and they know this could be their death-bed, so they will be cautious about living any traces.

******Dark Mansion
MS: (Stood up and listened at the thunder.) It's raining hard. Tell the boys to come back and you too, go to bed now. (He entered his room and got to his bed. JS followed him.) I'm not the same as before. It's time for me to secure the future. Where did you say is the Police University? Tomorrow, I'll go see YS.
JS: Boss, you shouldn't hand out the gang to someone who doesn't want it.
MS: But I can't give it to SY.

******Hotel Room
SY is smoking and drinking, watching the rain through the window. Someone knocked.
SY: It's open.
Lawyer Suh: (Entering.) Once you told me you wanted to open up a Publishing House. I thought about it and it's not bad. (Handed out some documents.) Here, I wrote a plan and a lease on how you could manage an Editorial. The truth is, I like you. In a way, you are one of the few real men around. The only problem is that you cannot control your emotions. But definitely it is you who should take over the entire gang.

********Police University/ Prof. Park's Office
PP: Come in!
YS: (Entered and bowed) Have you called me?
PP: Come, sit over here. (He looked at his computer.) The report you handed in is quite impressive.
YS: Thank you, but you haven't called me for that?
PP: Why do you say that?
YS: You complimented me about the paper yesterday.
PP: Ah, really? Well, in fact, I wanted to ask you not to show up for my next lesson class. The topic is "Organized Crime" and I'll also talk about your father. I already spoke with the dean, so you will be excused. Just skip the morning class. I trust you, and I believe you will make the right decision, but some things will be really hard for you. You don't have to pretend it's not. Let's avoid those moments as much as possible. Do you understand?

******Police University/ Outside & Classroom
Students are marching, without YS. Students are listening to the lecture, YS is not there too.

******Police University/ Dorm
YS is in his room, looking at his watch. Sunbae entered the room, YS stood up.
Sb: You have visitors. These are not visiting hours but I made an exception this time. Do you understand?

*******Police University/ Outside the Gates
YS went outside. Two black cars are parked, and BangKe was standing there.
YS walked with MS. Bodyguards are following them from far.
MS: You look good in uniform. Your father too, when I was a child, I wanted to become a soldier or a policeman. Even now, whenever I see someone wearing uniform like you, I stare for some moments... (They continue walking.) How is school like? Are you being mistreated for being the son of a gangster?
YS: That, I believe, is something I have to learn to overcome.
MS: I see you are having hard time.

********Countryside Café/ Outdoors table
YS poured a drink for MS. MS drank.
MS: It was 1961, during the May 16th Commotion. I came home from school but there was a riot on the street. So I went with my friends to watch. It was a gangster fight and it was led by your grandfather. He was wearing a bandanas on his forehead with the sign: "I'm a gangster."
That's right. Now, your father is a gangster too. It would have been nice if I am a college professor or a doctor, but I'm not. Still, I'm not ashamed of who I am. Never have I killed anyone cold-bloodily even when money was involved, and I have not dealt with drugs either. If I knew any of my family is dealing with drugs, I made sure it stopped.
YS: I am aware of that...
MS: I'm glad you know that I'm not the worst kind of criminal.

******By the lake
MS: I'm tired now. From now on, you guys must take care of the family. It's a 40-year-old gang, so we shouldn't let it dissolve like that. I'll ask you one last time: come home.
YS: I'm sorry...
MS: Your father is asking you like this.
YS: I already told you before that father and I must walk different paths. I will never change my mind about this.
MS: (Firmer) I'm asking you again: help your father.
YS: I'm sorry.
MS: Son of a B$%^ !
YS: I'll come visit you from time to time. But only as a son who is studying at the Police University. I'll leave now. (He bowed and walked away)

********Police University/ Classroom
PP lectured on "Organized Crime" and is about to speak about Jang MyungSuk and YS entered the classroom. PP turned the subject around. YS sat down, ignoring everyone’ stares.

******Police University/ Library
YS is looking for a book and sees JiHoon standing on his way, reading a book. YS walks behind JH, reaching to the other side.
JH: Telling you the truth, I really can't understand you.
YS: That's obvious. You're not me.
JH: From now on, there will be many more situations like today's. Every time, we'll all feel uncomfortable because of you.
YS ignored him and went to a table to sit down. JH followed and sat next to YS.
JH: In the end, you will become one of them.
YS: That won't happen.
JH: That's your family's heritage.
YS: (Stared hard) I told you it won't happen.
JH: That's what you think. It will happen even if you don't want to. (Bang! JH's chair overturned, and JH was on the floor. Every student nearby stood up in alert, watching.)
YS walked toward the fallen JH and grabbed the collar of JH's uniform, "Listen carefully. I will never become a gangster!"
YS walked away annoyed, but JH smiled with satisfaction and touched his jaws. Sunbae saw YS left, with JH on the floor.
Sb: What's going on?
JH: (Stood up.) Nothing Sir.
Sb: Did you dare fight inside the school?
JH: Sunbae...
Sb: What??
JH: He didn't hit me, I just fell from my chair, that's all.
Sb: Yeah right!
JH: I plead with you Sir, just leave this as it is.

*******University Campus/Student's Room
Sunbae 2 is telling everyone to hurry up with the reports and projects. HaeJun entered.
Sb2: Ki HaeJun, your last project was rejected. Make sure it doesn't happen again!
HJ: (Hurried the work on her lab-top) Don't worry, I'll come up with the best design.
Sb2: Just talk? Show me the work.
HJ is typing when her cell phone rings.
InSu: (He is working behind HJ) Aren't you picking up?
HJ: I'm so busy. Who's calling me now? (She picked up her phone, held it with her neck and continued typing.) Hello? Who's this?
YS's voice: It's me...
HJ: (She held the telephone with her hand.) YoSuk?
YS's voice: You sound busy.
HJ: Yes, I have to finish this project and the deadline is right before my eyes. I feel I'm at war. But where are you now, at school?
Voice: No, I'm not.
HJ: Then where? ... Wait, are you OK? What's wrong?
Voice: Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm fine now. Good bye.
HJ: Wait! (Death tone.)
HaeJun hesitated for only a second, she grabbed her bag and ran out. Sb2 yelled at her, "Where do you think you're going? You're not done yet!"
InSu just looked as HaeJun disappeared.

******University Campus/ Outside
HaeJun tried to grab a cab but none stopped. She got discouraged. A red car stopped in front of her and InSu walked out.
IS: (Smiling) It's my friend's car. I just borrowed it.
HJ: InSu...
IS: What are you doing? Hop in! (He pushed her into the driver's seat.) Make sure you fill up the tank before you return it. My friend will go mad otherwise.
HJ: (Feeling guilty) Thank you.

*******Small Café/ near the Police University
YS sat at a round table, held a red votive candle near his face, and sadly turned it around. HJ ran inside the Café and saw YS's back. She continued looking. YS turned and saw HJ. He smiled, then continued looking sadly at the candle. HJ sat next to him and held his hands. YS looked at her. HJ leaned her head on his shoulders.

********Police University/ At the Gate
The red car stopped at the Gate. YS and HJ sat quietly, looking ahead. Both turned and their eyes met. They smiled at the same time.
YS: Thank you, HJ. You came when I most needed you. (He kept on smiling) I'm going.
HJ saw YS walked away. Suddenly, she opened the door and got out. YS stopped walking and turned around. HJ ran to YS and slowly lie her head on his shoulders. YS hugged her. They looked at each other. They kissed.

*********Dark Mansion
SY signaled and Sado gave a folder to JMS. JaeSik stood further down, listening.
Sado: This is the lease of the Publishing agency. We signed it last night.
MS: (Scanning through) Why did you do this unnecessary thing?
JS: It's not unnecessary. Look at this. (He showed the picture of Mr. Song JuSa) He's from the IRS and is inspecting all our financial statements. Ki SungJae must be behind this.
SY: The money we have is all unaccounted for. So why don't we transfer them into this business to "clean" them up?
MS: Tell me how. (SY stumbled with his words)
Sado: Let me explain. We'll advertise our books at the Newspapers. Then, we'll make sure they become best sellers.
MS: How would you do that?
Sado: It's simple. We publish them, and we buy them.
MS: We'll buy them?
YS: That's how we transfer our money. And we'll show IRS all the paperwork they want.

*********Dark Mansion/ Basement
The door opened, and people with flash lights walked down the narrow stairs. It's BangKe with his men, showing Mr. Song around. There are several coffins (piled up). They are full of money.
BK: These money belong to the old Boss Jang DoSu. He kept them here to use them for welfare activities.
TulBok: This are scholarship money, Sir.
BK: Is that right?
Mr. Song JuSa held a bundle of bills and examined them...

***********Sjae's Office
Song: Those were money that has been out of circulation for 10 years. According to our records, they claim that those are donations.
SJ: That means they are "lawful" even though they paid no tax at all.
Yoo: They already knew we will inspect them, so they are prepared beforehand.
Sjae: Very shrewd...
SJ: This is his work.
Sjae: ?
SJ: Suh HyungDo.

Lawyer Suh is drinking whisky, one shot after another. A girl came and took away the bottle, "I don't want you to be drunk."
LS: You look like my wife. If you want, we could live together.
Namee: Will you marry me then?
LS: No, I don't want to leave any trace of my existence in this life.

********Outside Theater House
YJ is greeting her friends "good night." SY has been waiting for her inside his car and started driving slowly, followed her as she walked.
YeJu: (Looking annoyed) You're impossible! You come here all the time!
SY: Hop in!
YJ: Are you nuts?
SY: (Got out of the car and grabbed YJ's hands.) I came by myself. The people who always came with me, I sent them away.
YJ: Is that such a big deal? Everyone goes around by themselves.
SY: I need to do something important tonight. So get inside the car. Please, don't make me force you.

*********Inside SY's Car
YJ: Where are we going? (No answer.) I am asking you where are we going!
SY: (Driving) I'm kidnaping you.
YJ: What?! (She tried to open the car door but couldn't.)
SY: Only the driver can open that door.
YJ: Stop the car right now! Stop the car!!! (She shoke him.)

*********Hotel Room
SY pushed YJ inside, locked the door and threw the keys away.
YJ: (She looked scared) You! ... If you touch me, I'll kill you!
SY: (Took off his jacket.) I would think so. I've never forced any woman to sleep with me. This will be my first and last time. (YJ held her neck tightly, scared.) I love you. (He pushed her over the bed.)
YJ: (Yelled) Stop it, you dog! Get away!! (She pushed SY and ran towards one side of the room.)
YJ: (Breathing hard) OK, I'll take off my clothes. I'll do it. Don't touch me. If you touch one hair of me, I'll really kill you. (She started to unbutton her blouse, with tears falling.) I'm now being forced to do this, but I swear to you I won't forgive you.
SY walked towards YJ from her back and puts his hands on her shoulders. She froze. He bottoned up her blouse and wiped away a tear from her face. SY took his jacket and left.

*******Police University/ Art Classroom
Students are painting chinese characters. KyungSoo and JiHoon are there.
DongJun: (Entering) Hey, JiHoon, the dean is looking for you. I think he wanted to know what happened at the library.
JH: That was my fault. So if he asks, you guys tell him that.
DJ: Fist-fights are forbidden here. So they won't just leave it like that.
JH: (Stops painting) Listen. I was not hit. I just fell from my chair. Do you understand?

*********Police University/ Dorm
YS enters as JH is leaving.
YS: Thanks.
JH: What for?
YS: The library incident has been closed.
JH: I will become a high ranking police officer some day. Does it make sense to have in my records that a gangster hit me? (He left)
KyungSoo: (Entering.) There's a letter for you!
YS sat down and opened the letter. It's from Manbo.
**Slides of Manbo
Mb's Voice: It's been 2 years since I saw you last. You must have changed a lot but I'm the same, working at the Theater. Have you heard from SuHwa?
**Slides of SuHwa
Mb's Voice: She went to Seoul after winning a Beauty Pageant. Right now, she must be filming a movie or something like that. (SH is reciting for a role, but she looks stiff and unsure. The director reprimands her.)
**Back at the Dorm
Mb's Voice: (YS is laying on his bed, reading.) Have you met her yet? She wrote down your address. (YS is thinking...)
**YS's Flash Back
YS entered the University after saying "good bye" to HJ and walked away, under the rain.
SH's Voice: YoSuk... (Really loud) YoooSuKK!!!
YS turns around but he doesn't see anything.

***********Outside Film Production Building
SH gets off a cab holding many shopping bags. Seems to stumble.
YS: What happened to the best music conductor of ChungChan?
SH is startled: "YS..."
YS: (Holding SH's many bags, playfully.) Wow, now you really look like a miss. Should I ask you out?
SH: (Blushing) Have... you eaten yet?
YS: (Smiling) Are you worried that I would starve myself? Well, I actually did skip a meal today. Let's go eat.

**********Soup House
Kimchee Soup is boiling in the middle of the table. SuHwa tastes it.
SH: Wow, this is it. The old fashioned way. I'm on diet, so I couldn't eat like this for the longest time. (YS quietly examines her as she continues eating.) So how are you doing? How do you like school? Did you make lots of friends? And what about meeting with girls? Although I heard it's out of fashion now. (YS continues observing her, concerned.) I've been so busy practicing acting... Sorry, I'm talking too much.

*********Outside Film Production Building
SH and YS are seated next to the sidewalks.
YS: (Finishing his can of soda.) I feel it was only yesterday we were in ChungChan.
SH: You always wanted to leave.
YS: Sometimes I wonder what it would have been had I stayed there.
SH: No way. You don't really belong there anyways.
YS: Where are you staying at?
SH: I'm with my aunt. I feel that if I work hard I may accomplish something here as well. I came out in ads already.
YS: Really?
SH: Do you want to look? (She opened her portfollio.)
YS glanced through the magazine and started giggling.
SH: It's my first time. That's why it turned out like this. But I will soon be on TV also. The producer said that I have potential.
YS: That's great! Ah... Have you by any chance come by my school?
SH: Not at all. I tried going once, but I have been too busy.
YS: I see. Anyway, since I now know where to find you, let's meet up often.

***********Inside Sjae's Car
Sjae: (He looked at Jang DoSu's picture, and started talking to SoongJun.) He is the beginner, but he is never a real mafia boss. He is more of a one-man gangster.
SJ: (Driving) But he has many followers.
Sjae: But it was nothing organized. Technically speaking, the organized mafia started with Jang MyungSuk. Anyway, Mr. Jang DoSu is the first person I wanted to see after I retire. Your grandfather sent him to jail, but he said that JDS was a real man.

*********Elementary School/ DoSu's Room
DoSu receives ceremonial greetings from Sjae. They are both seated, SJ continued standing.
Sjae: This is my son, let him bow to you.
DS: (Receiving ceremonial bow from SJ) Wow, he really looks like his grandfather, strong and confident. You must be proud.
The door opened, and a lady came in, bringing a table with food.
DS: This is my wife. (Sjae and lady bowed to each other.)
Lady: Nice to meet you. I prepared some food for you, but I fear is too scanty.
Sjae: Not at all. This is great.
DS: (To wife) Stay here and pour us some wine. (To Sjae) Let's have a long drink together.
Lady: I hope I won't disturb your conversation.
Sjae: No, please stay with us. (To SJ) You can go ahead and look around the school.

*******Elementary School/ Outside
SJ is walking around. He hears singing. He walks towards the sound, entering a structure and walking down the hall. Through the windows, he can see inside a classroom where Lydia is playing the piano. Children are standing around the piano, singing. SJ looks impressed.

*********Elementary School/ DoSu's Room
DS: I look back now and my life is just full of regrets.
Sjae: I feel like that as well. I'm trying to start over, fixing past mistakes.
DS: That's good. You're still young. Sleep over tonight. (To his wife) What are you doing? Aren't you pouring more wine?
Lady: (Pouring and looking at Sjae.) But how could this be? You still have so much to do. Will you depart so soon?
Sjae: Yes??
Lady: Don't answer the door of people knocking late at night. This is the sound of the spirits calling you.
Sjae: Pardon me?
DS: What are you doing? (To Sjae) Don't worry about it. This person has some kind of sixth sense but many times, she talks nonsense. (He laughs)

*********Inside the Building of Sjae's Office
Footsteps. A lady is walking slowly, wearing black boots and long earrings, wearing dark sunglasses.


Barefooted Youth: Episode 10

*******Inside Sjae's Car
Sjae: (To SJ) Drop me off here. I have somewhere else to go. By the way, how is HaeJun doing? I have a feeling she's seeing someone. Do you know anything?
SJ: (Pretending) Who else but InSu? It must be IS.
Sjae: (Smiling) Is that right? Till when are they going to call themselves "just friends"?

********Police University/Dorm
Sunbae invaded the room suddenly, left the door wide-opened. All four roommates got up to standing position.
Sb: What is this smell? (To DongJun) Take care of the laundry! (Looking around the room) Open the windows and wash the curtains as well. Are you going to have visitors like this?
KyungSoo: Visitors?
Sb: You didn't know? This weekend. You can invite friends or family. Although I would prefer you bring your girlfriends. (He left the room.)
DongJun: Wow, if I knew this, I would have gone to meetings before.
KS: Wait... Who should I invite? Let me first make some phone calls. (He ran outside)
DJ: Me too! (Followed his friend)
YS and JH sat on their respective chairs and continued reading.
JH: (Without taking his eyes off his book) Who are you inviting?
YS: (Reading) I haven't thought about it.
JH: If you'll invite your brother like during our Opening Day, tell me in advance, so that I can avoid him.
YS: (Looking up) Kang JiHoon, you know well I won't do that.
JH: (Returning the glance) To me it's a very serious matter and I need to make sure. He'd be my friend's older brother. So if he happen to come, I cannot ignore him. But again, should I greet a gangster? (He left the room)
YS's pager beeped. Someone has left him a message.

**University Campus/ Library
HJ is reading.
*********Police University/ Pay Phone
HJ's Voice: I was reading at the Library and I came across a nice poem. (YS is listening to the message.)
Now I know. If I must die for the sin of love,
Let me be burnt by the fountain of youth and die.
It was destiny that brought us together in this life a life twisted and torn by the silken shackles of restriction.
With you by my side, I will indeed take the boat that will send us beyond.

**Streets of Seoul/ In front of Wedding Shop
HaeJun is standing at an empty bus stop. She started to walk towards a Wedding Shop. She's looking at the wedding gowns.
HJ's Voice:
The deeper one loves, should suffering arise?
What could I do with this unquenchable thirst?
In thorns covered by roses will I put you to sleep.
Your name that is hidden inside the roses all day long have I searched around the rosebush I got lost, drunk by the flower scent the night fell.
The wound at my fingertips
It's just like a tear drop.
Ah, this fatal obsession!
That I hold you, and still I search for you.
**Police University/ Pay Phone
Phone is off. YS leaned at the side of the booth, meditating.

********Sjae's Office
Mr. Song entered the office, greeted by Sjae.
Song: Why didn't you carry your pager with you? I've looked for you all day. (Softened his voice) They're starting to move.
**Countryside Factory
People are unloading boxes from trucks and bringing them inside the factory. There is smoke coming out of a chimney.
Voice of Song: They have divided the groups and they're buying their own books. They took them to the warehouse and burned them. They already have 3 best-sellers in this week's chart. Here, look at this.

SY: (Looking at a bunch of documents.) What do we do with all these companies?
Lawyer Suh: Till when can you work with the editorial like this? 2 years is the longest you could go. These are companies selling raw materials to publishers. When you decide it's time to go, you start buying a lot of raw materials from these factories. Of course, in theory only, we'll have documents to prove it. Then, you declare bankruptcy. And puff, you will get back the amount of the bankruptcy, without paying any taxes.
SY gave a check to LS. In turn, LS gave it to Namee who just came in.
LS: It's yours.
Namee: What about you?
LS: I told you I want to become invisible.
Namee left happily.
LS: (Pointing at Namee) Isn't she pretty? If you want, I could introduce her to you.
SY laughed.

********Outside YeJu's House
SY is outside his car, making paper planes with the foil of his chewing gum. YJ walked by and saw him. She stopped, daringly.
SY: I can't believe myself. JSY is waiting outside of a girl's house? I didn't come to apologize. Don't expect that from me. I just wanted to see how well you live. I'm going. Stay well. And don't hang out too late. You should be scared walking by yourself this late.
He boarded his car and backed up, to go. YJ stood in his way.
SY: Get out of my way!
YJ: If you waited this long, don't you have guts to ask me for a drink?
SY: (Startled) You... If you call me gangster, and put me down again, I'll kill you.

********Inside of a Night Club guarded by Bodyguards
SY: What's the reason? Tell me why a good girl like you would follow me to this wretched place.
YJ: Do you really like me?
SY: What do you think? Why else should I be here? It's late. Let's go.
Bodyguards made sure the way is cleared and opened the door for them.

******Night Club/ Exit Stairway
The stairway is dark. SY and YJ stood quietly.
SY: Don't look at my face. Just listen to what I'll have to say and forget it afterwards. Today, on the way here, I thought to myself that I'm giving you a hard time. So I decided I won't do this again. I won't give you a hard time anymore. I know you must be ashamed to see me surrounded by so many gangsters so I promise I won't see you again. You don't match with me anyway. I'm sorry, I won't see you any more. That's why I came.
Voice: (The outside door opened and light shone through) Come out Sir!
SY walked up. YJ grabbed her. They kissed passionately.

*******Inside SY's Car
Car ran fast and suddenly braked … "Keeeeckkk!"
SY: Kang YeJu, I know you'll laugh at me, but I'll say it anyway. You (pointing at her), marry me.
YJ: What?! (She looked annoyed)
SY: I'm not saying this just because we've kissed!
YJ: Are you telling me to be a gangster's wife?
SY: I know you're all that, (screaming) but do you think any one can be a gangster's wife? !!!
YJ: Are you raising your voice?! Are you going to act like this even after we marry?
SY stopped, realizing what he just heard. He started laughing. YJ followed.

*****Dark Mansion
MS: (To SY) This better be true.
SY: You never take me seriously.

*******Dark Mansion/ MS's Room
MS: (To JS) Find out more about the girl's family. If he's saying the truth, there's no time to waste. We'll just invite a few of our friends and finish it. And how is the other thing going?
JS: Don't worry Sir. It's going pretty well.
MS: That's all I'm left to do. To secure a safe future by ridding off of all dangers.

******Sjae's Office
Sjae is about to enter his office. His secretary informed him that a woman is waiting for him.
Sjae: Ah, yes, I forgot the 5 o'clock appointment. (Entered his room.) I'm sorry I'm late.
He turned around to shake her hands. He's stunned. The woman with dark sunglasses looked just like Han SoonIm. She took off her sunglasses. It's someone else.
Sjae: I'm sorry, I thought you were someone I knew. Have a seat. (Both bowed)
**After examining the woman's case
Sjae: I'm sorry to say this, but I've never done a divorce case. My specialty is criminal law. Can I introduce someone who could really help you with this?
Woman: I don't need other lawyers. I need your help. That's why I came this far to see you. This is a life and death situation for me and I know no one else but you could help me. I plead with you, please help me.
**Explaining the incident to Officer Yoo
Yoo: Ha ha, so you decided to help her? Do they really look alike?
Sjae: I got confused at first. Later on, I wasn't sure, but it felt weird. (Changing the subject) These are documents from Mr. Song. Examine them carefully.

*******Night Club Bar
Policemen suddenly rushed the Club and warned everyone to stay stationary. BangKe's protests are ignored. They made all the employees sat down and one of the officers is giving instructions at them. BangKe seemed annoyed, and told his man to "call the Boss"
Policeman: We are from the government, and right now we are inspecting the financial situation of this place. Actually, we already know that there is a "hidden" book-keeping somewhere. We need your cooperation here. We are handling out some pieces of paper. There, all of you must write down your name and your National Identification #. Bellow that, put a circle if you have any information that could help us find the book. If you do so, we'll keep it confidential, but we'll also reward you with government funds and help you find better jobs.
After all the papers are collected, the "policeman" went through each one of them.
Policeman: I can that 3 of you have volunteered to help us. That's great. When I call your name, stand up. (Names are called. 3 waiters are surprised, ashamed and looking scared.)
BangKe: Didn't he say to stand up, you mother Fu@##$r ?! (The 3 waiters stood up, shaking.) Now I see who the traitors would be. (To "policeman.") Congratulations, good job, you really looked real.
Policeman: In fact, you acted more real than me.

*******Sjae's Office
Sjae is working. Someone knocked, "Who's this?"
Woman: (The door opened) Do you always work this late? Wow, you look really tired.
Sjae: How did you come here at this hour?
Woman: I was so touched that you took my case that I wanted to buy you a drink.
Sjae: I don't meet my clients outside work. You should go home now. I'll see you tomorrow.
**Sjae's Flashback
Woman's Voice: Oh really, do I look like her? Wow, you must have loved her a lot to remember her after 20 years.
**Sjae: (Shaking his head) What am I doing?

********University Campus
HJ is walking and sees a bike. She looks around to find IS, who is looking sadly at the water fountain.
HJ: What are you doing?
IS: Did you know that today is the 10th anniversary of the first day we've met?
HJ: Is that so? Really?
IS: Exactly 10 years ago I moved in front of your house.
HJ: You remember that?
IS: A Sunbae told me once that there's a hole below the fountain dragon. If you put a stone in that hole...
HJ: (Smiling) Your love will be realized?
IS: That's why on my first day of school I put a stone in there. But I think it's time I take it out. (He jumped into the pool with his clothes on. He walked to the center and held a stone in his hand, waving it in the air.) HJ, we can still be friends, right?
HJ nodded.

*********Ko KangSoo's Office
KS: (To SuHwa) Wow, you look so different now! I see the air of Seoul is doing you good. So why didn't I see you sooner? I was worried for you?
SH: Worried?
KS: Yes, think of me as an older brother from your hometown. You see, I already spoke with a movie director about you.
SH: Really?
KS: Of course, you can trust me on that.

*********Fancy Restaurant
YJ's parents are being introduced to SY and Jang MyungSuk.
YJ's father: She always said she would never marry so it took me by surprised that she changed her mind so suddenly.
MS: Young people nowadays are different than us. If they like each other, they'll get married on the spot.
Father: I'm sorry to ask you this question here like this, but YJ wouldn't tell me anything. What do you do for a living?
MS: (Took out a business card) I'm sorry, I should have done this earlier. We have a Publishing Editorial. Besides, we have few other smaller businesses. We also own an elementary school in the countryside.
Father: (His eyes enlarged) Wow, that means you are a family of educators. (To YJ) Why didn't you tell me this before? (Back to MS) May I also ask you who that man is? (He points at JS who is seated at a corner)
MS: He's my assistant and worked for me for 20 years.
Father: 20 years? You must be a great boss to have such employees. I could tell that you command loyalty from people.
MS: Thank you. What do you think about hurrying up the marriage a bit? We won't need any dowry, so how about next week?
YJ and SY are surprised, but kept quiet.
Father: That soon?
MS: Why delay it? We don't want anything big. Let's just invite our closest friends and relatives.
Father: You're a real man! I see you look at life differently since you're involved with social works. So we'll do as you tell us.
MS: Thank You!

******Elementary School/ DoSu's Room
DoSu is wearing a fancy Korean Traditional Kimono. (To his wife) Aren't you coming?
Lady: If I go, I'll be a hindrance. I don't feel good, as if something bad is about to happen.
DoSu: How can you say that right before a wedding?
Lady: This is not just about the wedding. I'm not sure, but it's something big, real big. (Lydia opened the door from the outside.) You stay outside.
DoSu: No, come in place of your mother.
Lady: No, you shouldn't do that.
DoSu: Stop it!

*********Sjae's House
SJ: (Looking at the mail.) Father, there's an invitation card. Do you know from whom? JMS.
Sjae: ??
SJ: His son is getting married. If you're busy, I'll go in your place.

*********Wedding Reception
The couple is walking around the different tables, greeting the guests. SJ is about to enter when he noticed Lydia, who was standing outside.
DoSu: (Calling Lydia.) Come inside. (He saw SJ and they both bowed)
SJ: Father could not make it so I came instead.
DoSu: Thank you for coming.

*******A Woman is Singing a Wedding Song
SJ can't take his eyes off Lydia. JS approached MS and whispered into his ears.
MS: Why today? Don't you know what day it is?
JS: I'm sorry, it just happened like this.
**The Woman continued Singing
YoSuk came in with HaeJun. They sat together around a small table. SJ saw them and his face darkened. SY saw his brother from the distance and waved at him. SY informed his father. MS examined HaeJun from far. SY signaled to YJ, pointing at YS.

*******Cheap Motel Room
Sound of Police Sirens outside. Sjae is wakened up by force. He seemed drunk. There's blood all over his shirt and arms.
Officer: Wake up! (Sjae doesn't respond.) How could you drink like this? Don't you understand what you did?
Sjae: What...? (Half conscious.)
Officer: You're arrested for assault & rape.
Sjae: ???
Officer: How could you beat up a person like that?
Sjae is forced to stand up. The woman is on the floor, covered with blood, unconscious. She is carried out by the police force.
Sjae is put on standing position even as he stumbles. He's hand-cuffed.

To be Continue...

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